Warring States Call

Chapter 1652 Yang Lin

Chapter 1652 Yang Lin
"After a long time, it turned out to be a candle head with a silver gun! Go away! Keep the head!" Ma Shanwei shouted suddenly, and threw the black bully in his hand towards Yang Feng's vest.

"Crack!" In an instant, the scales flew, and Yang Feng looked at the black spear piercing his chest in disbelief!The tip of the gun was stained with his blood, and it was constantly steaming into the air. The blood in Yang Feng's throat flowed out of his mouth. Looking back at Ma Shanwei's contemptuous expression, Yang Feng suddenly called out cruel. !It's a pity that he is now powerless.

"Choi!" Xiang Yu yelled suddenly, and the soldiers under his command immediately yelled loudly, yelling "Choi!"color!color!Ma Shanwei was killed by Yang Feng in just one round, which really greatly boosted Xiang Yu's morale.

With one move, Xiang Bing's morale soared!Yang Jian frowned, and his expression became colder: "Who is this! Why have I never heard of it?"

"Father! This man's name is Ma Shanwei! He once beheaded two generals in our army! Luo Fangfang, under Yang Lin's command, died at his hands!" Yang Xiu wiped the sweat from his face, he was in charge of military news this one!Now that Ma Shanwei, a titan, is missing, he will be punished by Yang Jian.

Yang Jian glanced at Yang Xiu with hatred, sighed heavily, and said, "How many times have I told you! You just don't listen, and you should sort things out when you go back! Leave it to your second brother!"

"Father! Calm down! My son! My son will definitely do my best!" Yang Xiu's face was like a cicada, she looked at Yang Jian with a pale face, and immediately knelt down on the ground. Once the power in this hand is handed over, it will be If he can't take it back, it means that Yang Xiu can no longer compete for the big position.

Yang Jian looked at his son, and immediately reprimanded: "Back off!"

Yang Xiu, who was suffocated after eating, looked pale, but she didn't dare to resist Yang Jian, so she could only retreat dejectedly, staring at Yang Guang with resentment in her eyes, but Yang Guang stroked his beard under his nose. He smiled, but his heart must be full of joy.

Yang Xiu stared at Yang Guang, this guy had fought Xiang Yu before!I must have met Ma Shanwei, but I didn't tell him, Yang Xiu remembered this hatred!Sooner or later, you will have to ask Yang Guang for it.

"Luo Fang died at his hands! Your Majesty and Veteran, please fight! I will take this man's head as a sacrifice to my adopted son!" Yang Lin held his dragon prison stick, his eyebrows were like eagles, his eyes were like tigers, and he looked at Ma Shanwei. , I wish I could cut him alive.

"Yes!" Yang Jian waved his hand casually and said indifferently.

"Thank you, Your Majesty! Drive!" Yang Lin said, urging the horse to kill, staring at Ma Shanwei in front of him, and shouted suddenly: "Xiang Jiang! Give me back my son's life! Drive!"

Ma Shanwei's expression trembled slightly, and when he looked at the person who came, he saw that he had a powdery face, two yellow eyebrows, nine feet in length, and ten circumferences in waist.Using a prisoner dragon stick, and this stick weighs 150 catties, it seems to have undue courage.

"Here comes another one to die!" After Ma Shanwei looked at it, he swung the black gun in his hand and hit Yang Lin. When Yang Lin saw it, he immediately held the prisoner's stick in both hands, and shouted suddenly: "Fall!"

"Dang!" After one blow, Ma Shanwei returned his strength, but Yang Lin was full of energy and blood, sweat the size of soybeans came out from Yang Lin's head, a pair of eagle eyes watched Ma Shanwei, Yang Lin calmed down, He spat out a mouthful of blood and exclaimed, "What a skill! No wonder my son died in your hands!"

Ma Shanwei looked at Yang Lin suspiciously, and snorted coldly: "Old man! You are courting death!"

Yang Lin wiped the sweat from his brow, and stared at Ma Shanwei in front of him solemnly. The pressure on his body was spontaneous, but the fighting spirit in his eyes had never been seen. Looking at Ma Shanwei, his eyes flickered Heng said: "Look at the stick!"

"Ding, Yang Lin and Sui's old attributes are activated, fighting for the country! Galloping on the battlefield, everyone's force value will be increased by 7, the current base force value is 99, the force value of the prison dragon stick will be increased by 1, the force value of the tiger and leopard foal will be increased by 1, and the current force value of Yang Lin will be increased by 108. Value [-]!"

"Boy! Take a stick from the old man!" Yang Lin immediately fought with Ma Shanwei with another stick. With red eyes, no one would give up.

"Ding, Ma Shanwei activates with the overlord attribute. As long as he is by Xiang Yu's side, he can use Xiang Yu's overlord attribute to bless himself. Every time Xiang Yu activates the overlord attribute, the force value will increase by 3. This is the second time. The force value will increase by 3. The current force value The value is 112!"

With one blow, Yang Lin felt pain in his palms, but his arms were trembling. This Ma Shanwei had a great advantage over Yang Lin in terms of age and strength. Yang Lin is now fighting Ma Shanwei. All in one breath!With the activation of Ma Shanwei's skills, Yang Lin fell into a passive state. If they continued to fight, they could only die.

Yang Jian stared solemnly at the two sparks in front of him, Yang Jian immediately waved and shouted: "Quick! Thunder drum! Cheer!"

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom!" The sound of war drums was like thunder, and Yang Lin suddenly woke up. Yang Jian was watching from behind, so he couldn't be ashamed and conspicuous.

"Ding, Yang Lin's Wengu attribute is activated, and everyone's force value will be increased by 5!"

"Ding, Yang Jian's encouragement attribute activates, and increases the strength of the soldiers and generals under his command by 3 points!"

"Ding, add 8 to the current strength of Yang Lin, and the current strength of Yang Lin is 116!"

"Give it to me!" Yang Lin's illusory energy suddenly ran out of his body. Ma Shanwei was startled when he saw it, and immediately swung his gun to block it. Suppressed by Ma Shanwei.

"Father! Yang Lin is old after all! Moreover, he is a general in our army. If he is damaged here, it will definitely have a greater impact than Yang Feng's death. Right now, please think about it! It is better for the army to cover up and kill him! This is the most important thing." It's the best strategy!" Yang Guang narrowed his eyes,
Yang Jian stared indifferently at the front, looking at Yang Lin who was struggling, Yang Jian immediately snorted coldly: "Deng Qiang, Zhang Hao, you two will help old general Yang Lin! Kill this beast! Black savage dragon! As fierce as a tiger Be sideways!"

One Xiang Yu is scary enough, let's deal with this hungry wolf first, and then go to fight that fierce tiger.

"The end general understands!" Deng Qiang was seven feet long, with a ruddy complexion. He looked like a tiger ready to go. With deep eyes, he looked very calm when facing the enemy. His sharp fangs directly crushed his throat, swallowing all his vitality, and now he is waiting!Wait for Yang Jian to order to charge!His sword, which has been hidden for many years, is about to drink blood.

"Kill!" Yang Jian yelled suddenly, and tens of thousands of people rushed forward as if they were ready to go, while Deng Qiang, Zhang Hao... and others were only targeting Ma Shanwei.

"Soldiers! The opportunity to make contributions has come! Kill them!"

(End of this chapter)

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