Warring States Call

Chapter 1654 Trapped Characters

Chapter 1654 Trapped Characters
"Thank you King Xiang for your kindness! But loyal ministers do not serve the second master!" Deng Qiang explained his position in one sentence. Facing Xiang Yu, Deng Qiang did not dare to trust Xiang Yu. Staring at Xiang Yu solemnly, he didn't know what he was thinking.

"King Xiang! I'll meet you again!" Zhang Hao yelled suddenly, urging his horse up, holding a silver gun in his hand, staring at Xiang Yu in full battle. The two of them had seen Xiang Yu before when they were fighting on the grassland Naturally, he knows Xiang Yu's strength, so come to help out now!It was just to see if the two of them could stop Xiang Yu, a fierce tiger.

"Whew!" Xiang Yu was talking with Deng Qiang and others, but he heard the sound of arrows all over his body. Xiang Yu suddenly threw the Tianlong City Breaking Halberd in his hand, but when the flames flashed and sparks shot out, Xiang Yu frowned secretly.

"Xiang Yu! Give back my father's life!" Wang Jizhen held a spear in his hand, and the killing intent in his eyes couldn't be concealed. He urged the horse under his crotch, and rushed forward. Sensible mad dog.

Xiang Yu looked at Wang Jizhen with both eyes, and said coldly: "Boy! If you are so anxious to see your father, I will do a good deed! Send you to see your father!"

"Kill!" Wang Jizhen rushed forward suddenly, Deng Qiang and Zhang Hao looked at each other, stared at Xiang Yu in front, and immediately shouted: "Let's go together!"

"Go!" Zhang Hao was also not to be outdone, the weapon in his hand turned into spear shadows all over the sky, and swept straight at three vital points of Xiang Yu's body.

Xiang Yu stared at the front with a pair of tiger eyes, and suddenly shouted: "Come on!"

"Ding, Xiang Yu's overlord attribute activates, the force value increases by 3 every time it is activated, and it can be activated up to 5 times. The base force is 109, the force value of the Tianlong Breaking Halberd increases by 1, the force value of Wuya increases by 1, and the current force is 114!"

"Ding, Xiang Yu's riding combat attribute activates. When facing a horse-riding general, the force value will be increased by 8, and the force value will be increased by 5 when riding a horse, and the commander will be increased by 1. Currently, Xiang Yu's force value will be increased by 13, and the current force value is 127. Xiang Yu is the commander-in-chief 99!"

The blood was like a violent storm, and it swept straight towards the killing Xiang Yu. Wang Jizhen's eyes were bloodshot, and the veins on his head were bulging. He stared at Xiang Yu with tiger eyes, bit his teeth, and shouted: "Kill!"

"Ding, Wang Fuchen died in battle, Wang Jizhen passively absorbed Han Meng! Gao Lan! Li Congke's three attributes!"

"Ding, absorb Gao Lan's false power attribute, the force value will increase by 10 instantly, every three rounds, the force value will decrease by 1 point, because of Wang Fuchen's relationship, Gao Lan's negative effect will disappear, and the force value will instantly increase by 10, and it will remain unchanged!"

"Ding, absorb Han Meng's Spear King attribute and activate it. When using a gun, the force value will increase by 3!"

"Ding, absorb the attributes of Li Congke's young fighters and start fighting from an early age! Martial arts are superb, the value of force is increased by 7, and you are familiar with other people's marksmanship, reducing the value of the enemy's force by 3 points!"

"Ding, the effect of Wang Jizhen's father's will, every time he encounters a strong person, his personal force value will instantly increase by 5, and Wang Jizhen's basic force value will be 101! The force value of the horn-tooth spear will increase by 1, and the current force value is 126 points!"

"Ding Dong..." Wang Jizhen took the lead, and the silver spear in his hand flew up and down like a swimming dragon. He fought Xiang Yu for three or four rounds in a row, but no one was defeated. In addition, Deng Qiang and Zhang Hao attacked left and right. , but stabilized the situation.

Xiang Yu narrowed his tiger eyes, stared at Wang Jizhen, and said sarcastically: "I haven't seen you for a few days, you boy Zhang is very capable!"

"Of course! To kill you!" Wang Jizhen said with a frosty face.

"Looking for death!" Xiang Yu yelled suddenly, and swung the spear in his hand like a rising mad dragon.

"Ding, when Xiang Yu's overlord attribute activates, the force value increases by 3 each time it is activated, up to 5 times, and the current force is 126!"

"Ding, when Xiang Yu's overlord attribute activates, the force value increases by 3 each time it is activated, up to 5 times, and the current force is 129!"

"Ding, the attribute of Xiang Yu's halberd is activated! The force value is increased by 3! The current force value is 132!"

Xiang Yu's murderous look was shocking to those who watched, and the three of Deng Qiang felt the pressure doubled immediately.

"It's as fierce as a tiger!"

"The black savage dragon is here!"

"Ding, the black savage dragon's brute force attribute is activated, the force value is increased by 7, the basic force value is 101, the force value of the lion and tiger double golden hammer is increased by 1, the force value of the black tiger Quanxi is increased by 1, and the current force value of the black savage dragon is 110!"

"Ding, as fierce as a tiger, the reckless man's attribute is activated, and he has no fear at all when facing an enemy whose strength is higher than his own. How much is the enemy's strength higher than his own? The force value is 109, the current force value of fierce as a tiger is increased by 100, the force value of the tiger knife is increased by 9, the force value of the black and brown horse is increased by 1, and the current force value is 1!"

Although the combat power of the two was not high, they eased the pressure on Wang Jizhen and the others. The five of them knew that they could only delay Xiang Yu. After a long time, they would definitely be defeated. Now they can only delay, delay The longer it takes, the better it is for them.

"Kill me! Prepare your bow and arrow!" Ju Yi pressed the bronze sword in his arms, watched the battle in front of him, and stared proudly at the people in front of him, but the coldness in his eyes became more and more obvious.

I only heard Ju Yi's tiger roar, and then more than 5000 dead soldiers, like sharp swords, stared forward, their bodies exuded the smell of blood, and everyone had more or less swords on their cheeks. There were bloodstains, their eyes were staring at the front very indifferently, as if they were not human beings, but a murderous weapon.

They are all wearing light armor, and their source of soldiers is not ordinary people farming, but murderers, these people are selected one by one by Ju Yi, some are bandits who kill without batting an eye in the mountains!Some are death row inmates who murdered people!Some were slaves who rebelled against their masters. They obeyed Ju Yi's orders. Ju Yi's arrogance fueled their self-confidence, and Ju Yi's arrogance was responsible for their unscrupulous killings. This made this army a real killing weapon. .

"Five rows in a row!" Ju Yi swung the bronze sword in his hand suddenly, and then shouted.

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!" The cold arrows all over the sky shot straight away, covering the entire enemy camp.

"Hao Erlang! Charge with me!" Xiang Qu held a black-headed spear in his hand, his black beard was sticky with sweat, and a pair of black eyes radiated light, commanding the soldiers under his command to charge forward at a high speed.

The oncoming arrows were full of cold arrows, but Xiang Qu was not afraid at all. He swept around with his spear in both hands. Looking at Ju Yi, who was commanding the front army, he urged his horse up like a hungry wolf ready to go. Touching Ju Yi's throat.

Ju Yi was not in a hurry, with a sneer in his eyes, he waved his hand abruptly and said: "Change! Trap!"

As soon as these words came out, thousands of archers suddenly pushed back, only to hear: "One, two, three!"

"Hoo hoo hoo...!" All over the sky, spears shot away, Xiang Qu's complexion changed drastically, and he immediately turned to dodge. Before he could react, he saw a group of three in a small team, scattered, and shot straight at Xiang Jun .

(End of this chapter)

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