Warring States Call

Chapter 1540 The Death of Shi Mai

Chapter 1540 The Death of Shi Mai
"General, we don't know how many troops are in the city! The enemy's army is increasing suddenly, could it be that Sun Yue's reinforcements have arrived!" The general behind him looked excited and hesitated.

"Reinforcement?" Shi Mai was startled, his face was a little gloomy, and he said for a while: "You wait here, I'll go find Li Dingguo!"


Shi Mai looked dignified, and immediately brought two followers, galloped his horse, and within a few breaths, he came to Li Dingguo, looking at Li Dingguo in front of the Chinese army's tent, Shi Mai immediately shouted: "Da Li General, there are suddenly many soldiers and horses in the enemy's city, presumably reinforcements have arrived, and it is not easy to fight now, so retreat quickly!"

"Presumptuous!" Li Dingguo's face was livid, seeing that Shi Mai didn't get off his horse when he saw him, but he was arrogant and pointed at him, making Li Dingguo not angry. Looking at Shi Mai, the general said, "As the general of the three armies, he is good at If you leave your post, you will be beheaded as a public display according to military law!"

The enmity between Li Dingguo and Shi Mai was forged three months ago. Shi Mai was domineering and murderous. When he was on the island, Gou Jian's subordinates were struggling. Li Dingguo hadn't shown his edge yet, so he gave in to Shi Mai again and again, but now with the emergence of batches of young generals, Li Dingguo and others, Shi Mai's role is getting smaller and smaller, and Goujian has already He was dissatisfied, and already planned to abolish or kill him, but this guy never made big mistakes, kept making small mistakes, and never gave Goujian an excuse.

Just half a month ago, Gou Jian came to the stage to worship the general. Shi Mai, who was full of joy, thought that the general belonged to him. Very dissatisfied, Li Dingguo made a lot of stumbling blocks both openly and secretly. Li Dingguo has been enduring it all the time, but now Li Dingguo can't bear it anymore.

Li Dingguo said before that if he dared to retreat from this sword, he would be cut off. If he broke his current promise, Li Dingguo's prestige would definitely disappear. How to command the three armies in the future, Shi Mai deliberately wanted to slap himself in the face.If Li Dingguo retreats at this time, will he take this soldier with him in the future?

"Come here! Drag this man who violated the military order to me, and kill him!" Li Dingguo stared at Shi Mai, and the murderous intent in his eyes became more and more obvious.

"Yes!" A group of loyal confidants gathered around Li Dingguo. At the moment Li Dingguo gave an order, hundreds of soldiers behind him immediately wanted to take down Shimai and execute him on the spot.

When Shi Mai saw it, he immediately shouted, "Who dares to touch me!"

With this roar, dozens of people who came forward were shocked. After all, Shi Mai is a local general, but Goujian's general. His prestige in the army is not small, otherwise, how could he be afraid of Goujian? How can it be compared to Li Dingguo, a boy who has just started his career.

Shi Mai let out a roar, and the two soldiers following behind drew their swords out immediately. There were many generals who had a deep friendship with Shi Mai around them, and they drew their swords directly to protect Shi Mai under the city. Some generals did not want to be trapped In a difficult situation, he immediately said: "General Li! Cutting generals before the battle is a big taboo for military strategists. General Li, please think twice!"

"Yes! General Li! Think twice, General Shi can't be killed!" The generals on both sides immediately stepped forward to persuade Li Dingguo, hoping that he would not be impulsive.

Li Dingguo looked at the generals and soldiers around him, his heart exploded, but his expression was calm and he said: "Okay! Let's give the generals a face today, and Shimai will take Yu Ran before dark, otherwise he will be dealt with by military law! "

"Hmph! So what if I can't attack Li Dingguo today! If the king doesn't dare to kill me, what are you, a brat!" Shi Mai snorted coldly, looked at the soldiers around him, and snorted coldly: " What are you doing in a daze, let's go!"

"Yes!" After hearing this, the soldiers around turned their horses around and were about to leave.

The general behind Li Dingguo whispered: "General! What should we do now!"

Li Dingguo glanced at Shi Mai's back, with a serious expression, and looked at the two generals who followed Shi Mai with a total strength of 2000 people. It was okay to follow Shi Mai without hesitation. Li Dingguo seemed to have fallen into silence. Behind Xiang Pianjiang, Li Dingguo stretched out his futon-sized palm, grabbed Pianjiang's bow and arrow, quickly took the feather arrow, looked in Shi Mai's direction, and snorted coldly: "You are looking for death!"

Shi Maizheng was bragging about how powerful he was to the soldiers on both sides. Li Dingguo's ostentatious attitude caused Li Dingguo to see that he was burning with anger. He was still a little hesitant at first, but at this moment he had no scruples and groaned: "middle"

"Whoosh!" Hearing the sound of an arrow, Shi Mai felt a chill down his back. He was riding a war horse, and his altitude was higher than that of ordinary soldiers. In addition, Li Dingguo had experienced hundreds of battles and was proficient in all eighteen martial arts. Combined with the two advantages, it is difficult for Shi Mai to survive.

"Puff!" Shi Mai only felt a tingling pain in his throat, and when he touched it, there was a bloody arrow on his neck. It was hard for Shi Mai to survive this time.

When the generals on both sides saw that their main general was assassinated, they immediately turned their heads and looked at Li Dingguo who was shooting an arrow with his bow. A partial general immediately shouted, "Li Dingguo, how dare you kill General Shi!"

However, Li Dingguo didn't say much, and shot at this general. When the arrow went down, the general was shot dead on the spot. I couldn't help feeling terrified in my heart, looking at Li Dingguo with a look of fear.

Li Dingguo looked at the people who were directly intimidated, and immediately snorted coldly: "Shi Mai violated the military regulations and should be executed according to the law. This general has already executed him on the spot. Anyone who dares to violate the military regulations will be punished without mercy!"

"You and the two battalions followed Shimai regardless of indiscriminateness. According to the law, they should be executed, but the enemy is at hand. You wait for the two battalions to be the vanguard tomorrow and attack the city. If anyone dares to be afraid of fighting, Shimai is an example!" Li Dingguo's voice was as if his heart and soul were taken in, and the hearts of the more than 2000 soldiers trembled. Tomorrow, they will have no choice but to charge towards the city wall under the leadership of the general.

Li Dingguo threw away the bows and arrows in his hand, beheading the generals before the battle, the morale of the army will definitely be shaken, and Shi Mai has many confidantes, if he wants to promote some people tonight, he must split up some people's troops and horses to reorganize, otherwise the soldiers and horses will not listen Before the transfer, at the same time, today's matter must be reported to Goujian, otherwise Li Dingguo will definitely not be able to escape the charge of arbitrariness. Li Dingguo has just killed Shi Mai. The current situation is the situation of oneself in the future.

"Order to withdraw the troops!" Li Dingguo rubbed his wrist, another day's delay, and the pressure spontaneously arose.

(End of this chapter)

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