Warring States Call

Chapter 1651 Sui Xiang

Chapter 1651 Sui Xiang
The world is in turmoil, and everyone is in danger!The distance between different places is only a hundred miles, and you can see bones and remains everywhere, shouting and killing!There was an endless stream of sympathy.

Since Yang Guangda was defeated, Xiang Yu should have had a strong military spirit, but no one thought that Li Cunxu's entire army would be wiped out. This dealt a great blow to Xiang Yu and relieved the defeated Yang Jian. At this moment, the duel between Xiang Yu and Yang Jian has finally arrived .


Today's weather is much brighter. On the vast open space, green grass gradually grows and germinates, swaying from side to side under the blowing of the cold wind. Although it is January, it is colder than the previous few months. The cold wind was like a stepmother's slap, blowing on the side of the face, which made people feel raw pain.

There was a smell of blood in the air. If you looked carefully on the grass, you could even vaguely see the broken limbs and arms left on the warship. Xiang Yu and Yang Jian are also fierce men!The cold weather made the soldiers who were ready for battle unable to hold their weapons steadily. The soldiers with helmets were fine, but the ears without them were like being pricked by needles.

Among the Sui soldiers, Yang Jian was wearing khaki heavy armor, sitting on a carriage, holding a sword in his right hand, and pinching his mustache with his left hand, while Yang Guang was standing in front of the carriage, with a white cloak draped behind him , wearing armor, watching the changes in Xiang Yu's formation with tiger eyes. Since he was defeated by Xiang Yu last time, Yang Guang has been thinking hard about how to defeat Xiang Yu. In the end, Yang Guang came to a conclusion that in order to defeat Xiang Yu, he must have A fierce general who is good at fighting, went to pester Xiang Yu, and then everyone was able to free up their hands to clean up those little soldiers and shrimps.

In Yang Guang's view, a large part of the reason why Xiang Guo's soldiers and horses are brave and good at fighting is because of Xiang Yu's bravery. Without Xiang Yu, the others are still at their mercy.

Although Yang Guang thought of this, unfortunately he couldn't implement it. The reason is very simple. King Xiang's courage is unparalleled throughout the ages, and the generals of the Sui Kingdom may not be able to fight against Xiang Yu.

For this reason, Yang Guang specially assembled [-] warriors during the period of rectifying military affairs. Since it is not possible to fight alone, he will use human lives to fill it up, and use human lives to drag Xiang Yu to death.

From a normal point of view, Yang Guang's idea is very correct, but he has missed an important factor, Xiang Yu is not an ordinary person.

The Sui army was divided into dozens of formations on the left and right, and each of them was distributed around the formation. There were not a few generals under their command. They were lined up accordingly. Each general had a flag and a drum in the center to notify They mobilized their troops.However, Yang Jian's decades of management and the capture of Lucheng and the captured weapons allowed him to form dozens of elite divisions.

Behind Yang Guang, there is a soldier and horse, with a black and white flag, on which is written the word "Xiandeng". The general who commanded him is Ju Yi. The dead soldiers who first ascended are not afraid of life and death, and their fighting methods are also brave and fearless. , so their armor is light armor, with a big knife in each hand, and a quiver full of arrows on their backs. Where there are arrows, there are naturally bows. Their fighting methods are only attacking, not retreating.

In this battle, Yang Jian asked his prince Yang Yong to stay behind and lead Yang Guang, Yang Jun, Yang Xiu, Yang Liang, Yang Guozhong, Yang Gun, Yang Shi, and Yang Lin!Yang Daoyuan and other generals of the Yang family were all led by Yang Jian, but the soldiers and horses they commanded were the Lang Zhongjun trained by Yang Jian. In terms of attack power, they might not be able to match the opponents of the dead soldiers led by Ju Yi. If the comprehensive ability is counted, it is much higher than that of Xiandeng Shishi.

The generals under Yang Jian's command lined up, namely Gao Ming, Gao Liang, Su Cheng, Su Feng, Huang Kun, Cao Lin, Ding Liang, Ma Zhan, Yang Feng, Yan Xing, Gao Ying, Hu Luguang, Ma Shumou . Chun, Yao Chong, Ma Gui, Yang Hu, Hei Liandu, this opportunity is all the property of the Sui army. After the fight is over, the Sui Kingdom is also over.

Many of these generals were promoted by Yang Jian himself, but their abilities are not small.

"King Xiang! Withdraw from the territory of our Sui Kingdom, and the old grievances and grievances will be wiped out!" Yang Jian is a generation of kings. He knows that fighting like this will only waste the country's power, and whether he can fight it is a matter of two opinions. It is better to stop the army and make peace. Take the opportunity to bite off a piece of fat in Ju State, and when the national strength is strong, I will find this feather to avenge my shame.

Xiang Yu's tiger eyes commented on Yang Jian and said coldly: "Yang Jian, you attacked me in Lucheng in the past, so let's stop here today!"

"Stubborn, if I give you a step, if you don't go down, then go die!" Yang Jian muttered to himself, then looked at the generals under his command, and looked at Xiang Yu's bravery. Just to be on the safe side, Yang Jian immediately snorted coldly: " Yang Feng, go and call for battle!"

"Follow orders!" Then he saw a seven-foot-long green horse riding a black halberd in his hand. This person was Yang Feng. It was clear, but he knew that if he didn't go, he would be afraid of the battle, and he would be beheaded for public display. If he lost his mind and came back after losing the battle, even if he couldn't fight, it would be reasonable to run back.

Yang Feng then patted the war horse, urged the horse forward, and shouted suddenly: "Yang Feng of the Sui Kingdom is here, who dares to fight!"

Xiang Yu narrowed his eyes and glanced at Yang Feng who was clamoring in front of him. Xiang Yu said indifferently: "Who went to take that man's life!"

"The last general, Ma Shanwei, please fight!" Ma Shanwei roared, holding his own weapon, urging the horse to go forward, with some expectations in his eyes, these few days Ma Shanwei has made great achievements in front of Xiang Yu, and Xiang Yu also valued Ma Shanwei With a bold personality, now seeing Ma Shanwei asking for a fight, Xiang Yu waved his big rough hand, nodded and said, "That's fine too! Go!"

"Obey!" Ma Shanwei was overjoyed, shouted loudly, and urged his horse forward, Yang Feng felt serious when he saw someone coming, and suddenly waved his halberd and shouted: "The enemy should not be mad, watch the halberd!"

"Ding, Ma Shanwei uses the overlord attribute to activate. As long as he is by Xiang Yu's side, he can use Xiang Yu's overlord attribute to bless himself. Every time Xiang Yu activates the overlord attribute, the force value increases by 3, and the maximum can be activated 5 times. The current Ma Shanwei's force value increases. 3. The basic force is 104, the force value of the Black Overlord is increased by 1, the curly-haired lion horse is increased by 1, and the current force value of Ma Shan is 109!"

Generals who use halberds are usually masters. Seeing Yang Feng using halberds, Ma Shanwei immediately became energized, and the black spear in his hand suddenly stabbed him.

"Kang Dang!" The blow passed by, and the soldiers in Yang Feng's hands flew out immediately. Yang Feng looked shocked, and immediately turned his horse's head. Seeing that he couldn't beat him, he ran away quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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