Warring States Call

Chapter 1545 Zhao Yang

Chapter 1545 Zhao Yang
The quarrel between the civil and military ministers gradually decreased. Originally, the public said that the public had a reason, and the woman said that the woman had a reason, but with Fan Zeng's sharp questioning, most of the generals were speechless, and they could only focus on Xiang Yu.

Xiang Yu looked as if nothing had happened, and kept playing with and wiping the Overlord Sword in his hands. This is the national sword of Chu State. Xiang Yu also absorbed a large number of Chu nobles and slaves attached to them. Even in these years, some people have broken away from Liu Bang's rule, rushed to Xiang State, and moved their families, which made the population of Xiang State continue to grow. The increase also gave Xiang Yu the idea of ​​a broad army. The original Xiang State had only 25 soldiers and horses, which was about the same as Zhu Yuanzhang's national strength.

However, a few years ago, Longqi's [-] soldiers and horses went south and returned in a big defeat. Longqi, the leader of Xiang Yu's five tiger generals, died in the hands of Han Guangwu Emperor Liu Xiu, and the [-] soldiers and horses were completely wiped out. He survived and became Liu Bang's slave, helping him build city walls and palaces.

This also made Xiangguo's military strength only maintain at 25, and there are still [-] new recruits. The combat effectiveness is not very tyrannical, and some of them have not even seen blood before.

When Xiang Yu heard that the crowd was not arguing, he immediately looked at the crowd, and said in a voice like thunder: "Yafu! There is only one question that I can't understand, please ask Yafu to explain it!"

"Please speak, Your Majesty!" Fan Zeng is very respectful to Xiang Yu, and he is not as rebellious as before. He Fan Zeng is loyal to his Xiang clan, but he also knows how to be wise and protect himself, so naturally he will not try to save Xiang Yu's face. things.

"How about Han Yi!" Xiang Yu squinted his eyes, his pupils looked like an elite tiger. If eyes could kill, Fan Zeng's chest had already been pierced by Xiang Yu.

"Han Yi has always been ambitious. Watch him annihilate the Eight Kingdoms and check and balance Yanzhao, and you will know that this person has the ambition to annex the universe!" Fan Zeng said solemnly.

"For such an ambitious person, being alone under him is shakubuku. Yafu thinks, if you are Han Yi, how should you deal with yourself!" Xiang Yu seemed to have a rare open-eyed glance. It cannot be denied that although Xiang Yu was a bit emotional, But his extraordinary talent on the battlefield gave Xiang Yu a keen sense of smell, which is also an important wish for Xiang Yu to win every battle.

"This..." Fan Zeng was a little speechless when Xiang Yu asked.

Xiang Yu said calmly, "All generals obey orders!"

As soon as Xiang Yu said, many generals were in high spirits, but Fan Zeng felt that he was exhausted. The geographical location of Xiang State is really helpless. Like Ju State, it can only be reduced to the watchdog of Wu State, but if it does not turn against Han How does Yi compete in the Central Plains? When Han Yi is strong and strong, the fate of Xiang Guo will eventually perish.

"Li Cunxu, Shan Xiongxin, Shan Xiongzhong, Shan Yangui, Shan Tianchang, Shan Xing, you and others led 5 troops to guard Dengcheng, not to fight, and strictly prevent Wu Qi from going south. As long as you stop Wu Qi, you have made a great contribution !" Xiang Yu looked solemn, and took out a piece of Wang Ling and handed it to Li Cunxu.

Li Cunxu looked at Xiang Yu's resolute double pupils, and said with a firm face: "I will do my best! Even if I am smashed to pieces, I will definitely not let Wu Qi go south to Dengcheng for half a step!"

Xiang Yu showed a satisfied smile, and then looked down at the crowd. Except for Xue Ju, the only people left are Yu Ziqi, Zhong Limei, Jing Si, and Heng Chu, but the abilities of the four are also not enough. To put it bluntly, Xiang Yu stroked his beard, and now Zhuge Liang is taking over Han Xin's defense of the northern defense, but this person is still unknown.The only record that can be obtained is to rush to the rescue of Shu, but it is also defeated.

Fan Zeng saw that Xiang Yu was still only using his confidant as before, so he immediately picked up the jade pendant in his hand, and signaled Xiang Yu not to behave like this, but to learn to check and balance.

This made Xiang Yu frown and felt very upset, but now there is really no one under his command, so he finally made up his mind and set his sights on the ministers who were left behind. One of them is still very similar to Xiang Yu's appetite. one use.

"Zhaoyang!" Xiang Yu said calmly.

At the age of [-], Zhaoyang should have displayed his talents, but the state of Chu perished, which also made Zhaoyang's jewels dusty. Today, Zhaoyang is wearing light armor, because Zhaoyang is a military general, and he is also a pioneer. The generals of Chu were very wary of Xiang Yu, the general of the pre-Chu, because they used the banner of restoring Chu every day, which made Xiang Yu very upset.

Zhaoyang's local military generals are Ling Yin of Chu State and Shangzhu State.In the sixth year of King Wei of Chu, Zhaoyang led an army to attack the State of Yue, killed Wujiang, the king of the State of Yue, and merged Xinghua into the State of Chu.Later, Zhaoyang led his troops to attack the State of Wei and won the eight towns of Xiangling, which was known as the "Battle of Xiangling between Chu and Wei" in history. It shocked Qi, Yan, Zhao, Wei, Qin, and Han. .

Throughout history, when it comes to Chu, people immediately think of Qu Yuan or Xiang Yan, but they simply ignore this famous general of Chu.

"Here!" Zhaoyang looked indifferent, and strode forward, his whole person was a little more mighty and extraordinary, just looking at this power, it was not easy.

"Give you 5 troops under the command of Heng Chu, Yang Youji, Xiang Qu, Xiang Xiang, Xiang Ying, and Fang Tianding to guard Juyang and prevent Zhuge Liang from going south!" Xiang Yu still didn't trust Zhaoyang. While Zhaoyang led the army, he also asked his subordinates to check and balance Zhaoyang. Once he made a change, it was not impossible to kill him with a backhand.

Zhaoyang frowned, looking at Xiang Yu's self-willed face, Zhaoyang was 1 unhappy, but as the only Chu general in command of the army, Zhaoyang had to endure, facing Xiang Yu's oppression, Zhaoyang also knew Involuntarily, he cupped his hands and said, "I will definitely do my best!"

After hearing this, Xiang Yu nodded his head. He looked at the many generals, and said immediately: "Send [-] troops and go south immediately. All the generals in the army will participate in this battle. All the important matters in Pengcheng will be handed over to my father!"

"I'll wait for orders!" Many generals began to fight, as if they had been waiting for this war for a long time.

In the past few days, Han Xin has been vaguely worried. The unknown situation has made Han Xin's scalp numb. All the movements of the army are in the dark. This is very passive. The 20 army was bound to be destroyed in an instant. In order to inoculate himself, Han Xin did not hesitate too much, and directly asked Nangong Shi and Li Cunxiao to work together to take down Xiayu City. As long as a hundred people belong to the north bank of Wu State, they belong to the chicken ribs. It is useless to want them, and it is a pity to discard them.

(End of this chapter)

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