Warring States Call

Chapter 1659 Perseverance

Chapter 1659 Perseverance
"Father is in trouble! Ju Guo led troops to attack the rear of our army, and we are under attack!" Yang Guang's face was embarrassed, his eyes were full of horror, Yang Jian frowned after hearing this, he really didn't expect, This seemingly fair war turned around in an extremely fast way!The winning Libra is because of Xiang Yu's raise!Just as he started to tilt continuously, the veins on Yang Jian's head popped out, he gritted his teeth and said, "Children Ji Fa! I'm too angry!"

"Father! The battle situation is unclear right now, so let's retreat quickly! We can only save our strength! As long as we have enough strength! We can get back the lost land!" Yang Guang stared at the chaotic scene around him, his face as if Frost.

Yang Jian naturally understood what Yang Guang said!Yang Jian, who was still in a state of resentment just now, came back to his senses in an instant because of Yang Guang's words, wiped the sweat from his forehead and was about to give orders, but behind him came the battle report from the scouts.

"Report! Your Majesty! Yang Xiu! Yang Jun! And His Royal Highness Yang Liang died in battle!" The scout's words pierced Yang Jian's heart like a sharp sword. Yang Jian's heart is strong, but he can't hold it anymore at this moment, and he almost spits out a mouthful of old blood.

Yang Guang was very conflicted in his heart. He was saddened by the death of the three brothers, but at the same time he was a little excited, because once the three brothers died, the pressure of competition for the throne would be much less. It belongs to Yang Guang.

The emotions of excitement and sadness converged in Yang Guang's heart!Neither of these two emotions can be expressed in front of Yang Jian. Excitement will naturally make Yang Jian feel narrow-minded!There is no pattern, and there is even some gloating, and sorrow will make Yang Jian feel that he is too negative, without the heart of a king, a real king only has the courage to go forward, and absolutely must not have any weak emotions.

Although sadness is a normal emotion, for Yang Jian, sadness is a sign of cowardice.

So at this moment, Yang Guang's face showed anger, and Yang Guang suddenly shouted: "This enmity is irreconcilable, who killed him! I will definitely rip him off!"

"He! His name is Yang Youji!" The scout trembled.

"Bastard...!" Yang Guang was about to continue his performance, but Yang Jian couldn't help it, and snorted coldly: "All the people of our country are dead, so why can't my son of Yang Jian die!" Yang Jian's eyes were full of tears , Gritting his teeth!Immediately snorted coldly: "Gao Ming, Gao Liang, you two lead the headquarters to break the rear! Su Cheng, Su Feng, you two, hurry up to obstruct the enemy army in the rear, and buy time for our army to retreat!"

"Design!" The four generals urged their horses out of the army formation, but the appearance of these four people was a bit strange!clever!Gao Liang and Gao Liang were similar in appearance, with dark complexions, both of them were holding long spears and wearing black armor, their backs were thick, they looked strong, they got Yang Jian's general order, and they led the troops to charge towards them.

"No!" Su Cheng!Compared with the former Gao Ming and Su Feng, they are much more elegant, and their eyes seem to have more wisdom. Looking at Zhu Zhen, who only has more than 5000 people, the two immediately feel that this is a war without suspense. Their victory is inevitable, and the mission of Xiang Gaoming and the others is tantamount to seeking their own death.

"Break the tail to survive!" Yang Jian looked at the current battle situation, this was the only way he could think of, if he didn't do this, the entire Sui soldiers might die here.

"Your Majesty!" Gao Ying said calmly at the moment, like a late old man, with a bitter expression on her face.

"What's wrong!" Yang Jian looked at Gao Ying with a suspicious expression on his face, wondering what the old fox was going to do again.

Gao Ying pointed to Yang Jian's Wang Qi and said, "If this object follows the king, the soldiers behind the king will suffer heavy losses. Why don't we send a dead soldier to the back of Su Feng and others!"

"No! Father! The military flag is the soul of the country! If it is obtained by the enemy, our army will be ridiculed!" Yang Guang looked embarrassed, and immediately stepped forward to stop Yang Jian.

In ancient wars, the military flag was very fancy. Some soldiers who didn't know why, when they saw the army retreating, would definitely retreat with the main general's flag.

"Your Majesty, you can send scouts to inform the generals first! Let them lead the headquarters to support! This is the safest way!" Gao Ying rubbed her cheeks, as if she wanted to wipe off the dust on her face, but she was still a little hesitant when she saw Yang Jian Gao Ying immediately looked at Yang Guang who was at the side and said, "Your Majesty's life is too important! Young Master, hurry up and do it!"

When Yang Guang heard this, he knew that this matter could not be avoided, so he got on his horse and shouted suddenly: "Retreat!"

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..." When the horn of retreat sounded, several people who were fighting fiercely sensed it. Deng Qiang, Zhang Hao and others were the first to react. In such a state of embarrassment, there will be more or less deep wounds on their bodies, and blood will flow out from them.

Zhang Hao and the others were staring at Xiang Yu out of breath, the coldness in their eyes became more serious, they all underestimated Xiang Yu, the number one general in the world, Zhang Hao recalled the previous battles, Zhang Hao almost fell to Xiang Yu several times If it wasn't for Deng Qiang's timely rescue, I'm afraid he would really die.

Hearing the sound of retreating, Deng Qiang almost couldn't hold the weapon with slightly trembling arms, and immediately turned his horse's head and shouted: "Quick! Let's go!"

Zhang Hao and Deng Qiang were so close, they didn't hesitate at once, turned their horses' heads around and ran away at high speed, if they continued to fight like this, their heads might fall to the ground.

Wang Jizhen's eyes are like a tiger's, but he is unwilling to let Xiang Yu go even if he dies. Killing towards Xiang Yu, Meng Ruhu recalled Wang Fuchen's appearance before his death, and Meng Ruhu immediately shouted: "His father and I have the grace to save lives! Hurry up and save him!"

"Tiger!" The black barbarian dragon was about to stop the fierce tiger, but he still didn't stop. Seeing Wang Jizhen's fearless expression, he sighed heavily and snorted coldly: "Show it! You belong to the royal family! Drive!"

"Go!" Xiang Yu flew out with a halberd, and Wang Jizhen suddenly held the gun in both hands, but he heard: "Kang Dang!"

Wang Jizhen's whole body was blown away, and a mouthful of old blood spewed out. Looking at Xiang Yu's insane cheek, Wang Jizhen felt hatred!But the eyelids are getting heavier and heavier!It was so heavy that Wang Jizhen couldn't open it, and finally fell into a coma.

As fierce as a tiger, he suddenly took over the unconscious Wang Jizhen, with a serious expression on his face!

(End of this chapter)

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