Chapter 1661
After hearing Han Qi's words, Han Xin also knew that the current situation is really not optimistic, although Han Qinhu joined forces with Yue Fei!Sun Tzu!Gongsun Yan's four soldiers and horses have built a solid line of defense in Pingyang, but they can't stand fighting on both sides.

Han Xin glanced at Han Qi, and immediately asked, "Has Wu Qi led his troops north?"

"Not yet!" Seeing Han Xin's question, Han Qi came to the map, pointed to Cao Cao's location and said, "General Feng Yi is already preparing his troops, and now he has taken away [-] soldiers from Qidi County. As the vanguard, notify all the counties and counties you pass on the road, gather the young and strong, wait for General Feng Yi to arrive, and set off immediately!"

"Wait! Although these soldiers have received military training, they don't have any equipment in their hands! They are no different from militiamen! Isn't this going to die?" Guan Yu's Danfeng eyes suddenly opened, and a hint of puzzlement flashed in his eyes.

Han Qi immediately pointed to Wancheng on the map and said, "Lord Lu Su has already transported the armor to Wancheng! As long as General Feng Yi arrives, a well-trained army will be formed immediately!"

"Have you brought Fucha's son?" Han Xin asked with a serious expression.

"Brought it! This guy is already unable to extricate himself from the gentle fragrance! But just in case, we can only lock him in the palace first! To avoid being troubled by some Xiaoxiao!" Han Qi said seriously.

"I will know!" Han Xin nodded, then picked up the bamboo slips beside him and said: "The previous battle! Old General Du Yu copied Gusu Cheng! A large amount of food, grass and weapons were seized! There are 13 Wu soldiers, we I will leave you with [-] soldiers and horses, a total of [-] people! This way! The land of Wu must be safe! And Zhu Yuanzhang has been beaten by the old general Du Yu, and there is no ten-year deadline! It is difficult to relax! Zhigui (Han Qi's word) has been bothering me for the past few years!"

Han Qi bowed to Han Xin, and immediately smiled and said, "This is a matter of duty! It's just that General Du Yu has made such a great contribution, why didn't he report it to the king! The king can give rewards as a routine! It's to motivate soldiers to fight!"

"It's not that I don't want to! It's just that old General Du Yu...has...!" Han Xin choked up when he said this, and he sighed euphemistically.

Han Qi frowned slightly, but Lai Huer couldn't help it, and directly told the whole story one by one. After Han Qi listened, his starry eyes filled with tears and said: "It's a pity that in this world, Old General Du has not been able to get it." A good death! It's a pity that another cold statue is going to be added to Yanyuan Pavilion!"

"Now is not the time to talk about this! The son of King Wu is coming! First of all, he has to choose the capital! This is how to stand against Zhu Yuanzhang!" Han Xin said with a serious expression.

"Huai City! This city has been built by Zhu Yuanzhang. It has high walls and thick walls! And it is protected by the Qinghe River! In the past few days, our army has attacked Guangling and Yanling again! As long as it is heavily guarded! It is difficult for Zhu Yuanzhang to break through Guangling. The line of defense! Almost half of the country of Wu has fallen into our hands! Based on this, we can recuperate! We can defend against Xiang Yu at the top, and defend against Zhu Yuanzhang at the bottom! Although we are caught in the middle! But as long as Ju is destroyed! The two places will border each other! When the time comes It's much more convenient to support!" Han Qi said seriously.

"That's the only way to go! It's hard to find a more suitable one in a short time!" Han Xin agreed, and then he seemed to be worried, and immediately asked: "Although Zhu Yuanzhang's vitality has been seriously injured, he still hasn't reached the end of his life. At this point, it needs to be carefully guarded! In order to avoid any mistakes!"

"I'll pay attention to these next time!" Han Qi looked at the map with a stern expression, and let out a sigh of relief.

"Well! If that's the case! Let's do this first!" Han Xin nodded, then looked at the map, and immediately said: "Now Yuyang has been occupied by Xiang Jun! This is an important channel for our army to attack Ju State! You guys Who knows who the defender of Yuyang is!"

"Yuyang's guard seems to be called Heng Wen, and this man is Heng Chu's younger brother! It is rumored that this man is proficient in the art of war and is familiar with military affairs! He is a general!" After a while of flattery, everyone's eyes were attracted by this man Attracted, I saw that he was wearing a yellow armor, and his words were full of flattery, who could he be if he wasn't Huang Kui!

Han Xin looked at the yellow sunflower, stroked his beard, and then said with a smile: "General Huang! I don't know what you can do! It can help our army flag win!"

As soon as Huang Kui heard Han Xin's name, he immediately felt full of face, and immediately cupped his hands and said, "Although Yuyang is the only way to go, our army can build a few small boats! Sailing across the sea for a day, detouring to Yuyang Yang, when the time comes, attack from inside and outside! In less than a day, you can take Yuyang! Without Yuyang, you can drive straight in! Take Judu directly! The country of Ju takes less than half a month! It will be brought under the command of the king!"

When Han Xin heard this, he pinched his beard, and there was a smile in his eyes. The effect of this yellow sunflower is not great!It can be said that it is not small!Once the Battle of Ju State is over, this yellow sunflower will be useless. When the time comes, give him the mission of a vanguard officer, and just use it as cannon fodder. At both ends, but placed by his side, Han Xin is not at ease anyway. How could a person who has enjoyed a high-quality life be willing to stay in the quagmire all the time.

I want to think about it, but I still need to do superficial work. Han Xin immediately stepped forward to help Huang Kui, and praised: "The general is really like my arm! I will leave this matter to the general! In addition, I will send Deng Ai and Zhong Hui The two help the general! What does the general want!"

"Thank you, General!" Huang Kui was overjoyed when he heard that, how could he let go of this opportunity to make meritorious service, Huang Kui immediately kowtowed to Han Xin, "Thank you, General! I will definitely do my best!"

"Yeah!" Han Xin stroked his beard and nodded, looked at Jiang Song beside him and said, "I will give you [-] soldiers and horses to go to Yuyang in the starry night, within three days! Take Yuyang and open the way for my army! "

"The last general takes the order!" Jiang Song got the general order, and his whole body became energetic, and he immediately saluted Han Xin, accepted the general order from Han Xin, and said with a serious expression.

Han Xin rubbed his sore shoulders, looked at Han Qi and said, "I'll leave the rest to Zhigui, old man, I'm going to pack up the barracks immediately! Set off immediately within three days!"

"Thank you, General Han!" Han Qi immediately cupped his hands to Han Xin, and stared at the map with embarrassment for a while!Han Qi immediately set about making arrangements: "Yuan Chonghuan! Yang Ye and his men led 3 troops to defend Guangling. They can only stick to it and not fight! In addition, transport the son of King Wu to Huai City! And send scouts to inform the people of Wu! Those who are willing to abandon the darkness and turn to the light, come to Huai City! Distribute cultivated land! Tax exemption for three years!"

"Obey!" The generals on both sides got the order and immediately went down to prepare.

(End of this chapter)

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