Chapter 1544
"Wu Yunzhao, Wu Jianzhang, Wu Tianxi!" Zhu Yuanzhang said calmly, stroking his beard and staring at the three of them calmly.

"The end is here!"


"The last general is here!" The three young generals urged their horses to come out. Among them, Wu Yunzhao has shown his sharpness these years. He used to fight Sun Ce evenly, and easily provoked the conflict between Xiang Yu and Sun Ce, and was favored by Zhu Yuanzhang. The most important thing is that this young general is more obedient, and he is much stronger than the two rebellious boys Lu Bu and Ying Bo.

"You three, follow Wu Zixu's arrangement. When the enemy army crosses the river, go south with Wu Zixu, and you must defeat Han Xin in one fell swoop!" Zhu Yuanzhang said solemnly.

"No!" The four of them stood up together, with stern expressions, and a pair of tiger eyes bursting out with determination, like a subdued tiger, as long as he is willing, he will jump out in an instant and kill his opponent.

"Lü Bu! Ying Bu! Ji Bu, Luan Bu, you four, line up on the bank of the Qinghe River, and wait for Gu's order. If there is no Gu's order, you must not retreat, or you will be beheaded on the spot!" Zhu Yuanzhang looked serious, Obviously this time, he wants to oppress the four people around him, and he must win Han Xin no matter what. This is also Zhu Yuanzhang's determination, after all, success is at this moment.

Xu Da and Li Wenzhong are completely fake tigers now, number one!The prestige of the two made Sun Yue dare not act rashly, the second!The two of them set up a suspicious formation to confuse Sun Yue, and the third one!It was announced to the outside world that the 25 soldiers and horses going south this time were actually only 15. Most of the troops of the entire Wu Kingdom were concentrated here, that is, [-] soldiers and horses. This group gathered most of the elite soldiers and generals of the Wu Kingdom.

"This big battle is very important! I hope all the generals will do their best!" Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the crowd with a stern expression, pressed his left hand to his chest, and said with a stern expression: "Wu will win! Wu will win!"

"Wu will win! Wu will win!"

"Wu will win! Wu will win!"

"Wu will win! Wu will win!"

Although the morale of many generals is not high, they are also full of energy, as if this is a war that must be won.

At the same time, Zhu Yuanzhang also passed the news to Xiang Yu and Ji Fa. Naturally, Ji Fa divided his troops into two groups and handed over one route to Commander Pang Shigu, who led [-] troops south to help Zhu Yuanzhang. On the opposite side of Han Yi, depending on the situation, it was planned to fight to the death, and the other road was handed over to Tan Daoji, who was asked to guard the key points to prevent Cao Cao from going south and causing unnecessary trouble.

But now there is only one Xiang Yu left, and now Xiang Yu's situation is unknown, it's not that Xiang Yu is indecisive, but that the entire court is divided into two.

The civilian group headed by Fan Zeng believes that this battle should not be participated in, come on!Since Zhu Yuanzhang gave up the seven city walls to the west, the land of Wu State has never bordered Han Yi, but the situation of Xiang State is different, secondly!Xiang Guo's land has been fully bordered by Han Yi. If there is a war with Han Yi, Xiang Guo will become Zhu Yuanzhang's watchdog in an all-round way.Han Yi has become the overlord of the Central Plains. The reason why he has not attacked Xiang Guo these years is because he is afraid of Xiang Yu's ability, but the most important thing is that he is afraid that Liu Yu will launch a sneak attack here, and he will be easily attacked by the enemy. Now that Liu Yu has been destroyed, Yan Guo has become Han Although Zhao Yong, Yi's best friend, died, Zhao Zhang continued Zhao Yong's policy during his lifetime and married South Korea. The relationship between the two countries is not bad.

Even though there is a tiger-wolf division of Qin State in the west, Han Yi hoarded 20 heavy troops in Wangye. Sun Wu and Yue Fei joined forces to form the original defense line of Wei State and Han State. To fight out, it is unrealistic without a base of 60 soldiers and horses.

However, the military general who thinks about fighting thinks that Han Yi's battle is almost done right now. As long as Han Yi's general Han Xin is wiped out, only Wu Qi will be left in South Korea who can take on the heavy responsibility, and how can Wu Qi be Ju? !item!The opponent of Wu Three Kingdoms.

It has to be said that these generals' thinking about the battle situation is too simple, or too idealistic.

Xiang Guo!above the hall

Xiang Yu was sitting on the throne, playing with his Overlord Sword in his hand, with a calm face, listening carefully to the quarrel of the people below, but he didn't say a word.

Fan Zeng looked at the chattering generals on the opposite side, and suddenly scolded: "Since you generals are so confident! Then everyone, please answer a few questions for the old man. If you can answer the old man! I won't talk too much today!"

As for the generals, since Long Qie died, Xue Ju has become the backbone of the generals. Looking at the imposing Fan Zeng, he said, "Excuse me, Prime Minister Fan!"

"Ask all the generals! Who can stop Han Qinhu! Wu Qi! Cao Cao! Feng Yi! Le Yi! Gongsun Yan! Yue Fei! Zhang Liao! Sun Wu! Han Ming! Huo Qubing! Chen Qingzhi's soldiers!" Bombshell, the generals below all felt their scalps tingling. These generals are all famous generals under Han Yi.

Among them, Chen Qingzhi was the most recent one, and Xue Ju had even fought against him personally, and his defeat was incomparable, Gongsun Yan!Cao Cao!Han captures the tiger!Needless to say, the four of Wu Qi were all generals who defeated the strong with the weak, and they all had great reputations on the list of famous generals.

Le Yi, a famous general of Yan State, Sun Wu, a famous general of Wu, and Sun Tzu is a master of military art!The abilities of the two of them needless to say, Yue Fei!The second general Zhang Liao fought against Qin's 25 tiger and wolf division with weak troops, Feng Yi!Although Huo Qubing and the two are not so famous, Huo Qubing is well known in the world for killing Lingshou alone with [-] soldiers. Feng Yi is the general who fought against Xiang Guo in the past. Opening his mouth, Kuangzhang drew his sword and killed himself, the famous general of Qi State.

As for Han Ming, the son of Han Yi, he has wiped out 30 people in the grassland at a young age. If any of these people is chosen at will, which one is not famous.

The generals were left speechless by Fan Zeng's question, their lips were dry, and they cursed inwardly: Damn it, this old fox Fan is trying to make things difficult for them, one of these people is a soft persimmon, isn't he trying to slap them in the face? ?
Xue Ju frowned, Humen stared at Fan Zeng and said, "Master Fan! You've grown up others' ambitions and destroyed your own prestige, right?"

"Han Yi's twelve brave generals are not Han Xin. As long as the generals dare to say that they can stop eight of them, I won't mention it anymore!" Sleeves, close your eyes and rest your mind, as if nothing to do with yourself.

Many generals were so choked that they couldn't speak, they all looked at Xiang Yu above, as if to say more, you should speak quickly, my lord.

(End of this chapter)

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