Chapter 1655
The team of three Xiandeng dead soldiers cooperated very tacitly. Two of them held long spears, and the other held a shield and a ghost knife. Protect both of them from harm.

Xiang Qu brandished his black spear, and bumped into three soldiers head-on. Among them, the two in front fired their guns extremely quickly, like a poisonous snake aiming at its prey, and suddenly stepped forward to bite. Like the sharp fangs of a poisonous snake, the scalp of those who watch it is numb.

Xiang Qu stared at the two incoming guns, frowned, and suddenly swept the spear in his hand, shouting loudly: "Get back!"

"Kangdang...!" The blow sent the two soldiers back a few steps. When Xiang Qu saw it, he swiped the cold spear in his hand and said coldly, "Go to hell!"

"Kangdang... Tear!" With one shot, the flames died down immediately, and the shield hand behind him rushed up quickly and stood in front of the soldiers, with no fear in his eyes. If you look carefully, you will be shocked to find that this Crowds of people kill without blinking an eye.

"You're looking for death!" Xiang Qu snorted, the spear in his hand was about to shoot out at a high speed, but the two spears behind him rushed up again, which made people tireless.

Ju Yi was watching the changes on the battlefield from behind, and the fingers wrapped around his left arm were tick-tocking, as if he was thinking about something, and after a while, Ju Yi suddenly dropped the command flag in his hand and said: "Strong crossbow ready! Look! Quasi enemy general! Ready to shoot!"

Although it is troublesome to be a dead soldier first, Xiang Qu is a child of the Xiang family after all, and the blood in his bones is still there!And the martial arts are good, the spear in his hand sweeps up and down, stares at the camp of the three, sweeps left and right, swings the spears of the two, looks at the turtle shell in front of him, a coldness flashes in Xiang Qu's eyes, holds the gun in both hands , his eyes were red, and he suddenly shouted: "Break!"

"Crack!" The black spear turned into a black shadow, directly piercing the tortoise shell in front of him, Xiang Qu took a deep breath, the veins on his arms popped up, and with the help of the horse, he could only hear the sound of the shield breaking , and then the spear broke through the armor, and blood gushed out like a pillar.

The pikemen on both sides looked at their comrades who died in battle, as if they were used to the life and death in front of them, they didn't say too much, and they shot at them again.

"Archers cover! Crossbowmen attack!" Ju Yi stared forward with a pair of wolf eyes, but the coldness in his eyes became more and more obvious...

The crossbowman who received the general order immediately waved the command flag in his hand, and suddenly shouted: "Get ready! Launch!"

"Boom...boom...boom! Whoosh...whoosh!" The cold arrows shot out all over the sky, and the people who watched suddenly took a breath of cold air. With a sweep of the silver gun, he directly picked and killed the two of them, but the smile in his eyes became more and more obvious, and before Xiang Qu shouted loudly, a chill enveloped Xiang Qu's heart.

"Tear...!" The crossbow arrow hit Xiang Qu's lower abdomen, Xiang Qu's whole body was pierced, and he fell off the horse. Blood spit out from the corner of his mouth. Originally, Xiang Qu was there, and this 2000-strong Xiang family army could still withstand one or two , but now that Xiang Qu died, he was powerless to resist, so it was still up to Ju Yi to handle it.

Ju Yi rubbed his palms, looked at the three remaining command flags, Ju Yi rubbed his palms, and said indifferently: "March! Swallow the army!"


Under the leadership of the left and right commanders, the Xiandeng soldiers on both sides split into two armies, each with 1000 soldiers, like the arms of two giants, firmly holding the enemy's throat.

As soon as the two armies came out, they directly cut off Xiang Qu's soldiers and horses from the entire Xiang army. It was as simple as cutting tofu. Without the command of the general, the soldiers and horses were unusually loose. In the past, they could concentrate their forces to break through, but now they are It was eaten to death by Ju Yi.

Ju Yi saw that the encirclement had come, he immediately waved his hands and shouted: "Surround! Kill!"

After Ju Yi finished speaking, the soldiers under his command seemed to know it well, and the general around immediately ordered: "Archers shoot arrows! Pikemen rush to the battle! Swordsmen will clean up later!"

After a sound, the spears in the hands of thousands of spearmen stabbed forward vigorously, and those soldiers who ran around and slashed and killed all died under the spears. The hands swished and shot towards the sky, and the bewildered soldiers in the middle perished under the rain of arrows.

The battle circle surrounded by Xiandeng dead soldiers is getting smaller and smaller!The knife and axemen behind were doing the cleaning work behind them. Those soldiers who hadn't completely died were all harvested by this knife and axeman. In the end, the entire battle circle was stood by the dead soldiers who first ascended, still maintaining the original position. The phalanx is powerful and extraordinary.

It didn't take long for Xiang Qu's army formation to be completely occupied by Ju Yi at this moment, which directly tore a hole in the enemy's formation!Xiang Yu is currently fighting against a Sui general!However, the command power of the army is in the hands of Sun Shuao. After the small city of Yuyang was captured, Sun Shuao led the army to support Xiang Yu. He was able to sit still, and immediately turned over, with a stern look in his eyes, stroking his gray beard, looking at Yu Ziqi behind him and asking in puzzlement: "Whose soldier is this! Why have I never heard of it?" !"

"First ascend...!" Yu Ziqi squinted his eyes and looked up and down the enemy's military flag, with a hint of doubt in his eyes. After all, it was Yang Jian's first time to enter the battlefield, and Yu Ziqi and the others had never seen it before. It is also normal.

"I heard that there is a death-defying army in Sui Kingdom! It is a brave man! I am afraid it is this army!" Jing Si, who has not been out in battle, squinted his black eyes, but the fighting spirit in his eyes could not be concealed. Can't live!He wants to know!Who is the toughest of his own crane-controlling pawns in the face of this first ascended dead man.

Sun Shu'ao frowned, and said half aloud: "Old man, come and meet him! The order is called Heng Chu! Zhong Limei and the two gather...!"

"Wait a minute!" Jing Si looked at the battlefield in front of him with complex eyes, his tiger eyes fixed on the battle situation, and thoughtfully said: "He Ruobi has already surrendered to Yang Jian, he knows our army well! Now we are dispatching the two generals of Heng Chu, I'm afraid there is only a dead end, so let me do it! Only the crane-controlling pawns can stop this soldier and horse!
"Forget it! General Jing is careful all the way! If you need support, report it immediately!" Sun Shuao looked at Jing Si with concern in his eyes.

"En!" Jing Si also responded, as for the support, hehe!Jing Si has confidence in his crane controller, he does not allow anyone to trample on the majesty of the crane controller.

(End of this chapter)

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