Warring States Call

Chapter 1662 Constant Temperature

Chapter 1662 Constant Temperature
Han Qi's decree immediately attracted a group of ministers who were loyal to the former Wu!There are also a large number of slaves who are out of the control of slave owners!Came to Huai City even rolling and crawling!Han Qi also distributed the land to these people according to the previous agreement, no matter what their status was, as long as they came to Huai City to register!There is their land.

Once such a policy was issued, Zhu Yuanzhang’s population loss was extremely serious, but the current Zhu Yuanzhang was unable to give them any substantive things. The helpless Zhu Yuanzhang could only issue a blockade decree with red eyes, and hacked in public. Although the slaves who ran over suppressed this trend!But it also intensified the conflict between Zhu Yuanzhang and them, and the hearts of the people began to lose to a great extent!Zhu Yuanzhang urgently needs a war to save his face, popular support and dignity!For this reason, Zhu Yuanzhang had to tear his face apart and set his sights on Sun Yue in the south.

As the saying goes, the wicked have their own grind!There is redemption for the sins committed by the sky, and there is no way to survive the sins committed by oneself. Now Sun Yue is in danger!Almost everyone wants to come up and share a cup.

Today's weather is still Qin Lang, the wind is sunny, the weather is still relatively cold, the cold wind blows makes people shiver, the wind is less today, the soldiers on the city wall are all lazily basking in the sun!Looking at the vast world, a sense of heroism rose in my heart.

Ambrette!Deng Ai!The three of Zhong Hui sailed across the ocean and around Yuyang. More than 5000 people sat for a day, and everyone was dizzy. Bamboo slips, asked the lieutenant at the side: "What... what... what... what time is it!"

The lieutenant seemed to have gotten used to Deng Ai's stuttering!Immediately looked at the sky and said: "It will be dawn in two hours!"

Deng Ai immediately took advantage of the sly moonlight, picked up the brush in his hand, and wrote the time!Place!There are also marked and filled in the passing routes one by one, and even took out his own parchment, and used a brush to mark the details of the sea routes one by one, which can be described as extremely detailed.

Zhong Hui looked at Deng Ai who stuttered!He grabbed his neck and said: "Stinky boy! What are you remembering here?"

"You...you...you...go away! Don't...don't...don't...get in the way...get in the way...me!" Deng Ai pushed away the drooping hand of Zhonghui and looked at it The map is all right, so he said: "This...these...these days...the future...all...will be used...on it!"

"All right, all right! I won't bother you! You can continue painting! There are still two hours! It's enough for me to have a good night's sleep!" Zhong Hui curled his lips, obviously disdainful of this, and immediately found a leeward place, Folding his hands over his chest, he fell asleep.

Without Zhong Hui's interruption, Deng Ai's speed was much faster. When he was about to finish the painting, Deng Ai smiled as he looked at his masterpiece, and finally closed the bamboo slips and hid them on his chest, feeling satisfied. Went to sleep.

The bright sun shines on the earth. Somehow, Hengwen became interested today. He came to the city wall with a jar of fine wine in his hand. He was a little bit more drunk. Maybe it was the few days of leisure that made Hengwen relax. , Facing this desolate land every day, the whole person seems to panic, and can only drink to relieve his sorrow.

"Gulu... Gulu... Gulu!" Heng Wen suddenly poured three sips of strong wine into his mouth, and suddenly his lower abdomen was burning hot, as if he had drunk too much, Heng Wen sat on the ground with a thud, took a heavy breath, and breathed heavily. He scolded: "My lord! I have the ability to control the world! You let me guard this small Yuyang. How can I use a bull's knife to kill chickens! Overkill!"

Seeing Heng Wen's appearance, the guards guarding on the left and right were lazy to dissuade him. This was not the first time. Conflicts in the military occurred from time to time, and they were beyond their control.

"Array! March" only a tiger's roar was heard, and a black line appeared in the distance of Yuyang City. It's so shocking, the original playfulness is gone, replaced by a dignified look.

The leading general is wearing black heavy armor, holding a pear flower gun in his hand, and the red cloak on his back is automatic without wind, and the red flag with black border is written with the word ginger in black, but you can know who it is by looking at this flag. The person is Jiang Song.

Jiang Song had made an appointment with Deng Ai and the others before departure, and now that he was traveling day and night, he finally caught up.

Jiang Song spat suddenly, picked up the pear flower gun with one hand, and the veins on his forehead popped up, and suddenly shouted: Charge! "

"Kill!" Tens of thousands of people suddenly shouted, the sound was like a fire, like a thunderbolt hitting a bell and drum, they rushed straight to the Yuyang City in front of them, and the darkness was so thick that it made one's hair stand on end.

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow!" On the road, dozens of battle flags of different colors were placed on the car, and the lieutenant beside Jiang Song suddenly picked up a large black-edged tiger-shaped flag and swung it from side to side.

As soon as the soldiers listening to the order saw the waving battle flag, they immediately turned their horses' heads and shouted suddenly: "The whole army is going to fight! The whole army is going to fight... The whole army is going to fight"

After each sound, the soldiers who had been ready for a long time, the veins on their foreheads popped up, and suddenly shouted: "Charge!"

"General! Don't sleep anymore! Wake up! Wake up!" The lieutenant beside Heng Wen finally sighed heavily when he saw that Heng Wen was still in a coma. Angrily, he looked at the captain behind and said, "Go! Here comes the bucket of water! Quick!"

Upon hearing this, the captain turned over and got off the city wall, greeted the soldiers on both sides, ran up the city wall panting, carried the water to the lieutenant general, and panted, "General! Water!"

The deputy general glanced at the bucket, feeling helpless, suddenly picked up the bucket, looked at the constant temperature, raised his hand, and suddenly the cold water poured directly on the constant temperature body.

"Phew...cold...cold! Who doesn't have eyes! Who!" Heng Wen took a breath, opened his eyes suddenly, looked at the lieutenant general holding the bucket, subconsciously furious, and suddenly ran away. He got up, grabbed the lieutenant by the collar, and shouted, "What the hell are you doing! Do you want to die?"

"General! The enemy is attacking! Don't sleep!" The lieutenant looked at the constant temperature with a smile on his face. This guy is really dead.

Constant temperature wiped the cold water on his face, and when the cold wind blew, he shivered from the cold, and immediately cursed: "Everyone is on alert! Archers are ready!"

(End of this chapter)

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