Chapter 1674

Now Han Xin came out of the tent on a war horse, followed by his three apprentices, namely Deng Ai!Bell will!Meng Yuan and three people.

Han Xin pinched his mustache, stared at the three of them intently, and said indifferently: "You have been studying with me as a teacher for a long time, and today I will test you as a teacher! When you meet a well-guarded man like Ji Dan General, how do you plan to deal with him!
Han Xin rode a horse in the vast world, admiring the scenery along the way, looking at the city under the golden sky, Han Xin was smelling the bloody air in the air, but his whole body was faintly nauseated, so he held back , otherwise it would be too cheap.

Holding the sword in his arms, Zhong Hui turned over and got off his horse. He rode the rope back and forth, surrounded the surrounding scenery, and said calmly, "The country of Ju is over! Our army can just push it horizontally!"

"Yes, master! I am willing to be a pioneer!" Meng Yuan immediately took the initiative to invite Ying when he heard that his whole body was invigorated.

Today's Han Xin's head was wrapped in red cloth, his face was sallow, and he could even feel that he was turning purple. Han Xin rubbed his wrist, walked quickly to the three of them, and said solemnly: "If you attack by force! This battle is less It is said that more than 800 people will be killed in battle, and [-] enemies will be killed! Self-damaged [-]! This deal is not worth it!"

"Master! Then what are you going to do!" Zhong Hui pressed the sword in his arms, and his body was still stained with blood, which made Zhong Hui feel depressed.

Han Xin stroked his beard, and said solemnly: "Forget it! Today, as a teacher, I will teach you the last trick! Go to the army to attack the plan! Next is to attack the handover! But on the battlefield, this sentence needs to be reversed!"

"Attacking the heart is the top! Attacking the city is the bottom!" Han Yi looked at the three of them with a smile, and then said: "Zhong Hui! Quickly prepare the clothes, tie them to the rain of arrows and shoot them into the city! Just write the content, capture Ji Dan alive ! Confess the marquis and worship the general!"

"Oh!" Zhong Hui scratched his head and said, "Master! Does this really work?"

The other two heard Han Xin's words, and felt that Han Xin seemed a little crazy. After fighting for so many years, they have never seen anyone playing like this.

Han Xin took out the map from his arms, and said with a stern expression, "Meng Yuan leads people to continue shouting under the city wall!"

"Master, I understand! Let's do it now! It's guaranteed to be more brutal than what you scolded yesterday!" Meng Yuan seemed happy to do such a thing, but Han Xin immediately refused.

Han Xin looked at Meng Yuan and said: "You follow the words on the bamboo slips, and you will understand when the time comes!"

Meng Yuan took the bamboo slip suspiciously, but he didn't know if he didn't read it. He was startled when he saw it. The conditions put forward on this bamboo slip were not generally good.

"Let's all go down and do it!" Han Xin looked at the three of them with a smile.

"No!" The three of them didn't say much, and according to Han Xin's intention, they went to Zhang Luohe to prepare.

The second person is early in the morning!The black sky was getting closer to dawn, and the soldiers on the Jufu city wall were all sleepy. In the first few days, many soldiers were waiting for the battle, and there were countless casualties!It seemed that the Han army would strike at any time, killing them to pieces, but after three days in a row, the movement outside the city became smaller and smaller, and everyone didn't quite understand what Han Xin was going to do.

The cold wind in early spring is still biting, and a little blowing can make people wake up a lot, but the physical fatigue and mental exhaustion, the soldiers of Ju State in the city have long been exhausted, and they wrapped their clothes early and went to bed. Soldiers in high spirits gather together to discuss when the war will end, young guys want to marry a girl with a big butt and a good birth, some drunkards discuss the wine in the capital, but more It is helpless.

"Fire the arrows!" The soldiers under the city wall shouted suddenly.

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!" The rain of arrows bound with letters all over the sky radiated towards the city wall. The soldiers on the city wall thought it was an enemy attack, so they immediately sounded the drums and horns, and were about to be on alert today, but the enemy The army retreated, and some of them were confused by the second monk, who didn't know what the hell the Han army was up to.

A few suspicious soldiers stepped forward to pick up the bamboo slips and slowly opened the letter inside, but they couldn't understand anything. After all, in this age when the level of knowledge is not in place, it is good for soldiers to know two big characters. Recognizing all these characters, counting the numbers above, muttering to himself: "One, two, three, four... Hahahahahahaha! Eight words!"

"What are you doing here? What are you doing here?!" I heard a burly voice, and then I saw a man wearing a long white cap and black armor, holding a sword in his arms and staring at several soldiers. Angry and drinking, he walked up. This person's surname is Shi, and the word Jingtang is added after it!

Shi Jingtang, a guy who can't be liked by people, when the soldiers on both sides saw that it was Shi Jingtang, they immediately handed the letter in their hands to Shi Jingtang and said, "General! Look! What do these eight characters read! I haven't read a book. I don’t know what it means! The enemy army fired a wave of arrows like this and then withdrew! They didn’t even have the intention of fighting!”

Shi Jingtang looked at the arrows raining everywhere, opened the letter immediately, and muttered to himself: "To capture Ji Dan, I will make you a Marquis of Ten Thousand Households!"

"It's from his grandfather! It's clearly nine words! You bastard!" Shi Jingtang suddenly put away the letter in his hand, looked at the soldiers on both sides, and immediately greeted with a cold snort, "What are you doing here in a daze? Hurry up and guard the fort!"

After Shi Jingtang finished speaking, he immediately turned around and left. He was still a little embarrassed just now, and was about to report to Ji Fa, but a voice came from behind him: "The kingdom of Ju is destroyed, please put down your weapons! My king! You are wise and mighty! I will definitely not blame you."

"What!" Shi Jingtang's heart skipped a beat, but the whole person came to his senses, stroking the beard on his chin, the coldness in his eyes finally turned into greed and unwillingness, Shi Jingtang had a feeling that this would be his fame This is the only opportunity in the world, and he, Shi Jingtang, must seize this opportunity.

Jufu City without Jidan is as fragile and simple as tofu.

Han Xin looked at Jufu City indifferently, the red cloak on his back was windless, and he said calmly, "I hope you don't let me down!"

This night is destined to be a sleepless night. It is destined that some people will become the starting point, and some people will be the final focus. They have added a strong touch to their lives. This life is filled with a sense of accomplishment.

The night is gradually approaching, and this night is not destined to be peaceful.

(End of this chapter)

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