Warring States Call

Chapter 1663 Yuyang breaks

Chapter 1663 Yuyang breaks

Jiang Song was riding a war horse, with a pair of black pupils staring ahead, but thousands of archers were here with their bows and arrows. Jiang Song looked at it, and immediately shouted: "Shields step forward! Ladders are ready! The former army archers are suppressing! "

After a few sounds, it made the soldiers under his command understand. Thousands of people with shields in their hands rushed forward one after another, but the archers lined up with two wings. Soldiers on the wall.

Constant Temperature frowned, and immediately shouted: "Shoot the arrow!"

"Whoosh, whoosh...!"

"Rolling stone! Lei Mu is ready!" After finishing the first general at constant temperature, he shouted suddenly, pulled out the bronze sword in his arms, and said with a serious face.

"Siege!" Jiang Songhu roared, turned over and dismounted from his horse, stuck his pear flower gun upside down on the ground with his backhand, and took the shield and dagger with one hand!Looking at the soldiers carrying the ladder, Jiang Song roared suddenly: "Go up the ladder!"

"Charge!" The three ladders behind Jiang Song suddenly stood on the city wall. Dozens of brave men jumped onto the ladders like flying men, biting the tiger-headed sword in their mouths, climbing the ladders with both hands, their eyes like tigers , keep climbing up.

Heng Wen was about to order the soldiers under his command to shoot back, but he saw the archers below shooting arrows, and the cold arrows shot straight at the city wall. Suddenly hundreds of elite soldiers died from the arrows. under the rain.

Hundreds of soldiers died!Many soldiers felt timid!Heng Wen suddenly spit, looked around and snorted coldly: "What are you doing in a daze! Rolling Stone Leimu is waiting for you! Hurry up!"


"Boom...Boom...Boom!" Rolling Stone Leimu threw it down, and the soldiers who charged first were smashed to pieces, but they were helpless.

"Kill...kill...!" There were more and more soldiers climbing the city wall, but few generals under Hengwen's command were dead.

"General! The brothers in Xicheng are dying! What should we do!" The lieutenant next to Heng Wen said with an embarrassed expression.

Listen to Heng Wen, he was stunned for a moment, and then said without thinking: "Call the soldiers and horses from Beicheng to come to support!"

"Then what about Beicheng!" Hengwen stared at Hengwen with an embarrassed expression, which was almost a naked confession of Beicheng.

Heng Wen glanced at the lieutenant behind him and said, "Prick up your ears and listen carefully. Is there any shouting or killing in Beicheng?"

"No!" The lieutenant nodded and bowed immediately, not daring to say anything more, and quickly backed out with a stern expression on his face.

Within a few moments, the lieutenant, holding the sword in his hand, brought more than 1000 soldiers from the northern city to support the western city, which made up for the vacancy just now.

Beicheng, which was very sparse before, looks even more depressed now!Not even a single figure could be seen.

Yuyang Nancheng is in full swing!A thousand soldiers and horses emerged from the rear, led by a middle-aged general with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, followed by two young generals.

These three are not Huang Kui and Deng Ai!Bell will!Who could it be?

A thin soldier, wearing a commoner coat, ran over and glanced at the empty city behind him. After confirming that it was correct, he immediately reported: "There is no one in the northern city. As long as we break through the city in one fell swoop, our army can directly enter the city." !"

After hearing this, Huang Kui was secretly delighted, and was about to issue orders, but seeing that Deng Ai and Zhong Hui hadn't spoken yet, Huang Kui couldn't help cursing inwardly, you son of a bitch!Forget about these two little brats.

no way!People under the eaves have to bow their heads. Deng Ai and Zhong Hui are Han Xin's apprentices. Ordinary generals have to give them three points of face, not to mention Huang Kui is a surrendered general. Such face has to be given.

Huang Kui gritted her teeth, looked at Zhong Hui and Deng Ai and said, "What do you two young generals think!"

"General Huang just give orders! We don't have any opinions!" Zhong Hui is a good man, and kicked the ball directly to Huang Kui. If he accepts this task and wins the city, the credit will be divided equally with Huang Kui. In other words, the risk is extremely high. Once the battle is defeated, Huang Kui will definitely put all the blame on Zhong Hui in order to escape. Will Zhong Hui be in favor of such a deal?
And Deng Ai stammered again, naturally he didn't want to talk more, so he nodded to Huang Kui, agreeing with Zhong Hui's opinion.

After hearing this, Huang Kui let out a sigh of relief, she simply saved her face.

"Siege!" Huang Kui yelled in a low voice, and dozens of men with big arms and round waists rushed up to the city gate with wooden stakes on their shoulders.

"One two three! Hit me... Boom... One two three... Boom... One two three... Boom... One two three... Boom!"

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the tall and mighty city gate was shattered into pieces!Seeing the scene of sawdust flying everywhere, Huang Kui saw that the city gate had been breached, and immediately said happily: "Brothers! Kill them! Charge!"

"Come on!" A tiger roared, and thousands of tigers and tigers rushed away. In less than half a day, Yuyang, who had been attacked by Sun Shuao for half a month, just missed in a grandiose way.

"The general is bad! The north gate has been lost!" A bloody soldier, clutching his broken arm, with disheveled hair, said with difficulty.

"Impossible!" Heng Wen waved his hand immediately, and said with an embarrassing expression: "All the enemy troops are at the south gate. They haven't broken through the defense line I set up, how can they get in! Don't scare me here! Get out of here !otherwise………!"

Heng Wen was about to speak harshly, but Jiang Song came up to kill him, holding a knife in his left hand and a shield in his right, with a cold light in his eyes, watching Heng Wen, the killing intent in his eyes became more and more intense.

Heng Wen's face was flushed, and he looked at Jiang Song who was rushing up, and immediately pulled out the bronze sword in his hand, and kicked the scout away!Charged in a straight line with the guards behind him, stared at Jiang Song, and suddenly shouted: "Kill!"

"Kill!" Jiang Song was not to be outdone, and the ghost-headed sword in his hand suddenly slashed towards the face of the constant temperature. Although Jiang Song mainly practiced marksmanship, but the sword and gun are not separated, and now Jiang Song uses it in his hands , but it looked majestic, within three rounds, Jiang Song suddenly threw out the shield in his hand, smashing the constant temperature with his feet on his back.

Jiang Song was a little impatient, looked at the constant temperature and snorted coldly: "Fleas! Don't jump around!"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Song raised the ghost-headed broadsword in his hand, and slashed it down. Immediately, blood was scattered on the city wall. Jiang Song took the head of the constant temperature, and suddenly shouted: "Your lord, the head is here! Put down the weapon in your hand if you don't want to die!" Those who resist in the corner! Kill without mercy!"

Huang Kui and the others had just killed Rucheng, but Jiang Song snatched the first feat.

(End of this chapter)

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