Warring States Call

Chapter 1676 Ge Congzhou

Chapter 1676 Ge Congzhou

"What we're doing is beheading business! Are you still afraid of this? We keep our heads on our belts all day long! Now the capital is gone, and the family members are all in Han Xin's hands. As long as Han Xin is willing, we will have to lose a few My family! The defeat is already a fact! The glory of the past is gone, so what's the point of holding on?" The big man who was sitting in the east picked up the meat that was roasting on the fire, and immediately cut a piece of it with a knife , Put it in his mouth and took a bite, blinked his mouth, and said with emotion: "Is this meat more delicious? This is what I took from a piece of dead horse meat. If it wasn't hidden well, it would have been forced Take those sons of bitches and eat them

"Hey! If the country is not broken! It still has some meaning to keep this city, but now the city has been broken, and the family members are in the hands of others. It doesn't matter whether I die or not! But I have only one seedling. If this thing is broken, I will die in this life. There is no hope!" An enemy said, a fat and sturdy general in black cloth clothes!Stuffing his beard, holding his armor in his left hand and the bronze sword at his waist in his right, he came from outside and casually threw the armor at his waist on the haystack beside him, making a heavy sound, with a serious expression on his face , the firelight shone on his cheek, and there was a knife mark about twelve centimeters long on it, which looked really scary.

The middle-aged man who followed behind the big man was not good at words. He held the sword in his hand and walked over. He had a resolute face, his black pupils stared at the fire, and his face looked stern. Looking at the crowd, I don't know what to think.

Shi Jingtang looked at the two of them, immediately took out the spirits he had prepared earlier, looked in the direction of the two of them and threw it directly, he let out a long breath, but let go of the big stone in his heart, and said enthusiastically: " You two are here, Zhu Can and Zhang Guiba, but where is Ge Congzhou? Why doesn't he come!"

After Shi Jingtang was polite, seeing that Ge Congzhou's voice was not behind them, he couldn't help frowning. If Ge Congzhou didn't come, he couldn't let go of it?After all, Ge Congzhou is weird, I don't know if he will stab him in the back.

Zhu Can was the big fat man from before. Looking at Shi Jingtang's cautious appearance, he couldn't help but tease: "Look at your timid appearance! Lao Ge is right behind, and he will come over in a while! Shi Jingtang today Why did you come here! Don't play tricks on me! We wise people don't speak dark words!"

Shi Jingtang looked at the two of them and said, "Brother Zhu is right in saying that people don't speak secretly. Now the power of Ju is gone, and the king is dead! We will die if we continue to fight here. Don't you generals want to find a good way out?" Is it? Could it be possible to stay here and wait for death?"

"Shi Jingtang, you are so impatient! Our brothers haven't worked hard enough! Don't drag us brothers if you make a fool of yourself. Let's not talk about whether Han Jun's words are reliable. Even if they are reliable, there are everywhere in the city. Martial law, act rashly! I'm afraid there will be no dead body!" Zhu Can changed his smiling expression just now, looked around and there were not too many people, and then whispered.

Shi Jingtang looked at Zhu Can, but suddenly withdrew his roasted red palms, and said indifferently, "Wolves travel thousands of miles to eat grass! Dogs travel thousands of miles to eat shit! Old Zhu! If you don't have the guts, don't come here, everyone! It’s a thousand-year-old fox. You must have already figured out why I asked you to come here! When you come here, just listen to me honestly! Don’t play against me here, it’s a waste of time! "

Shi Jingtang's meaning is very clear, if you want to tear down my platform, then neither of us should think about it. If we want to die, we will die together. If you don't give me face, I won't give you face either.

Zhu Can looked at Shi Jingtang with apprehension on his face and said, "Tell me if you have anything!"

Zhang Guiba, who had been silent all this time, raised his head, stared at Shi Jingtang with tiger eyes, and said half aloud: "You want us to surrender!"

Shi Jingtang looked at the two of them and said, "That's right! I don't know what King Han is like! But if you think carefully about Jiang Song, isn't this man also from a general background, and he still shines brilliantly under Han Yi's command! We can only die if we stay here One, but if you rely on the Han army, it may not be difficult to be named a marquis and a general!"

"This...!" Zhu Can began to waver. He was originally born in a poor family. In the army, his poor family, who had made his way through military exploits, was called a dog's leg by those hereditary guys!Although there is a military practice system in Ju State!But because the time is too short, the important positions in the plus army are all dominated by the nobles, it is too difficult for these poor families to get ahead, life and death are at stake right now, their interests are too few, they have not been touched at all, instead It was the interests of those aristocratic families who were completely touched, and their resistance was stronger than that of Zhu Can and others.

"I'm sorry... I'm late!" There was only a gloomy voice, and a tall and thin young general, wearing silver-white armor, came to the crowd with heavy steps, looked at Shi Jingtang and said, "Old Shi I agree with the idea! If you stay here, you will die! If you go out, you will have a life!"

"As the saying goes, capture the thief first and capture the king first! But Ji Dan is guarded by Chi You and Li Mu, so it's hard for us to succeed! Send a person outside to report the news! Tomorrow morning, Kaesong welcomes Han Xin into the city!" Shi Jingtang said with a cold light in his eyes .

"Leave it to me! Nancheng is guarded by me! All my brothers have believed it!" Ge Congzhou casually cut off a piece of horse meat, inserted it with a dagger, and put it in his mouth. He waved at the three of them. Said: "I'll go first!"

"This guy! Just picked the fattest piece of meat away"

The dark night is destined to be a sleepless night, the black sky is dotted with some bright stars, they are like bright lights, pointing out the way for pedestrians who attack at night.

And a sturdy figure rode a war horse and rushed towards the Han army's camp, as fast as a gust of wind.

At this moment, Han Xin was about to close his clothes and go to sleep, but the soldiers who greeted the door couldn't bear it anymore. They ran up to Han Xin with a stern expression, "General! There is an enemy general named Ge Congzhou outside the camp gate! Name him Dao wants to see you, General! Shall we beat him out with sticks!"

"Someone is here!" Han Xin regained his energy and opened his eyes suddenly. His tiger eyes seemed to have been dormant for a long time, and now he showed his sharp fangs.

"Hahahahahahahahaha! That's great!" Han Xin didn't even bother to put on his shoes, and suddenly waved his hands and shouted: "Quick! Bring them here quickly! Hurry up!"

(End of this chapter)

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