Warring States Call

Chapter 1541 Han Xin's Worries

Chapter 1541 Han Xin's Worries

Li Dingguo had no choice but to withdraw his troops in the first battle because of the change of Shimai. The black sky gradually covered the golden sky. Lu Meng held the sword in his arms and walked back and forth in the city, surrounded the surrounding walls, and counted the casualties , Generals from all over the place are approaching the main hall.

Lu Meng was sitting on the main seat, holding dozens of bamboo slips in his hands, and said solemnly: "How is the situation?"

The yellow hijab was wrapped in red cloth, and there was no time to wipe off the dust on his face and the blood on his body. The steel whip in his hand was rusty, and he placed it on the sword stand casually. Huang Gai rubbed his wrist, and walked quickly to In front of Lu Meng, with a serious expression, he said: "Three people died in this battle, and more than 580 people were injured, including 1000 people who were seriously injured!"

Chen Wu and Jiang Qin also reported the results of the battle in front of them, staring at Lu Meng solemnly.

A total of more than 700 people were lost in this war. Compared with Gou Jian's loss, it is already considered good. Lu Meng looked at the battle situation in front of him and frowned. If this continues, more than 1000 people will be lost every day, and he can only last for more than 20 days , Such a result was beyond Lu Meng's expectation.

Sun Yue has already taken measures now and is waiting for Han Yi to come to his rescue, but Gou Jian's soldiers are too strong right now, and the pressure on Lu Meng's head is invisible.

"General! What should we do now!" Zhou Tai pressed the sword in his arms. The blood on his body and the tattered armor undoubtedly did not show the tragedy of this battle.

Lu Meng stroked his beard and said solemnly, "Maybe we can launch a surprise attack right now, but the morale of the enemy army is still there! He is full of energy, and he will wait for a few days before that bastard Li Dingguo shows signs of fatigue and bites him directly." The throat of his mouth will kill him on the spot!"

Everyone heard Lu Meng's words, and knew that this war still had a long and protracted battle to be fought. Unknowingly, everyone showed signs of exhaustion. After all, they were all human beings, and even human beings would be exhausted. How many howling miserable people in this city tonight How many people stared at the sky and couldn't sleep, and how many people died and left the bustling world.

Lu Meng looked at the map in his hand and said with a stern expression, "Zhou Tai! Lihui!"

"The last general is here!" The two agreed and stood up, staring at Lu Meng.

"The two of you are on duty tonight. Be vigilant. This time the army will work in two shifts! Don't let the enemy take advantage of it!" Lu Meng's heart was heavy. If the enemy harassed every night, in order to give the soldiers enough sleep, the soldiers and horses It must be separated, otherwise it is too dangerous.

"Your subordinates take orders!" Although the eyes of the two were bloodshot, as long as they survived tonight, they would have a chance to rest.

Within the Sui Kingdom
Han Xin's 20 army marched south, and the movement was naturally not small. Although it was mighty, Han Xin didn't show carelessness. On the contrary, he was very vigilant. Every day he dispatched troops, he must send more than 3000 scouts around to investigate, so that the marching speed was extremely fast. so slow.


Han Xin looked at the battle report in his hand, and a pair of tiger eyes looked back and forth at the battle situation in front of him, since the Battle of the Three Jins!After the end of the war against Lu!Han Xin never led the army alone again, but his situation was better than Wu Qi's. Wu Qi almost stayed at one point without moving, but Han Yi's honor and favor to Wu Qi was quite a lot, which made Wu Qi both happy and happy. Contradictory, the happy thing is that Han Yi attaches great importance to him, the paradox is that since the fall of Chu State, Wu Qi has only trained soldiers to repair the city wall, so that now Wu Qi can only do nothing in the city, watching Han Xin and others make great achievements in the country .

So now Wu Qi heard Han Yi say that if Xiang Yu made any changes, he would send troops immediately. This made Wu Qi uncontrollably excited. So much so that before the war started, Wu Qi was mobilizing troops, reorganizing his armaments, and even arranging a battle plan.

The generals in the big tent looked at each other in blank dismay. After all, Guan Yu had higher qualifications than Han Xin. He stroked his long beard, looked at Han Xin and questioned slightly: "General! Our army's marching speed is really too slow. Going down... I'm afraid it will delay the trip!"

Han Xin stroked his beard, glanced at Guan Yu with a flat face, and looked at the generals on both sides behind him. They all looked at Han Xin. These generals were honed from the bottom. They obviously don't understand Han Xin's approach.

Standing behind Han Xin were his three apprentices, one was Deng Ai, one was Zhong Hui, and the other was Meng Yan. Han Xin smiled calmly and said, "Generals! Have you ever fought the current situation in your life!"

Everyone looked at each other, supporting other countries, and breaking away from their own country. All of these hidden great threats. If you are not careful, the whole army will be wiped out. It is not that many generals have not thought about this problem, but they think that since they want to fight, then Go all out, finish the game early and go home early.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Guan Yu was looking at Han Xin, and said directly for a while: "General! Don't hide it! At least give you a reason! Otherwise, brothers have no idea!"

Han Xin took a look at Guan Yu and said with a smile: "Our army will never be defeated in this battle! Once the soldiers lose their morale, they will not be able to gather morale, and they will not be able to retreat! Therefore, we must step by step, and food and grass in the military camp are the most important thing. , If the enemy attack our food and grass, our army will die without a place to die! So, generals! There are people who don't drink!"

Many generals looked at each other in blank dismay. How can there be generals in the army who can't drink? Isn't that being excluded by everyone?
All the generals did not speak, and the atmosphere seemed silent. The second monk Cheng Yaojin couldn't figure it out, and said stupidly: "General, I don't want to drink! What do you want me to do!"

Cheng Yaojin jumped out, and Han Xin immediately laughed and said, "General Cheng, stop joking! If you don't drink, I'm afraid all the generals won't drink!"

"Hahahahaha!" Everyone listened to Han Xin teasing Cheng Yaojin, and the original dull anger began to break.

Han Xin stroked his beard with a stern expression. He glanced at the many generals and said in a low voice, "Qin Qiong! Yuchi Gong!"

"The last general is here!" The two tiger generals came out of the battle suddenly, with serious expressions on their faces.

Han Xin looked at the two of them calmly, and said flatly: "This time you two protect the food and grass, there must be no mistakes! The lives of 20 people in the army are in your hands!"

Qin Qiong!After hearing this, Yu Chigong and the two looked at each other in dismay. Seeing Han Xin, he immediately bowed and saluted, and said solemnly, "Don't worry, general! We will definitely do our best!"

(End of this chapter)

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