Warring States Call

Chapter 1675 Shi Jingtang

Chapter 1675 Shi Jingtang

The movement of Han Xin shook the entire city of Jufu, and Cao Cao, who was attacking madly, stopped because of Han Xin's action.

It can be said that Cao Cao was very shameful as a whole. Eighty thousand Ju soldiers were buried in Cao Cao's hands, but he couldn't help little Ji Dan, which also made Cao Cao a stepping stone for Ji Dan to become famous.

With less than 2 soldiers and horses, Ji Dan defended Jufu to the death, making it difficult for Cao Cao's [-] troops to move. Ji Dan could brag about this achievement alone for a lifetime, but Ji Dan didn't, but his face was embarrassing, because he knows!Breaking the city is just a matter of time.

It's not that Cao Cao couldn't think of a strategy to break the city, but because he was blinded by hatred, and the strength gap between the enemy and our armies was too great, Cao Cao was confident enough to take down Jufu.Too much self-confidence has caused the current situation of riding a tiger.

The Korean army did not attack today, which made the soldiers guarding the city wall a big sigh of relief, at least today is over.

The sky gradually dimmed, as if the sun's light had been absorbed and gradually dissipated in the world.

Father Ju!main house

"Prime Minister!" Li Mu came to the hall wearing heavy armor, looked at the stern-faced Ji Dan, and immediately took out the letter in his hand, handed it to Ji Dan and said: "The enemy's strong attack will fail! Plan to use tricks! If the prime minister is here Go on like this! A floating military spirit will inevitably...!"

Ji Dan looked back at Li Mu, sighed heavily and said, "How long can the food and grass in the city last!"

"Han Xin plagiarized our grain and grass! In addition to Cao Cao's onslaught in the past few days! The medicine can last for half a month and less than ten days! The grain and grass can last for half a month!" Li Mu wiped the sweat from his face.

Ji Dan looked back at the wound on Li Mu's wound, and could faintly smell the smell of burning. Ji Dan immediately stepped forward to take a look at the wound on Li Mu's upper body. The hole that was shot by the cold arrow had been burned away. gap.

Li Mu glanced at the wound on his shoulder, and immediately grinned and said: "This small injury is not a problem! It's a little bit of saving!"

Ji Dan glanced at the letter sent by Li Mu, and immediately put his hand on his forehead, feeling dull in his heart, his cheekbones suddenly spoke, the upper and lower rows of teeth were biting tightly together, his pale face turned red at this moment.

Seeing Li Mu, his face was startled and he said: "Prime Minister...!"

"Pfft...!" Ji Dan couldn't hold back the last mouthful of old blood!Spit it out directly, the eyelids are getting heavier and heavier!Eventually fell into a coma.

"Prime Minister...Prime Minister...!" Li Mu looked startled, and immediately stepped forward to help Ji Dan, and hurriedly shouted: "Quick... hurry up and send the doctor! Quick!"

In the small dim room, dozens of key members of the army came here, each with a tangled expression, looking at the old man who was feeling the pulse, a man took the lead and said: "Old Hu! What happened to the prime minister! What do you mean?" Words!"

The medical craftsman named Hu Lao withdrew his withered palm for a while, stood up, and shook his head vigorously.

"Mr. Hu! What's going on!" Ji Chong'er looked at Mr. Hu with an embarrassed expression.

"The prime minister is exhausted! He hasn't closed his eyes for several days! In addition, he is getting older! He has been stimulated! His heart and blood are hard to calm down, which is why today's disaster happened!" Mr. Hu stroked his beard with a serious expression on his face.

"What's wrong with the prime minister!" Ji Yu said with a stern expression.

"The old man prescribes a medicine and drinks it for half a month! But during this period, the prime minister must not continue to use his energy. After the hard work is exhausted, the prime minister is not far from death!" Mr. Hu looked serious, and when he said this, he looked back Glancing at Ji Dan, he sighed heavily and shook his head secretly. Based on what he knew about Ji Dan, his family and country were in danger, so how could he stay out of it?

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. A large part of the reason why Ju's father was able to survive until now was because Ji Dan was in the battle. Without Ji Dan, they all lost their backbone.

"Water!" Ji Dan broke the heavy atmosphere with a hoarse voice.

Li Mu immediately stepped forward, took the bowl on the side, and handed a glass of water to Ji Dan. Ji Dan took a sip before he breathed a sigh of relief, glanced at the people coming around, and immediately said: "What are you doing here? ! Everyone disperses! Everyone performs their duties! The old man has nothing to do! Take office quickly!"

The generals on the other two sides were about to continue speaking, but Ji Shi waved his hands and said, "Let's all go!"

"No!" Everyone also lost their temper, and left quickly, with a lot of embarrassment on their faces.

Ji Dan let out a long breath and said, "How's the situation in the city?"

"Everything is fine! It's just that the army's morale is floating! The king is dead! The country's capital is broken and the army's morale is unstable. Even the old man thinks, what's the point of us persevering! Even the family is gone!" Ji Shi looked up at the sky and said with embarrassment .

Ji Dan clutched her chest, looked heavily at the three people around her, but the confusion appeared in her eyes, but the tears in the corners of her eyes couldn't help but slipped down, a pair of shrewd eyes became cloudy at this moment, there was no Instead of the wisdom of the past, there are only endless emotions.

"The century-old foundation of Ju State, I never thought it would be destroyed by the old man! Under the nine springs! This old man really has no face to see his ancestors!" Ji Dan said that he closed his eyes completely, and was speechless for a long time.

"You can take a good rest for the next few days! I will leave the affairs in the city to me!" After finishing speaking, Ji Shi walked out, feeling a little more helpless and melancholy now, and they didn't know what the future of Ju State would be like. , but they have a common intuition that the country of Ju is afraid to disappear in the long river of history, Lian Wei!together!A big country like Lu was buried in the hands of Han Yi!What about their Ju country?

Ji Dan remained silent for a long time, but his heart was ashamed. He knew that the country of Ju was hopeless.

The black sky gradually fell, and the soldiers in the city slept soundly, but there would always be a few people tossing and turning, unable to sleep all night.

As it happens, Shi Jingtang is one of them. The bonfire in the middle of the night swayed left and right under the blowing cold wind. Shi Jingtang stretched out his scarred hand and warmed the fire. He glanced at the hulking men all around him, and said grimly, "Several Have you made up your mind, old brothers? The country of Ju is already dead, and we will die if we continue to stay here. We might as well rely on the King of Han! As the saying goes, the tree is big enough to enjoy the shade, so we can also get a place, right? It’s better than It's better to sit here and wait to die..."

"That's the truth, but Lao Shi! Once this matter is exposed! This is a decapitation!" The man on the left had a beard and a serious expression.

"What we're doing is a business of beheading! Are you still afraid of this?"

(End of this chapter)

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