Warring States Call

Chapter 1664 Minced

Chapter 1664 Minced

Jiang Song took Yuyang with [-] troops in one day, which completely broke Sun Shuao's idea of ​​blocking the retreat of Han Xin's [-] troops, but Han Xin went north without stopping, and the soldiers pointed directly at Judu. Judu is now in chaos. , Dozens of people can be seen gathering together everywhere, abandoning the hometown where they have been raised for decades, and fleeing abroad.

Ji Fa is raising soldiers on the bed at the moment, while Ji Dan is leading the only soldiers to resist Cao Cao's attack in the north. The most elite soldiers of Ju State are taken away by Zhu Zhen to help Xiang Yu!Now that he has been fully exposed, wanting to come back is tantamount to ascending to the sky.

And now there are only 300 people left by Houyi in Judu. It is ridiculous that there are only 300 people in this huge palace.

In the palace!Ji Fa was recuperating on the bed, but saw a little eunuch running over in a panic, with an embarrassed expression on his face, looking at Ji Fa, he knelt down and cried out sadly, "My lord!"

Ji Fa struggled to open his eyes. The thick dark circles under his eyes, his frail age, and his messy hair blown by the breeze constantly showed Ji Fa's sunset polyps, which had been seriously ill for a long time.

Since the last battle, Pang Shigu fell into Cao Cao's strategy and damaged all the soldiers of Ju State. Ji Fa's health has been deteriorating, and it seems that he will not live long.

Ji Fa drooped his eyes, glanced at the little eunuch, breathed heavily, and snorted coldly, "What's the matter! Tell me!"

"Hundreds of bandits are making trouble by the sea! The people along the coast have been invaded by them many times! They are still tens of miles away from the royal city, and they will be killed in less than half a day! Please leave the palace as soon as possible!" The little eunuch is still Faithful, tell the truth about the situation.

After hearing this, Ji Fa closed his eyes that were opened at this moment, and said indifferently, "Call Hou Yi to come in!"

"No!" The little eunuch didn't dare to resist, got up immediately, and called Hou Yi quickly with his own small steps.

Not long after, I saw Hou Yi holding a longbow, looking sternly at Ji Fa who was dying on the bed, Hou Yi choked up his throat and said, "Your Majesty!"

Ji Fa opened his eyes with great difficulty. His black eyes did not have the sharp light of the past, but rather clouded a lot. But Ji Fa was not so stupid as to be incompetent. He looked at Hou Yi and said: " Give you 50 people to destroy the group of pirates along the coast! You can do it!"

"Your Majesty, don't worry! I'll leave everything to you!" After Hou Yi finished speaking, he got up immediately, gathered 50 people, and headed towards the enemy army along the coast.

Ji Fa looked at Hou Yi's receding back. It wasn't that Ji Fa didn't want to send more soldiers to Hou Yi, but that there must be more soldiers in Wangcheng.

Coastal area
"Yaoxi! That slave is right! This country is really rich! Although we have suffered heavy losses in front! But this wealth! It is enough to make up for our losses! This salt can make our cubs stronger." Only one person was heard. The sporadic voices and some birdsong were incomprehensible. This person was wearing rattan armor and holding a bronze knife in his hand. He looked like a tiger, but this person was only five feet tall, with short legs and a neck. The rough talk is about him, and he is very fat, the whole person is bloated, like a ball, as long as you kick it, this guy will roll down.

This person is Tokugawa Ieyasu who survived Han Shizhong. This guy jumped into the sea in time, otherwise he would have fed the sharks in the sea long ago.

"Your Excellency, don't be dazzled by the wealth in front of you! We only killed some ordinary low-level people! I'm afraid their main force hasn't come yet! We must always be careful!" A rough voice, this person is one of the people in this group. The tallest of the dwarves was five and a half feet!It is very funny to see, and his name is Takeda Nobutora. Since the last big defeat, his brother Takeda Shingen died in battle, but Takeda Nobutora took over the 300-man army his brother originally commanded, and now he is dead There are only more than 100 people, but Takeda Shingen wants to restore the glory of the past!He directly picked hundreds of people to fill in, deceiving himself and others, as if telling everyone that he inherited the glory of the family.

"Oh! It's cool! The women here are so comfortable! The legs are so long and white!" Shen Baochang tied his belt and walked out of the room. The woman's cry for help could still be heard in the room. and the sound of a man's growling.

Jinbochochi looked refreshed, and was about to say hello to Tokugawa Ieyasu and the others. Just as he was about to make a sound, his throat felt sweet, and a rising heat came out of Jinbochochi. My throat hurts unceasingly, and I reached out to touch it, and it was covered with blood, but the head of the Shenbao couldn't make any cry, just like this, my eyes went dark, and I fell to the ground, the scarlet blood stained the entire sandy ground .

Tokugawa Ieyasu and others were interrupting to tease the post of Jinbao chief, but when they turned around, the post of Jinbo chief had already perished.

Hou Yi looked at the mess all around him. Men's heads had been chopped off, and headless corpses were everywhere. Women were stripped of their clothes in public and insulted. Some women even had their throats cut, and their naked bodies were exposed. Outside, for these brutes to admire.

Hou Yi's eyes were bloodshot, and he said with red eyes, "I'll kill them all! No one will be left behind!"

"Hmph! Damn people from the Central Plains! Even so few people dare to fight us! You want to die!" Tokugawa Ieyasu's eyes were full of anger, and he immediately pulled out the bronze sword in his arms, and shouted: "Kill me!"

"Then let's start with you! Beast!" Hou Yi's eyes were red, the long bow in his hand was drawn like a full moon, and a scarlet blood condensed in the color of Hou Yi's arrow.


Tokugawa Ieyasu was about to issue orders, but Hou Yi's arrow pierced his heart directly, and he flew out backwards.

Tokugawa Ieyasu spat out a mouthful of blood, and an unbelievable look appeared on his face. He never thought that Hou Yi's arrow would be so fast and powerful. Tokugawa Ieyasu could clearly feel his heart being crushed. It was shattered, and the blood flowing through the body was getting less and less!In the end, Tokugawa Ieyasu left this world with regret. He thought that Oda Nobunaga and Toyotomi Hideyoshi were dead, and his chance came!But now it seems that it is all a dream, an unrealistic dream.

"I'll let you see! What despair is! Listen up, all soldiers! Don't kill the soldiers who put down their weapons! Cut off the things under them! Chop up their bodies and feed them to the fish!" Houyi said, Holding five cold arrows in one hand, they aimed straight at Prince Aoyu and Takeda Shingen.

(End of this chapter)

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