Warring States Call

Chapter 1680 Yang Su died

Chapter 1680 Yang Su died

With one move, Li Mu swept the sky, and suddenly gathered the assassins together, and the stick was shaken, and a huge hole was exposed in the entire army formation.

Yang Su groaned inwardly, subconsciously put his hand on the bronze sword at his waist, and stepped back several steps to distance himself from Li Mu.

Li Mu was about to finish Yang Su with a stick, but he saw that Yang Su took several steps back and completely distanced himself from Li Mu. Yang Su immediately took out the Zhuge Liannu in his bosom with one hand, and shouted suddenly: "go to hell!"

"Swish, swish, swish, swish!" Zhuge Liannu shot dozens of arrow feathers in a row, Li Mu quickly swung his stick left and right to block, only to hear: "Dingling, Dingling...!"

You can even vaguely see the sparks of friction bursting out from the sound of the arrow rain and the delivery of the sticks, which is extraordinarily scary to watch.

"Pa-ta...!" While Li Mu blocked it, he was hit by an arrow, and under a muffled grunt, he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

The veins on Li Mu's temples popped up, he stared at Yang Su with tiger eyes, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, spit out a mouthful of blood, and said out of breath: "You are the best dog! You are the most jumping person I have ever seen There are fleas!"

"Hmph! It's not sure who is the jumping flea?" Yang Su handed the Zhuge Liannu in his hand to the soldiers behind him, signaling them to bring one over.

"Really?" Li Mu looked at Yang Su indifferently, but the coldness in his eyes became more serious, but the smile on the corner of his mouth became more and more weird.

"Roar..." There was only a muffled sound of a beast, but a colorful leopard rushed out from behind Yang Su, knocking away all the soldiers behind Yang Su!Then he opened his bloody mouth and bit directly on Yang Su's calf.

Immediately, flesh and blood flew, Yang Su screamed in pain, Li Mu let out a heavy breath, spit, and rushed up with his long iron stick: "Fleas! I'll crush you to death! "

"Soldier! Defend quickly! Defend quickly! Pull this animal away! Stab it with a knife!" I stabbed the leopard several times, but the leopard became more vicious.

"Ding, when the power animal's warrior attribute is activated, the force value will be increased by 5. If the enemy's force value exceeds 100, everyone's force value will be added by 10. If the enemy's force value exceeds 120, each person's force value will be increased by 5. If the enemy's force value exceeds 130, the force value will be increased by 1."

"Ding, the current basic force value of Li Mu is 100, and the current force value of Yang Su has not reached 100, so the force value of Li Mu is increased by 5! The force value of the iron black stick is increased by 1, the force value of the colorful leopard is increased by 2, and the current force value of Li Mu is 108 !"

"Die to me!" Li Mu's ready-to-go stick hit Yang Su's head directly, his brains flew all over the place, and Yang Su died immediately.

The soldiers around saw that Li Mu was so brave, everyone showed fear and fear, and retreated one after another. Li Mu rubbed his wrist, turned over and rode on his colorful leopard and said: "Guys, hold on for a while! Apply medicine to you!"

Li Mu took out his own ointment from his bosom after finishing speaking. This ointment was in the state of milk. When it was applied to the black panther's wound, the bleeding wound stopped immediately. As long as you don't move too much, the wound will be cured here touch.

After Li Mu finished these, he looked at Ji Chong'er and Chi You behind him and said, "What are you doing in a daze! Let's go!"

"Don't leave, thief! Gao Chong is here!" Gao Chong rode a war horse under his crotch, chiseled the golden tiger's head spear, and rode his own war horse to catch up with Li Mu.

Chi You glanced back at Gao Chong, and immediately yelled: "General Li Daozong! This general is extremely difficult! Please stop him once or twice!"

"Leave it to the old man!" After finishing speaking, Li Daozong urged the horse under his crotch to run in the direction of Gao Chong and shouted: "Where did you come from! Take the knife from the old man!"

"This idiot!" Chi You saw that Li Daozong was going to fight Gao Chong one-on-one. Pick, isn't this a living court of death?
Chi You rode the savage bear under his crotch, stared at Li Mu in front of him and shouted: "Old Li! Go! Li Daozong won't be a fool for long!"

"Understood!" Li Mu also responded, the long stick in his hand was flying up and down, right and left, like walking on thin ice.

"Looking for death!" Gao Chong yelled suddenly, and the long spear in his hand suddenly shot out, aiming straight at Li Daozong's heart.

"Ding, the high-favored sharp gun attribute is activated, the force value instantly increases by 7, and the base force value is 105! The force value of the chiseled golden tiger head gun increases by 1! The current force value is 113!"

"Ding, the super pet giant power attribute is activated, the force value is instantly increased by 10, and the current force value is 123"

"Boom!" The spear in Gao Chong's hand was like a giant dragon, sweeping towards Li Daozong's throat. At this moment, Li Daozong felt like he was being watched by a fierce tiger, but this tiger was rushing towards him.

"Swoosh...boom!" The gun was overkill, Gao Chong killed Li Daozong with one shot, turned his hand and took off his head, and stared at Chi You indifferently!The direction of Li Mu's escape!But he was too lazy to chase after him. The real greatest contribution to this chaos is not these little soldiers and shrimps, but Ji Dan.

All the people in the army rushed to these three people, Yuwen Chengdu was no exception. At this moment, Yuwen Chengdu was fighting in the city with a golden gilt phoenix wing in his hand, but he saw that a battle group was still unable to take it down, so he took a closer look. , I saw Xue Andu, Xue Wanjun, and Xue Wanche were covered in blood, but they were still unwilling to put down their weapons. There were dozens of soldiers who died in their hands.

Yu Wencheng frowned, and when he urged the horse to come to the three of them, his expression became colder and he said: "The power of Ju is over! It's a pity that the three of you are dead. It's better to submit to my dynasty! Yes, but it is necessary to enjoy the old age comfortably!"

"What the hell are you! Look at me beheading you!" Xue Wanjun was so angry that he looked at Yu Wencheng and swung his gun to kill him.

"Second brother, let us help you!"

"Ding! Xue Andu, Xue Wanjun, and Xue Wanche's three Xue attributes are activated. If the three are present at the same time, the personal force value will be increased by 6, and the opponent's basic force value is higher than them. The force value with the largest difference will be used. How much is the difference? value plus how much"

"Ding, Xue Andu's basic force value is 101, Xue Wanjun's basic force value is 100, Xue Wanche's basic force value is 101, Yu Wencheng's force value is 103, the difference is 3, and each of the three will add 8 to their force value!"

"Ding, the current Xue Andu's basic force value is 101, the force value of the Toad Palace Halberd increases by 1, the force value of the Black Dragon Horse increases by 1, the force value increases by 8, the current force value is 111, Xue Wanjun's basic force value is 100, and the force value of the Shuangyue Tiger Head Halberd Add 1, add 1 to the strength of the White Tiger Colt, the current strength is 110, Xue Wanche's basic strength is 101, add 1 to the strength of the Silver Moon Halberd, add 1 to the strength of the Gray Leopard Cloud Colt, and the current strength is 111!"

Yu Wencheng stared at him indifferently, and immediately snorted coldly: "I'm stubborn!"

(End of this chapter)

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