Warring States Call

Chapter 1650 2 Marquis

Chapter 1650 Twelve Marquis
"Is there any way to come quickly! Don't play tricks here!" Han Yi obviously didn't have the patience to listen to Guo Jia's tricks in front of him.

"Your Majesty has sent Fucha's son back! And started to support him! Zhu Yuanzhang has lost the hearts of the people! And Zhu Yuanzhang was severely injured by General Du Yu, and he has long since lost his strength to fight back! Your Majesty can recall General Han Xin! Tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, let General Han Xin and General Cao Cao attack from north to south and open up Ju State. First, it will be convenient for our army to quickly support Wu, and second, Ju State is weak and the country that is most likely to perish. It can strengthen our military might! Encouragement The morale is three! The state of Ju is destroyed! General Cao Cao can free up his hand to help Suiguo deal with Xiang Yu! Our army has lost one enemy, and General Han Xin can bring troops back to help! Be quick! It is a surprise attack There is not too much time! Only in this way can our army quickly prepare troops and horses to deal with Qin! Zhao! Come four! Once Ju is destroyed, the people will be at peace, and General Han Xin can return to help quickly. Come! The people of Wu belong to the son of Fu Chai! Get entangled with Zhu Yuanzhang! The situation is stable, come six! As for Sun Yue, a treacherous guy, let him be destroyed! Others say that our country has destroyed its allies, making people gossip behind their backs!" Guo Jia said a lot in one breath, which can be said to hit the nail on the head, and all the ministers under his command looked at Guo Jia in surprise, no one thought that Guo Jia hit the nail on the head Point out the problem at hand, let them suddenly see the light.

Han Yi rubbed his beard, looked at Wang Meng and said, "President Wang! What do you think!"

Wang Meng's expression trembled slightly, his gradually gray beard began to tremble and he said: "I, Wang Meng, have lived for more than forty years in vain. Fengxiao's words really made this old man suddenly enlightened, my lord! Guo Jia's words are reasonable! The veteran agrees!"

"Minister! Cheng Yu reconsiders!"

"Minister! Li Si's reconsideration!"

"Minister! Han Feizi's reconsideration...!"


"Okay!" Han Yi waved his hand, and then shouted: "Eight hundred miles, send the letter to Han Xin! In addition, tell Han Qi to stabilize the situation quickly, and let Han Xin lead the troops back to aid Judi immediately! Destroyed Ju Country! Huo Qubing! Zhao Yun"

"The minister is here!" I saw a young general striding out, seven feet tall, wearing black armor, holding the sword in his arms, and staring at Han Yi with a pair of tiger eyes. Zhao Yun also stood out wearing white armor.

Han Yi looked at the two of them, and immediately shouted: "White Horse Yi Cong! Tiger and Leopard Cavalry has been raising you alone for five years! This time it's up to you! Travel day and night! Take down Ju State!"

"Minister Zunzhi!" After hearing this, the two felt that the pressure on their shoulders was much greater.

Han Yi looked at Han Qinhu and said: "Han Qinhu! You lead [-] elite soldiers! Stationed in Pingyang! Together with Sun Wu! Gongsun Yan and the two formed a defensive line! Rely on the city to block the Qin-Zhao coalition army! Remember! No troops without orders ! Those who disobey the order will be beheaded!"

"I obey the order!" Han Qinhu responded immediately, Sun Wu!Gongsun Yan's soldiers and horses add up to 35!Enough for a fight!Han Qinhu always looked down on Bai Qi, so this time he just had a contest.

Han Yi squinted his tiger eyes and looked at Han Qinhu. Today's Han Qinhu must be young and vigorous, and wants to fight these long-established veterans!But the current situation is not good, Han Yi immediately waved his hand: "Cheng Yu! Guo Jia! You two are Han Qinhu's deputy! If this guy dares to send troops without authorization! Take his military power immediately!"

Everyone was in a state of mind, Han Qinhu is Han Yi's confidant, how could he be taken military power, this is not a clear distrust of Han Qinhu, the monarch and ministers do not absolutely trust, this is a big taboo for military strategists.

"Your Majesty! Minister...!" Han Qinhu was taken aback for a moment. As soon as he frowned, Han Yi could see that this made his original thoughts go to waste.

"Capture the tiger! I know what you want! But I want to tell you! This is a century-old plan of my family and country! I know that you are unwilling! But Guo Jia and Cheng Yu are both Gu's confidantes! My younger brother wants someone to kiss! I don’t want you to make mistakes! I also know your ability! But what you are going to face this time is nothing! Gu hopes that you will complete the task given by Gu honestly!" When Han Yi said this, he suddenly looked at Han Qinhu for a while, came to him, patted Han Qinhu's shoulder heavily and said: "My family and country have been for a hundred years. It’s all in your hands! You have to be careful!”

"The family and country's century-old plan! It's all in your hands! You have to be careful!"

"The family and country's century-old plan! It's all in your hands! You have to be careful!"

"The family and country's century-old plan! It's all in your hands! You have to be careful!"

These few words floated in Han Qinhu's ears like a nightmare, Han Qinhu only felt a buzzing in his ears, only then did Han Qinhu know that it was not that Han Yi didn't trust him, but that he was afraid that he would be called out to them in vain The bait laid down fell into the trap, Guo Jia and Cheng Yu were obviously trying to control Han Qinhu's military power, but one of them was Han Yi's confidant!One is Han Yi's minister of the dragon, and both have a good relationship with Han Qinhu!Their rights look scary!In fact, it was just to prevent Han Qinhu from making a wrong judgment.

Han Qinhu heard this, and immediately knelt down in the tunnel and said: "Minister! Han Qinhu swears here! Until the king's reinforcements arrive! Never let any Qin soldier enter the city! Let any soldier leave the city! It violates this oath! Minister Han Qinhu is willing to apologize with death!"

Han Yi heard Han Qinhu's words, and immediately helped him up, looking at Han Qinhu's stern face, Han Yi knew that he had chosen the right one, and immediately shouted: "Sun Wu! Gongsun Yan's soldiers and horses are all under your command Commander! You go with the lonely sword! Those who dare to resist will be killed without mercy! In addition, Han Qinhu will be named the marquis of the state! Linzi City, the city of food! Seeing the lonely, don’t kneel down and salute! Enter the palace with the sword! You can freely enter and leave the palace! Anything The sons of the royal family! They all kneel and worship!"

Suddenly there was an uproar in the government and the public, Zhen Guohou!This is the first Yihou Lord, and the fiefdom is Linzi, which was the capital of the former Qi State. Han Yi even made him not have to bow down.

Of course, with Han Qinhu's record, these are just what he deserves, but from this incident, it can be seen that Han Yi values ​​him.

"Sir! Han Qinhu will definitely live up to the king's expectations!" Han Qinhu suddenly knelt down and roared hysterically, showing his excitement.

Han Yi stood with his hands behind his back. He was ready. He looked back at the important ministers behind him and said, "All the generals heard clearly, the 36th Marquis! [-]th Duke, I'm waiting for you to come and get it! Show your strength! This time Great battle! Gu Ding will definitely not be stingy!"

(End of this chapter)

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