Chapter 1678
In the early morning of the second day, as the saying goes, the sky is bright and the air is clear, the wind is breezy, and several swan geese flew across the blue sky, chubby!The round white clouds are like a fat sheep, rolling leisurely in the sky, how comfortable it is.

This kind of clear sky should be basking in the sun comfortably, working at sunrise and resting at sunset, but the sky fails to meet people's wishes, and there are noisy drums everywhere, because there was no siege a few days ago, the air The bloody smell is much weaker.

Han Xin's hundreds of thousands of troops are here in full battle, and the soldiers behind him are waiting in full battle, their black pupils reflect the surrounding scene!Han Xin squinted at the soldiers guarding the city wall, and vaguely saw the formerly lazy and tired soldiers on the city wall. After the past few days of recharging their energy, they were refreshed!

Han Xin looked at the soldiers on the city wall, urged his horse to take a few steps forward, and shouted at the city wall, "Where is Ji Dan!"

The hour at this moment is the early morning of dawn!Ji Dan is leaning on a cane!Wearing a black cloak, staring at Han Xin with a stern expression, covering his lips and coughing a few times, with the support of the soldiers on the left and right, he sat on the moved chair, and Ji Dan looked at the general beside him. : "Tell Han Xin! Why are you looking for this old man!"

"What's the matter with the old man!" After Li Mu listened, the tiger's roar shook all directions, the voice was so loud that Han Xin really listened to it.

"Judu has already been breached by the old man! It is meaningless for you to wait here to resist! Put down your weapons! My king said it! Let these soldiers go back to the spring plowing! The king ordered! "

"Ah...!" Many soldiers showed compassion!They are all suffering from the war. This battle has been fought for too long. They don't want to fight anymore. Who doesn't want their wives and children to be hot? Whether to fight or not is entirely in Ji Dan's mind.

Ji Dan frowned, Han Xin was setting him up to shake his morale, don't tell me!This trick is really powerful, and most of the soldiers in Ju State have moved this idea!Ji Danyi didn't answer well!The morale of the army is unstable, and if the tens of thousands of troops are not careful, they will defect to the enemy and rebel.

Many soldiers looked at Ji Dan, each with a longing look in their eyes. Ji Dan looked at everything in front of him indifferently, pulled out the bronze sword in his arms, let out the slightest sword sound, looked at the front with tiger eyes, and shouted: : "Soldiers! The enemy has captured our family! Our children will become slaves! Our wives are insulted by them! Now they are still using the banner of lies to trick us into putting down our swords, as long as we surrender! Han Xin It will tear his hypocritical cheeks, revealing her ferocious face, and we will be his slaves!"

Ji Dan's voice was too hoarse, but Han Xin couldn't hear it clearly, but he knew that Ji Dan would never surrender so easily.

Han Xin stroked his beard, but Meng Yuan came behind him with a stern look on his horse, "Master! The flag at the south gate has come down!"

After hearing this, Han Xin showed a flat face, rubbed his wrist, stared at Jufu City with tiger eyes, and waved immediately.

"Charge!" Meng Yuan yelled hysterically after hearing this, his voice resounded like a bell resounding in all directions, the generals who had been waiting in full force for a long time tightened their weapons, stared at the front with tiger eyes, and charged forward with a spear.

"Boom...boom...boom!" The sound of the war drums was like a bell, like the low roar of a wild beast.

Ji Dan frowned secretly, Li Mu behind him!The brows of the two generals of Ji Xun were even more twisted. Li Mu pressed the sword in his arms, picked up the command flag beside him and said: "The archers are ready to shoot arrows! Rolling stone and Leimu will be later! Once the enemy crosses the moat , Immediately shoot the arrow!"


"Soldiers! Follow me to charge!" The leading general, wearing silver armor and holding a large knife, stared straight ahead, suddenly clamped his horse's belly, and shouted hysterically: "Charge!"

"Kill!" Tens of thousands of troops roared hysterically.

"Fire the arrows!" Li Mu yelled suddenly, and the soldiers behind him who had been waiting for the battle suddenly released arrows, and the cold arrows all over the sky went straight to the enemy's face and killed them.

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!" The arrows flew out suddenly, and the arrow feathers enveloped the enemy formation charging below, like locusts crossing the border, and the buzzing sound made people shudder!Nangong raised his head to look at the arrow feathers above, immediately pulled out the shield in his arms, and suddenly shouted: "Raise the shield to defend! Charge!"

"Ha!" Tens of thousands of people suddenly shouted, holding up the shields in their hands, resisting the cold arrows that kept shooting down from the sky. Although there were casualties, the loss was less than before. Scattered soldiers fell under the rain of arrows.

"Archers suppress the bows and arrows on the city wall! Let the arrows go! Hurry up!" Meng Yuan shouted angrily while pressing the bronze sword in his arms.

"Huhuhu...!" The cold wind blew the arrows of the strong crossbow, making a lingering sound, and went straight to the archers on the city wall, in order to suppress the enemy.

The fight outside was in full swing, but Nancheng was a bit unusual. Shi Jingtang led Ge Congzhou!Zhang Guiba!The three of Zhu Can only ran towards the city gate!The soldiers of the four battalions behind were all standing in formation, and the goalkeeper of the city was Shi Mo, who was originally a civil servant, but this time he was arranged by Ge Congzhou to be his deputy.

Shi Mo looked at the menacing four men, and immediately pressed the armor in his arms and said: "Now the battle is imminent! What are the four generals doing!"

Shi Jingtang held a straw in his mouth, with a cold light in his eyes, he stared at Shi Mo and said, "What do I want! When do I need to report to you, a civil servant! If you don't want to die, get out! I want to open the door!"

"It is a capital offense to open the city without the general's order! Four generals, go back quickly!" The veins on Shi Mo's forehead bulged. Looking at the four people, Shi Mo also bit the bullet and said.

"Go! Let's see who dares to stop me!" Shi Jingtang said arrogantly.

"General Ge! You are the guard of the city gate! Why are you...!" Shi Mo looked at Ge Congzhou, the capital of the four, with an embarrassed expression on his face.

"Damn it, what a mess! Let me die!" After Zhu Can finished speaking, he suddenly pulled out the bronze sword in his bosom, and stabbed Shi Mo's throat with one sword.

Shi Mo never figured out why these four people wanted to kill him until he died. Shi Mo pointed at Ge Congzhou, spat out blood, and said, "You...!"

Ge Congzhou closed his eyes, and said helplessly, "I have no choice! For the sake of my family! You can go with peace of mind! I will find a treasure land for you! Contain the corpses!"

(End of this chapter)

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