Warring States Call

Chapter 1653 Deng Qiang

Chapter 1653 Deng Qiang
"Old General Yang Lin, don't panic! Deng Qiang is here!" He heard a loud shout, and then saw a tiger general rushing out. His face was as red as red, his two heavy eyebrows were like wolf eyes, and he was nine feet long. Big shoulders and round waist, wearing a Pixiu Jade Lingkai, which makes one hand hold a white jade halberd. The whole body of this halberd is white. The next cloud summoned the horse and went straight to kill!It seems to have the courage of all men.

Ma Shanwei is fighting with Yang Lin!Looking at the menacing Deng Qiang, he suddenly lost his fighting spirit. One Yang Lin is difficult enough, and another one can be dealt with, but it is not necessary at all. Ma Shanwei was about to turn his horse's head around, but he saw Yang Lin in his hand. The Prisoner Dragon Stick swept across.

With a stick like a tiger, Ma Shanwei frowned secretly, and immediately swung his gun to block, but Yang Lin's original intention was to intercept Ma Shanwei, and suddenly retracted the head of the stick, Yang Lin suddenly tightened the grip on the tiger and leopard foal under his crotch. He pulled over and blocked Ma Shanwei's retreat.

Ma Shanwei stared at Yang Lin with eyes like a tiger, the coldness in his eyes became more and more obvious, and his expression was furious: "Old man! You are fucking courting death!"

Xiang Yu, who was behind, watched the intercepted Ma Shanwei and the swarming enemy troops. Xiang Yu glared and shouted: "Yang Jian, old man! He is looking for death!"

Xiang Yu suddenly shouted, and pointed the Tianlong City Breaking Halberd in his hand to the front, and shouted: "Yang Youji! Come with me to rescue Ma Shanwei! The rest of the people, charge!"

"Die to me!" Deng Qiang yelled suddenly, the white jade halberd in his hand swept up and down, several white lights flashed left and right, dazzled the viewers, as if the sharp edge of a knife broke its breath, it went straight to stab Ma Shanwei's back go.

"Ding, Deng Qiang's invincible attribute is activated, and he fights on the battlefield with arrogance. Everyone's force value is increased by 10, and they are immune to all negative attributes of the enemy. If the momentum is strong, the enemy's force value may be reduced by 1∽3 points!"

"Ding, Deng Qiang is affected by the invincibility attribute, and everyone's force value is increased by 10 points. The current locked target is Ma Shanwei, and it is currently invalid for Ma Shanwei. Deng Qiang's basic force value is 102, and the current force value is 112!"

"Go away!" Facing Yang Lin and Deng Qiang's attack, Ma Shanwei showed no fear at all. The black gun in his hand was thrown out suddenly, like a black iron rod, sweeping away thousands of troops with one blow. two people.

"Ding, Ma Shanwei uses the overlord attribute to activate. As long as he is by Xiang Yu's side, he can use Xiang Yu's overlord attribute to bless himself. Every time Xiang Yu activates the overlord attribute, the force value will increase by 3. This is the fourth time. The current Ma Shanwei's force value increases 4. Basic force is 3, Black Overlord's force value is increased by 104, curly-haired lion horse is increased by 1, and Mashan's current force value is 1!"

"Bump...!" Two muffled voices, the trembling man's arm ached, Yang Lin was already exhausted from the previous hard fight, now that Ma Shanwei hit him suddenly, Yang Lin suddenly spit old blood Spit out, the whole person flew upside down and landed on the ground, scarlet blood spat out from the corner of his mouth, his complexion turned pale instantly.

The veins on Deng Qiang's arm bulged, and he shouted suddenly: "I'm courting death!"

"Sisi... Sisi...!" Two shots, one strike, sparks flew everywhere, the veins on Deng Qiang's arms burst out, and a sense of fearlessness burst out from Deng Qiang's body.

"Boom!" After one move, Deng Qiang only felt numb in his mouth, fear in his eyes, and dullness in his chest. He stared at Ma Shanwei with his tiger eyes, calling himself careless. If Deng Qiang hadn't Qiang exerted his strength in time, I am afraid that his end will be the same as that of Yang Lin, not much better.

"Hahahahaha! If you only have this ability! I'm afraid it will be buried here for a long time!" At first, Ma Shanwei was still running away, but now it seems that it is completely unnecessary. The heads of these two people can be taken as they are ordered!Ma Shanwei stared at Deng Qiang in front of him with red eyes. There was thin scarlet blood on Zhou's body, and the violent intent on Zhou's body was stronger than before.

"Death!" Ma Shanwei blustered, and the Black Overlord in his hand swept straight towards Deng Qiang's heart.

A pressure like Mount Tai pressed on Deng Qiang, Zhang Hao and the people behind were as fierce as tigers!The hearts of the two Hei Manlongs trembled, and they immediately shouted: "The enemy general should not be arrogant, Deng Qiang should not panic! I will come to help you...!"

"Boom..." I didn't finish talking with a few people!Deng Qiang looked at the oncoming gun, swung the white jade halberd in his hand, and said angrily, "Come on!"

"Ding, Deng Qiang's fearless attribute is activated, facing a strong enemy, increase everyone's force value by 8 points, currently Deng Qiang's force value is 120!"

With one move, it seems like thousands of troops are galloping endlessly, the light of the halberd is white, and the tip is like fire. From a distance, it looks like a rocket that has been shooting and killing, extremely fast.

Ma Shanwei squinted his eyes, the raging fire appeared in his black eyes, he looked at the rushing anger, as if he wanted to see through the halberd, he immediately picked up the gun and swung it, and with one shot, sparks shot out all over the place. The two confronted each other in a hurry, but no one was able to take advantage of it, which made people astonished.

Ma Shanwei turned his head and glanced at the soldiers who kept chasing after Deng Qiang, his whole face was embarrassed, he immediately turned his horse's head, bought an opening, and pulled away.

When Deng Qiang saw it, he galloped away immediately, wanting to go after him, but Deng Qiang, who had experienced many battles, had already practiced the ability to see all directions and listen to all directions, and the silver halberd in his hand was swept away in front of him. .

"Ding Dong...!" A cold arrow was swept away by Deng Qiang, and cold sweat broke out on Deng Qiang's forehead. If he hadn't reacted faster, the arrow just now would have killed him!Deng Qiang frowned secretly!Staring at the front, he suddenly shouted: "Who is here to stab someone in the back!"

Yang Youji squinted his eyes in the posture of shooting arrows. He never expected that Deng Qiang could escape his fatal blow, and he was relieved immediately. At least Ma Shanwei ran out, Get back a life.

"This king is here to meet you!", and there was only a bluff, and the Tianlong City Breaking Halberd in Xiang Yu's hand slashed horizontally, like a blue dragon hovering in the air, and swept straight towards the top of Deng Qiang's head.

When Deng Qiang saw it, he was horrified, and immediately clamped his horse's belly, and jumped out of the previous position, only to hear: "Boom... Bang Dang!"

Xiang Yu shot empty with the halberd, and Deng Qiang saved his life because of it. Come here for advice!"

Xiang Yu glanced at Deng Qiang indifferently, rubbed his palms, and said indifferently: "Boy! You are lonely and cherish your talents! See how capable you are, how about surrendering to me!"

(End of this chapter)

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