Chapter 1657

"Crack! The sharp blade of the Xiandeng dead soldier slashed on the heavy armor, sending out violent sparks, but it left a deep and not shallow mark on the armor of the crane controller. The Xiandeng dead soldier was slightly stunned. , the crane-controlling pawn who was cut showed his wild smile, and suddenly stabbed forward. The armor of the dead man who climbed first was light armor, so the defense was naturally not as strong as the crane-controlling pawn. He was directly pierced through the lower abdomen. Huahua's intestines are faintly visible.

But then something chilling happened. The soldier seemed to be disregarding his own life and death. He abandoned the big knife in his hand, and suddenly pulled out the dagger that he seemed to have prepared long ago, aiming at the throat of the crane guard. , stabbed up suddenly, seeing the blood seal the throat, the blood gushed out like a spring, and the scalp of the people who watched it felt numb.

The crane-controlling soldier's eyes were as big as copper bells. He never imagined that he was dragged into the water by a dead man. Unbelievable is the word that best describes his expression.

The first dead man seemed to have accomplished a heroic thing, grinning, and died together with the crane-controlling soldier, everything seemed to be a matter of course, without any accidents.

And the weapon of this first ascended dead soldier fell off from his hand and was buried in the ground!This is the unique weapon of Xiandeng dead soldiers. It is shaped like a Mitsubishi army thorn, and the whole body is black. It is called Xiandeng Ling!When using it, Ju Yi said that when he is facing death, facing the person who killed him, since it is inevitable, he should die with him, and most of these dead men are desperadoes, And with Ju Yijiao's hand, it is naturally easy to catch.

Jing Si also faced three or four such Xiandeng dead men. He didn't care about one or two at first, but when the third Xiandeng dead man used the Xiandeng Ling, Jing Si saw that the surrounding The consumption of the crane-controlling pawns was several times that of the past. Although the enemy suffered a lot of casualties, the crane-controlling pawns did not occupy the previous advantage at all. It was only then that Jing Si noticed that these first-passing dead soldiers were desperate The style of play is extremely ferocious.

Ju Yi also didn't expect that the defensive power of the crane guards was so strong. A few stupid Xiandeng dead soldiers stabbed the enemy's armor with their Xiandeng feathers, but left a not deep and not shallow mark. Of course, there are also clever ones who pierced the enemy's arm.

Stabbing on the arm is of course not fatal, at most it is a crippled arm, but Xiandengling is covered with poisonous poison, it was fine at the beginning, but with the strenuous exercise, most of them were injured. The slightly injured crane controller suddenly foamed at the mouth, his eyes turned white, and he collapsed to the ground, clutching his throat, and would die if he didn't take three breaths.

"Damn it! This thing is poisonous! Brothers, be careful! Use your arms to shield! Block the daggers of these beasts!" Jing Si was the first to react, and suddenly shouted, his words were severe. He never thought that this senior Deng Shishi is so difficult to deal with, and even plays drugs.

With Jing Si's reminder, the crane-controlling soldiers immediately became vigilant, and looked at each other, looking at the robes who were constantly dying in battle, the coldness in their eyes became more and more obvious.

Ju Yi watched from the front of the army formation, and looked at the crane controllers waiting in full force. Ju Yi knew that this war might be a war of attrition, and most of the soldiers who died first would lose most of their lives.

blood!Shout to kill!Scream!Compassion filled this battlefield. The battlefield was based on the large-scale battle between the dead soldiers who ascended first and the crane-controlling soldiers, and the battle between Xiang Yu and Deng Qiang. This is the key to victory in this battle.

Yang Jian stroked his beard, his black eyes stared at the battlefield, his original numb expression disappeared, replaced by a grim look, seeing the Xiandeng dead man being blocked, Yang Jian looked surprised and said: "The one who blocked the Xiandeng dead man But who is it, why is there such a combat power!"

"Report to father! They are the crane control soldiers in Xiang's army, and they are Xiang Yu's favorite troops! The fighting power is extremely strong!" Yang Guang seemed to have told Yang Jian all the war information he had mastered.

Yang Jian pinched his beard, looked at Yang Guang and said, "The last battle! You were defeated by him!"

Yang Guang showed embarrassment on his face, but he also knew that this matter could not be covered up, so he waved his hand immediately and said, "Indeed...that's true!"

Rao is Yang Guang's pride, but he has to admit that this crane-controlling pawn is excellent.

"Tell Yang Lin! Lead the Zhonglang army to charge! Defeat the crane-controlling pawn first!" Yang Jian immediately ordered, but without hesitation, Yang Lin, who had just bandaged his wound, turned over and rode on his tiger and leopard horse. His prisoner's dragon stick suddenly shouted: "Boys of the Zhonglang army, charge me!"

With Yang Lin's order, the members of the Yang clan under his command took the lead, except Yang Guang, and served by Yang Jian's side!Yang Jian's other sons, such as Yang Jun, Yang Xiu, Yang Liang and others are all rushing to kill the mountain!Yang Chun!Yang Hu, Yang Guozhong, Yang Dagon, Yang Daoyuan and others all rushed towards the crane-controlling pawns under the leadership of Yang Lin, and Sun Shuao had to pay attention to the huge movement.

Seeing an army formation constantly rushing towards the crane-controlling pawns, Sun Shuao, who was fighting fiercely, frowned and said: "This old man Yang Jian is hiding deep enough, Ma Shanwei! Yang Youji, Mi Heng, Nao Chi, you all Lead the Xiang family army to stop the enemy's attack! Be fast! Go!"

"Decree!" Ma Shanwei and Yang Youji are now important generals of the Xiang Kingdom. In fact, Sun Shuao also has selfish intentions. He knows the combat strength of the Xiang family army, which is extremely powerful!It's all about taking credit, and Ma Shanwei and Yang Youji can be regarded as famous generals in the world, and they are also generals of Xianchu!Cultivate it well, and it will also be a force in the court in the future!At least changing the state of Xiang to the state of Chu will be more promising.

Yang Youji looked at the enemy charging forward and was about to shoot Yang Lin, but thinking that he failed to shoot Yang Lin earlier, the old man would definitely be prepared, so Yang Youji quietly changed his target.

"Ding, Yang is activated by the basic divine arrow attribute, the force value is increased by 5, the base force value is 99, the force value of the cloud-piercing bow is increased by 1, and the current force value is 105!"

"Swoosh! An arrow pierced the clouds and made the sound of shaking the air. Yang Daoyuan, who was charging on horseback, did not have Yang Lin's vigilance. He only let out a muffled groan, and fell off his horse. Ki's arrow fell.

Yang Lin looked at Yang Daoyuan who died in battle, his eyes suddenly turned blood red, and he shouted suddenly: "The whole army charge! Charge me! Kill! Kill!"

"Old man! Watch me take you!" Mi Heng held a tiger-headed golden knife and urged his horse up, the killing intent in his eyes became more and more obvious.

"Death to the old man!" Yang Lin yelled suddenly, the prisoner's stick in his hand seemed to have infinite power, and he was head-on killing Mi Heng.

(End of this chapter)

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