Warring States Call

Chapter 1679 Yang Su

Chapter 1679 Yang Su
Following Zhu Can's movements, the soldiers behind Shi Jingtang rushed to kill thousands of soldiers, and controlled the soldiers at the gate of the city. Shi Jingtang licked his dry lips, tiger eyes surrounded him, and then the cold voice sounded: : "Your Majesty is dead, the country of Ju is doomed, and the only way to continue to persevere is to die. We want to submit to the King of Han! Those who persevere will be killed without mercy!"

"I am willing to surrender!" The persistence in the hearts of many soldiers collapsed at this moment, their home country was flat, and they had no strength to fight back.

"Bang Dang!" The bronze weapon fell to the ground, making a tinkling sound. Shi Jingtang looked at everything in front of him with satisfaction, as if he was enjoying the moment in front of him very much.

Zhang Guiba suddenly waved his hands and shouted: "Open the city gate! Welcome the Han army!"

"Open the city gate!"

With a loud cry, the ancient and heavy city gate was slowly opened, Zhong Hui was wearing Ju Bing's armor and looked at everything in front of him, with a pair of black pupils looking indifferent, he pinched his chin and came to Shi Jingtang's side and said : "General Shi is really good at it! It's better to sigh!"

"Little General Zhong, what are you talking about? The old man's talent is the opponent of General Zhong, but he just took advantage of the trend! In the future, please promote the little general! I am grateful!" Shi Jingtang cupped his fists at Zhong Hui , eyes full of respect and kindness.

Zhong Hui seemed to enjoy the scene in front of him very much, and immediately cupped his hands and said, "What is General Shi talking about...!"

During the conversation between the two, the ancient city gate was slowly opened, Guan Yu!Geng Ying and the two men saw each other, immediately pulled out the bronze sword in their arms, and shouted suddenly: "Soldiers! Follow me! Kill!"

"Kill! The soldiers on both sides also shouted in unison. The two short legs ran extremely fast, and within a short while they came to the city gate and controlled the entire city gate.

The speed was so fast that the surrounding soldiers were caught off guard. They were desperately resisting, but they didn't expect that the city gate had already been broken, Li Cunxiao!Jiang Song and the others rushed in on their horses, but all the soldiers in the way were cut off by the horses.

But at this moment, Cao Cao couldn't sit still anymore. He urged the horse under his crotch, raised his ears, listened to the sounds around him, and immediately shouted: "The whole army charges to attack the city!"

"Kill!" As soon as the soldiers around listened to the command of the general, they all galloped away, ladder!All the cars were pushed up one after another, and even the siege engines were used.

Hearing the shouts of killing outside, Ji Dan put his arms around his crutches, closing his eyes like a sleeping old man.

"Prime Minister! Something is wrong! The chief general of the south gate, Ge Congzhou, rebelled and beheaded Shi Mo, the deputy general of the city gate! He also brought Zhang Guiba! Zhu Can! Shi Jingtang and the others!" Li Xuancheng dragged his exhausted The body has come to the tower, at this moment Li Mu is leading Li Daozong, Xue Andu and others to fight hard!His expression was extremely serious.

"What!" Ji Shi, who was sitting on the left, was the first to be unable to sit still. His center of gravity was unstable, and he staggered and almost fell to the ground.

Ji Yu was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot at first, but she felt relieved, and sat on the ground directly, with the bamboo slips in her hand scattered all over the ground, without saying a word for a long time.

Ji Dan was the only one in the entire hall who was calm and composed. At this moment, Ji Dan opened her cloudy eyes, picked up her crutches, and said indifferently: "Let's just sit here! We can't do anything! Just be honest Just wait, Chong Er!"

Ji Chong'er, who hadn't spoken or showed any expression, suddenly came back to his senses, and looked at Ji Dan with an embarrassed expression, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Bring that bottle of poisoned wine! You bring the king's seal! Summon Li Mu! Chi You, flee to the south! Take root there! Leave me the last bloodline of Zhou Wang!" Ji Danxiang lost his energy. Impressed, the whole person sat slumped on the ground with an unusually dignified expression.

"Prime Minister...!" Ji Chonger hesitated to speak, looked at Ji Dan's words, sighed heavily, put the poisoned wine in front of the three of them, seized the door and went out, Li Mu!Chi You and the two seemed to have been waiting for a long time.

Li Mu looked at Chong'er and said, "East Gate has the fewest enemy troops! I will open the way ahead, and Chi You will protect the young master!"

"Let's go!" Li Mu yelled suddenly, got down from the city, turned over and rode on his colorful leopard, holding his long iron stick, his voice was like a bell.

There is chaos all around, Han Jun!Ju soldiers were fighting together here, and blood spattered three feet could be seen from time to time. The spacious streets were full of fighting soldiers. Li Mu rode a leopard and took the lead to clear the way for Chong Er. Xiong said: "Quickly get out of the way!"

"Hahahahaha! Don't leave, thief! This general has been waiting here for a long time!" Hearing a shout, he saw a middle-aged general, holding his bronze sword in his hand, wearing a red cloak on the back of the black armor. The wind is automatic, who else could this person be if he is not Yang Su.

He had already calculated that if the enemy army escaped, they would definitely go this way, so he gathered [-] archers here and waited here for a long time.

"Fire the arrows!" Yang Su gave an order, and the soldiers behind him rained down arrows.

When Li Mu saw it, his expression was startled, and he immediately waved the long iron stick in his hand to block left and right, but he was hit by several arrows in a row, and Li Mu, who only killed him, turned red and shouted suddenly: "I want you to die!"

Li Mu roared loudly, and the colorful leopard under his crotch suddenly turned over and jumped as if he knew Li Mu's intentions. With all his strength, he jumped directly onto the willow tree that had just sprouted. Li Mu looked in Yang Su's direction, holding his own With a long iron stick, his eyes were red, and regardless of the arrow feathers on his shoulders, his expression was unusually indignant, and he shouted: "Death!"

The veins on Li Mu's ape-like arm popped out!Scarlet blood burst out from his body, holding a long stick in both hands, hitting Yang Su's forehead directly.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Yang Su's mouth, he pulled out the bronze sword in his arms, and immediately snorted, "The word protection array!"

Dozens of soldiers gathered together suddenly, holding their shields high in their hands, forming a large shield to protect Yang Su.

Yang Su showed his sinister smile under the shield. This is an army formation he carefully developed to defend powerful generals like Li Mu.


Under the weight of the blow, the soldier in front of him suddenly felt his arms go numb, and he retreated a few steps, but he really resisted Li Mu's blow.

A cold smile crossed the corner of Yang Su's mouth, and immediately shouted: "Shoot!"

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh!" There was only a cry, and then dozens of long spears stabbed out suddenly, like a dragon, and stabbed straight at Li Mu's throat.

Li Mu frowned, holding a long iron stick in both hands, gritted his teeth suddenly, and shouted: "Get out of here!"

(End of this chapter)

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