Warring States Call

Chapter 1543 Wu Zixu Conspires

Chapter 1543 Wu Zixu Conspires

After Han Xin deployed properly, the sky had gradually turned dark, and the only dusk was swallowed up by the giant black beast, like a glutton that eats everything, swallowing up everything in the world, not even the light left. Willing to let go.

Du Yu returned to the camp, planned the journey of the army to reach Qinghe, prepared sufficient food and grass, and marched overnight in order to reach Qinghe quickly. Approaching Qinghe scatteredly, only resting for two hours a day, and not lighting fires in the dark to avoid being noticed by the enemy.

Yuwen Chengdu is also not to be outdone, cutting down trees along the way, soldiers riding on horses, dragging horses, causing smoke and dust, and the enemy troops in the distance are going far away, as if there is a scene of thousands of troops, smoke and dust billowing, invisible It is clear that just the sound of the attack makes people feel different, and the most important thing is that the scouts of the enemy army in the distance dare not approach easily to find out the truth.

The scout is not an idiot, if you run over foolishly, what is it if you are not courting death.

Zhu Yuanzhang was sitting on the big tent, stroking his beard, his face looked dignified, the situation reported by the more than 30 scouts below were similar, although there were some errors, but Zhu Yuanzhang had a little bottom in his heart.

Zhu Yuanzhang stroked his beard, looked solemnly, and looked at the generals on the left and right. Li Wenzhong and Xu Da had already been dispatched by Zhu Yuanzhang. Apart from these two, Wu Zixu was probably the only one who could be regarded as No. 1 in the army. This person who is known as the third general of the Wu Kingdom, now facing Zhu Yuanzhang's menacing eyes, stroking his gray beard, his drowsy eyes burst out with sharp eyes, staring at the map, and said solemnly: "Your Majesty ! Now the enemy has come! But we don't know the depth yet, so be careful!"

Zhu Yuanzhang listened, looked at a scout below, and said with a serious expression: "How many scouts have not returned!"

"General Qi! There are still two people who have not returned!" The scout kneeling below said with a serious expression on his face.

Zhu Yuanzhang frowned, staring at the scouts below, and said solemnly: "Have you ever seen a corpse!"

"No!" The scout answered Zhu Yuanzhang's question truthfully, and his whole body trembled.

Zhu Yuanzhang frowned, waved his hand and said, "Go down!"


Zhu Yuanzhang rubbed his eyebrows, looked down at Zhu Di, and said calmly, "Second brother! What do you think!"

When Zhu Di heard Zhu Yuanzhang calling him, there was a gleam of joy in his eyes. Isn’t it because Zhu Yuanzhang valued his performance? Zhu Di glanced at the map in front of him and said in a low voice, “Father! The enemy army is unknown now. It will definitely suffer! Right now, there are two strategies!"

"If you have anything to say, just say it! Don't play this game for Gu!" Zhu Yuanzhang is obviously tired of Zhu Di's playing hard to get, it's fine for others, but for himself, it's not that he thinks his life is too long.

Zhu Di was stunned by Zhu Yuanzhang, so naturally he didn't dare to talk nonsense, and immediately said: "First, send a light cavalry to harass and sneak attack from the side, to test the strength and reality of the enemy army, and second, send someone to send a letter to Xiang Yu and Ji Fa , let the two of them send troops to test, but this strategy is somewhat hindered, and the two of them will definitely not send troops easily! So the first strategy should be the main one!"

"But the cavalry is the main force of our army! If it is really the enemy's army! It is easy to swallow the elite of our army. Without the cavalry, we will be very passive in the face of Han Xin's cavalry! You must know that Yan and Han are different. There must be no shortage of war horses in South Korea. If we lose the cavalry, we will not be able to compete with Han Xin’s cavalry, and we will be passive. We will lose the battle before it is fought!” Zhu Zhanji standing behind Zhu Di His face was solemn, he glanced at the map in front of him, and said immediately: "In the Qinghe area, Han Xin must cross the river if he wants to go south, it is the best ambush point for our army. Come, take advantage of his unsteady footsteps and unknown formation, and attack and kill him! We will definitely win a big victory!"

"But what if the enemy army divides up?" Zhu Di looked at Zhu Zhanji with a smile in his eyes, and this rhetorical question made Zhu Zhanji a little speechless, his brain was working extremely fast, but he couldn't jump out. half a word.

Seeing that Zhu Di gradually gained the upper hand, Zhu Yuanzhang knew that although Zhu Di's strategy was effective, it was the result of killing one thousand enemies and self-defeating eight hundred, and even one carelessness would wipe out the entire army.

But right now there was no good suggestion, so the contradictory Zhu Yuanzhang put his eyes on Wu Zixu again, and said solemnly, "What do you think, Zixu!"

Wu Zixu stroked his beard, and said calmly: "Qinghe is not big! It is not small! If it is intercepted in the river, the effect will be much better. Moreover, Korean soldiers are good at fighting in mountains, forests and land! They are not good at water warfare, but We must use our strengths and avoid weaknesses, if the situation in this battle is favorable, it may be the place where Han Xin's halberd falls to the ground!"

"Hiss...!" After hearing Wu Zixu's glance, everyone felt their scalps go numb. This strategy is not bad. Although Han Xin is good at fighting, he is not good at water warfare. This battle may make Wu Zixu's name go down in history.

Zhu Yuanzhang listened to Wu Zixu's suggestion, stroked his beard, and said with emotion: "Wu Zixu can be worth a hundred thousand soldiers!"

"Your Majesty's second praise!" Wu Zixu stroked his beard with a smile and said indifferently.

"All generals listen to the order!" Zhu Yuanzhang shouted suddenly.

"Here!" Many soldiers shouted in unison, but the momentum was extraordinary.

"Yang He, Tang He!" Zhu Yuanzhang rubbed his wrist and said calmly.


"Here!" The two-yuan general stood up. Yang He, the soldier at the top, had a thin complexion, and there was not much flesh on his body. Looking at the situation, he seemed to be overindulgent, and he could almost seriously suspect that if this guy went to the battlefield, would he be able to fight? He can lift a sword.

But Tang Heke was different, holding a bronze sword in his hand, eight feet long, with a natural aura, like a cunning fox, shrewd and wise.

"Order you two to collect warships for several days and store them in the upper reaches of the Qinghe River. Once Han Xin crosses the river, our army will surely kill Han Xin by surprise!" Zhu Yuanzhang looked serious, with a vague smile in his eyes and chill.

"Decree!" The two won the general order. Compared with Tang He's lament, Yang He breathed a sigh of relief. With his small physique, he would die if he stepped forward. The task of collecting warships was much easier, at least not. No danger, just call your men to collect warships overnight.

(End of this chapter)

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