Chapter 1665
Takeda Nobutora and Prince Turtle Fish looked shocked, staring at Hou Yi with embarrassing expressions, and shot Tokugawa Ieyasu with one arrow. How much power is there to blow people away.

Hou Yi narrowed his eyes and stared at the two of them, and said indifferently, "Don't make a fearless struggle! Death is your only destination!"

"Whoosh whoosh!"

"Ding, when Hou Yi's magic shooting attribute is activated, the force value is instantly increased by 10, the basic force value is 105, the force value of the sun-shooting bow is increased by 1, and the current force value is 116!"

"Ding, when Hou Yi's five arrows are activated, every extra arrow will increase the force value by 1. Currently, it is three arrows, and the force value will increase by 3. It will return to normal after one blow. The current force value is 119!"

"Be careful!" The turtle fish prince is experienced in many battles, and the cold arrow shot by Houyi flashed in front of his eyes. Unavoidable, he jumped into the crowd, holding a few soldiers as shields, but Takeda Nobutora It's not as cruel as the turtle fish prince, or to say!His reaction speed was not as fast as that of the turtle fish prince.

With two arrows in a row, the shoulder blades on both sides were directly pierced by Hou Yi, and the whole person was nailed to the wall. The control of these two arrows seemed to be very good!It shot directly at the joints of Takeda Nobutora, but the left and right arms of the body were hard to use, so they were firmly stuck on the wall.

"Ah!" Takeda Nobuko let out a scream like killing a pig, staring at Houyi's place with a pair of sesame teeth, showing a ferocious look, and shouted: "Kill him! Kill him! Kill me! he!"

"Sass here! Sass here!" Hundreds of short-legged soldiers holding knives wielded their samurai swords, uttering a bunch of disgusting birdsong, and rushed towards Hou Yi at a high speed, of course They can't run fast with their short legs.

"Archers line up!" Hou Yi was not in the ink marks, and immediately shouted coldly.

Dozens of soldiers with two arrow pots on their backs suddenly knelt on the ground, and the arrow pots on their backs were full of arrows.

Hou Yi suddenly picked up his four arrows, looked at the four strongest people, and suddenly shouted: "Hit!"

"Swoosh, swish...!" The long arrow pierced through the wind, and the four people in the front were all hit, and three of them hit the vital point. The remaining force of the arrow directly penetrated their throats and shot towards the soldiers behind. One of these three arrows missed, and the other two arrows all hit the chest of the soldier behind, with extremely strong penetrating ability.

He shot and killed six people in a row, but Hou Yi didn't hesitate. He reached out and took off the arrow feathers from the back of the archer kneeling on the ground, only to hear: "Swish...swish!"

The sound of the bow was continuous, and within a few moments, there were dozens of fallen soldiers, but Hou Yi stared at the front indifferently. There were dozens of people under the arrow, and the surrounding enemy troops were all shocked by Houyi's hand, and retreated one after another.

Seeing him, Prince Turtle Fish immediately waved the sledgehammer in his hand, and shouted suddenly: "Don't retreat! Follow me! Kill! As long as you rush to the front, the enemy army will have no way to shoot arrows. Go ahead!"

Prince Turtle Fish casually glanced at Si Zhou, immediately picked up a piece of dead body, blocked him in front of his chest with both hands, the veins on his forehead popped up, and shouted: "Kill him! Fight him! Kill me!"

Hou Yi looked indifferently at the turtle prince who charged forward, glanced at the black arrow box behind him, and muttered to himself: "You are not worthy of dying under him! Your blood will stain my arrows!"

"Whoosh!" Hou Yi drew a cold arrow with one hand, and the longbow that was originally fully drawn was directly drawn a little full, aiming at the knee of Prince Turtle Fish's left leg, loosening the arrow and shooting.

"Gacha!" With an arrow, it directly shot through the knee of Prince Turtle Fish, grinning his teeth in pain, and Prince Turtle Fish collapsed to the ground, and the corpse in his hand rolled out.

The turtle fish prince supported his body behind his hands, just got up, his tiger eyes stared at Hou Yi, and was about to fight him desperately, but he felt a sharp pain between his brows. Feeling lost, an arrow hit her bare head directly between her eyebrows.

"Dead! They're all dead! Run! Run!" A timid soldier uttered a mournful voice. There used to be 900 people, but now Hou Yi directly shot and killed more than 100 people, and the quiver was empty. Three or four, these soldiers were not stupid. They knew that staying here would be a dead end, so they ran away immediately, but Hou Yi didn't chase after him, and suddenly shouted: "The whole army is attacking! No one will stay!"

"No!" The soldiers around didn't know why, but they suddenly showed great courage and hacked left and right. After an hour, there were corpses everywhere.

Hou Yi was spotless, not even a drop of blood was stained on his body, but there were 500 corpses left around, and hundreds of people jumped into the sea to commit suicide because they were afraid of Hou Yi.

Hou Yi rubbed his sore fingers, and even shook his arm. After all, Hou Yi was human, and no matter how strong his muscles were, they would still be weak.

Hou Yi took a look around and found that Nobutora Takeda was still alive. There was an intriguing smile in his eyes. Looking at Nobutora Takeda who was nailed to the wall by himself, Hou Yi clasped his arms around his chest and followed behind him. Two brave soldiers.

Hou Yi stared at Takeda Nobutora in front of him, but the coldness in his eyes became more and more obvious.

Takeda Nobutora looked at Hou Yi, a monster, and suddenly shouted: "You devil! You will die miserably! Miserably!"

"What is he talking about! Do you understand?" Hou Yi faced Takeda Nobutora who was speaking the bird's language, with a hint of puzzlement in his eyes.

"I don't know! But I should be begging for mercy!" The lieutenant behind seemed to understand what Takeda Nobutora's expression seemed to be trying to express!There was sarcasm in his eyes.

Hou Yi rubbed his wrist, and said indifferently: "According to what I said earlier! Cut up the stuff below! As for chopping up and feeding the fish, forget it! Hand him over to the villagers! Leave a dagger for the villagers! A thousand knives You can't run away!"

After Hou Yi finished speaking, he turned his head and left. To describe it in one sentence, it is to say the most ruthless words and do the most poisonous things.

"Understood!" The soldiers on both sides gave Hou Yi a comprehensible expression, pulled out the dagger in their hands, and slammed it down, stabbing Takeda Shingen's vitals, stirring up and down.

Takeda Nobutora immediately let out a scream like killing a pig, his complexion turned pale for a moment, cold sweat dripped from his head like bean water, and his eyes and whites fell, and he passed out directly, with blood flowing all over his body.

The current criminal law is nothing more than palace practice, but those villagers who were relieved, first thanked Hou Yi, then cut Takeda Nobutoro into pieces, and then brought a pile of firewood to directly burn Takeda Nobutoro to death.

(End of this chapter)

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