Warring States Call

Chapter 1656 Controlling Crane vs Xiandeng

Chapter 1656 Controlling Crane vs Xiandeng
Sun Shu'ao watched Jing Si's departure, and Sun Shu'ao was not surprised by Jing Si's invitation to fight. A military training maniac like Jing Si would never allow the soldiers he brought to be inferior to others. Of course, Sun Shu'ao also knew who other than Jing Si He couldn't stop Ju Yi, but Sun Shu'ao couldn't take the initiative to ask for Jing's heir, which would be too cheap, so the most sensible choice is the aggressive method.

"Kill!" Jing Si's crane-controlling pawn burst out with killing intent, and rushed left and right. The white crane feather armor was stained red with blood, but the soldiers didn't care at all. They wanted to use their own swords to forge their own glory. It is their supreme glory, which will accompany them for a lifetime.

His voice was like a tiger, and Jing Si's fighting power was too strong. In less than half a while, Jing Si beheaded a thousand people.

As the saying goes, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, unless one male and one female, but these two people are real male tigers. The word "controlling the crane" was written in the flying dragon and the phoenix dance, Ju Yi's dark and green face changed, and he smiled!The smile appeared very arrogant, even a little crazy. Looking at the enemy's military flag, Ju Yi suddenly shouted: "The first ascended dead soldiers follow me!"

Jing Si also seemed to have noticed Ju Yi's movements, and immediately put away the silver gun in his hand, kicked away the dead body in front of him, and immediately shouted: "Control the crane! Let's go!"

There was an endless stream of shouts and killings around, but the generals on both sides seemed to be very conscious to make room for the two men. Xiang Bing thought that if the crane controllers were out, there would be no place for them, so they should go grab other credits. ah.

The Sui soldiers looked at the dead man Xiandeng, shook his head immediately, and sighed: "It's better to stay away, so as not to accidentally injure yourself, and kill the dead man Xiandeng, even his own people!"

The armor of the Xiandeng dead soldiers is dark scarlet, while the armor of the crane-controlling soldiers is silver-white. The two armies form a sharp contrast. Like ghosts and monsters killed from hell, like a confrontation between good and evil.

"Whose soldiers and horses are you! What's your name!" Jing Si showed contempt in his eyes, and his pair of black pupils seemed to want to see through the enemy army. If it was an ordinary army, he might have been shocked by their aura long ago. Sweating profusely, but Jing Si was facing soldiers who were equally elite as him.

Contempt flashed in Ju Yi's eyes, and he looked at Jing Si indifferently, licked his lips, and said arrogantly: "I want to kill you and step on your military flag under my feet. Very interesting thing!"

"Hahahaha!" Jing Si didn't make a fuss, the whole person laughed, looked at Ju Yi with a pair of black eyes, pointed the spear in his hand at Ju Yi's face and said: "Your head is not bad! It is suitable for me as a chamber pot! "

"Hmph!" Ju Yi snorted twice, rubbed his eyebrows, and then smiled lightly: "Let's go to the dead first!"

"Drink...!" Ju Yi clamped the horse's belly lightly. The horse under his crotch seemed to be connected with Ju Yi's soul. He lifted his horse's hooves and charged forward. Ju Yi suddenly shouted: "Charge!"

Jing Si held the gun in one hand, and suddenly shouted, "Control the crane soldiers! Follow me!"

"Kill!" The morale of the crane guards was extraordinary, and they charged forward one after another. Most of the soldiers under their command were fearless.

Ju Yi was also not to be outdone, he stared at the charging crane controller with an embarrassed expression, and said gloomyly: "Attack and destroy! Fear of killing! No one will be left behind!"

"Kill!" The two armies rushed into battle, and a grand battle appeared in front of the soldiers who were gradually killing each other.

Both armies are warriors who have experienced many battles. The usual formations are useless at this moment. None of them are stupid. They know how to break the formation. For them, what is really useful is Techniques and combat effectiveness of soldiers.

"Archers get ready! Let the arrows go!" Ju Yi casually took out the bow and arrow, staring at the front with his tiger eyes, and shot the arrow with a swish. The long arrow was like the wind, which made people shudder.

Jing Si said indifferently, "Arms against the shield!"

The so-called arm shield is a shield the size of a pot lid on the soldier's arm, which is used to resist the cold arrows from shooting, and the effect is surprisingly good. The crane control pawn itself is wearing heavy armor. Touching his own cheeks, he only heard the tinkling of the bells, but the rain of arrows fell on them without pain or itching.

"Don't be crazy!" Jing Si yelled loudly, and the crane guards behind Jing Si had several long spears in their hands, and Jing Si shouted suddenly: "Throw and kill!"

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo!" The silver spear in Jing Si's hand trembled and turned into a shadow of a gun, and he shot out directly, and the soldiers behind him also shot out. The person's scalp is numb.

"Yeah!" Ju Yi's pupils narrowed slightly, and a cold light flickered in front of his eyes. He slashed left and right with the bronze sword in his hand, and then he forced a shot back, and the soldiers around him who were not paying attention were all killed by Jing Si's trick.

"Give me the crossbow!" Ju Yi wiped the blood on his cheeks, and immediately greeted the generals behind him, his eyes turned red, and the soldiers behind him suddenly stepped back, revealing the terrifying heavy crossbow, Ju Yi Yi suddenly shouted: "Shoot!"

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!" Unaware of the crossbow arrows, the crane-controlling pawns who were really charging forward fell down a large piece. A few soldiers with quick eyes and quick hands used their arms to block with their shields, but even if they blocked them, the strength was that they overturned the shields directly, piercing through the enemy's body.

Jing Si looked at the soldiers who kept falling down, his face was livid. Right now, he only had to fight in close quarters and close the distance with the enemy, so that he would have enough chances to destroy Ju Yi. A, once in close combat, the crane-controlling pawns have an absolute advantage, and Ju Yi will undoubtedly die.

But Ju Yi is not a fool. Looking at Jing Si who kept charging, Ju Yi knew that sooner or later he would have to fight, and the soldiers under his command must not be the opponents wearing heavy armor to control the crane soldiers. Ju Yi suddenly had a judgment in his heart, and immediately He yelled: "Three hundred sharpshooters are ready, the rear army is in formation! Look at the design of the enemy's cheeks and throats! The swordsmen are in front! The pikemen are in the back! Formation and march forward!"

"Charge!" Jing Si gritted his teeth, even though he knew that there would be losses if he went on like this, but since it was unavoidable, he had to bear the consequences, so that the killing could be done smoothly

"Long gun!"

In a sudden frontal confrontation, the defensive power of the crane-controlling pawns is by no means overwhelmed. Since the Xiandeng dead soldiers are called Xiandeng dead soldiers, they are definitely not timid. Knowing that going up is death, but still rushing forward without hesitation, this is their duty and their military quality.

(End of this chapter)

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