Warring States Call

Chapter 1658 Zhu Zhen

Chapter 1658 Zhu Zhen
"Ding, Yang Lin's Prisoner Dragon attribute is activated, this skill is used in conjunction with the Prisoner Dragon Stick! The force value instantly increases by 10! Yang Lin's basic force value is 99, and the current force value is 109"

"Boom!" At the first trick, Mi Heng's eyes went dark, his whole body was splitting with headache, and he fell off his horse immediately, completely devoid of vitality.

When Ma Shanwei saw it, he was slightly astonished. He looked at Yang Lin who had killed the killer, his eyes turned sideways, and he immediately snorted coldly: "Old man Yang Lin! Don't go crazy! Kill!"

The two immediately fought together, Yang Lin was stronger than before, fighting back and forth with Ma Shanwei, refusing to give in to each other.

The generals behind are naturally fighting against soldiers!Will be right!It's just that the fight was not as fierce as the Xiandeng Shishi and the crane-controlling soldiers.

Without Yang Lin, Yang Youji sneered viciously for the remaining guys, immediately opened the quiver behind him, looked in Yang Xiu's direction, and immediately sent arrows to kill him, only to hear: "Om!"

There was a long sound of the bow, and the long arrow in Yang Youji's hand had already flown out. Yang Xiu had just beheaded two entangled Xiang family troops, and was about to continue to charge forward, but was hit by an arrow in the shoulder. Painful Yang Xiu bared her teeth and shouted suddenly: "Fourth brother! Fifth brother, save me!"

Yang Jun and Yang Liang really struggled to kill the enemy, and when they heard Yang Xiu's cry of compassion, they suddenly turned their heads back. As expected, Yang Xiu was hit by an arrow in one arm, but it was difficult to resist Xiang's army, and the two immediately charged forward to support. The war horse under his crotch was out of control, and he immediately lifted the horse's hooves, shaking the two people off the horse.

The two of them did not expect that the normally docile war horse would become so irritable this time. Only then did Yang Jun, who had come down from Sui Luo, realize that an arrow had been shot at the back of the war horse at some point, which jolted him After coming down, the most peculiar thing is that Yang Liang's horse was hit by the arrow at the same time as him, and the two fell in pain.

But before the two of them thought about it, the pikeman behind them came out with a single shot, and the blood of the two of them gushed out like pillars, and they couldn't die anymore.

Seeing her two brothers died in battle, Yang Xiu frowned, and immediately shouted, "Fourth brother! Fifth brother!"

Before Yang Xiu cried out in grief, an arrow hit his throat, which directly made him unable to make a sound, and his eyes were full of horror.

Yang Youji took back the longbow in his hand, and he couldn't hide the playfulness in his eyes.

"Damn it! You're looking for death!" There was a shout, and then a tiger general, with a golden gun in his hand, slapped the scattered spears on the ground with his backhand, and shot out suddenly, sweeping straight at Yang Youji's direction.

Yang Youji looked at the long spear coming from the throwing and killing, and suddenly shouted four long arrows, which directly wiped out countless sparks in the air.

"Die!" Yang Gun immediately urged his horse up, but because of the large number of Xiang family troops, Yang Gun was unable to break through in a short time, and Yang Youji had been hiding behind the scenes, and the two had been fighting a war of attrition here.

Yang Jian has been watching the movement of the battlefield from the rear, frowning secretly: "Whose army is this! Why can't the Zhonglang army trained by orphans even defeat this kind of miscellaneous soldiers!"

Gao Ying, who had been silent by Yang Jian's side all the time, had to stand up, wiped the sweat that gradually surfaced on her face and said, "This should be Xiang Yu's direct army! It's called Xiang Jiajun, during the grassland battle! This Soldiers and horses have emerged!"

Gao Ying caressed her beard, and watched every move on the battlefield with a pair of cloudy old eyes, with a serious expression on her face. Gao Ying was worried when she saw the Xiandeng dead soldiers being blocked, fearing that this family army would participate in the exhibition , but now I am a little worried about whether Zhonglang Jun can hold on!After all, this is Xiang Yu's direct line of troops.

Yang Jian's face darkened. When he heard the words "Xiang Yu's direct descendants", Yang Jian felt like being slapped in the face. The direct descendants he cultivated by himself might not really be the opponent of Xiang Yu's army!Yang Jian asked with a black face: "Prime Minister! What do you think should be done now? If we continue to fight like this, even if our army wins, we will lose both sides!"

"Your Majesty! The Crane Commanders and the Xiang Family Army in the Xiang Army are Xiang Yu's favorite troops! They are Xiang Yu's right-hand men! The fighting power is extremely powerful! It is difficult to deal with Xiang Yu with our strength alone. Withdraw your troops first! Hand over a letter of divorce to Zhuge Liang, and the two armies will attack together to defeat Xiang Yu!" Gao Ying racked her brains to think of a safe solution.

Yang Jian pinched his beard, looked at Gao Ying and said, "I lost last time! Continue to lose! I'm afraid the morale of the army will not be stable! Keep fighting! A tie is the only way to clean up this mess!"

Gao Ying looked worried, her gray beard fluttering in the wind, Gao Ying said with a stern expression, "I'm afraid it's not that simple! Fan Zeng, that old fox! I'm afraid he has arranged a lot of dark chess!"

Sun Shuao watched the chaotic battlefield from behind!Looking at Heng Chu behind him, he said, "What time is it!"

"It's noon!" Heng Chu replied truthfully.

Sun Shuao scratched his hair, immediately found a clean place, sat down on his buttocks, sighed and said, "Hey! I'm still old after all! I'm not as energetic as you young people!"

"General Sun! Don't you want to continue looking at the formation?" Heng Chu looked at the chaotic battlefield in front of him, with a worried expression on his face.

Sun Shuao shook his head with a smile and said: "The battle is settled! Yang Jian will definitely lose this battle! Wait! We just need to wait! The longer this war drags on, the better it is for our army! The victory of this war , God still favors our country!"

Heng Chu was at a loss for the second monk. When did the war become so easy to fight, and he won if he said he won. He suddenly felt that this Sun Shuao seemed to be fooling them.

Behind Yang Jian!A troop that traveled across mountains and rivers avoided all the eyes and ears of Sui State, and killed Yang Jian behind.

"Tell my brothers! Get ready to charge! Aim at the flag of the Great General of the Sui Kingdom!" Hearing this general's shout, he immediately ordered and pulled out the big sword in his arms, but without hesitation, he led the soldiers under his command to speed Charge, this soldier is wearing a white armor, wrapped in a white coat, looks handsome, but the killing and bloody smell in his bones makes people shudder.

"Kill! There was only a loud shout, and thousands of people rushed up to kill. This momentum alone was like tens of thousands of people rushing to kill.

These are the soldiers and horses sent by the state of Ju to help Xiang Yu. The leader is Zhu Zhen, and all the soldiers under him are skilled in fighting and brave.

Yang Jian was concentrating on watching the battle situation in front of him, and his heart was already filled with boredom. Now there was another sound from behind, even though Yang Jian's calmness was also panicked at this moment, he quickly turned his head and heard: "What happened!"

(End of this chapter)

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