Chapter 1688
Han Chen was startled when he heard this, but at this moment, Han Chen didn't lose his mind. He glanced back at Han Yi and said, "Father, my son...!"

"What are you talking about! Pang Wanchun! Xu Fu! Shi Jiantang, you bring Wang Ding back to Chang'an! All the lovers are staying here for a banquet, and you will return when you are alone! Gao Lishi leads the way!" Han Yi got off Wang Dingtai with his clothes on his hands , but secretly rejoiced in his heart that he was going to be a grandfather.

Next generation dear!Next generation dear!This is not just for fun, this is Han Yi's first grandchild, so how can people not like it?

Han Chen hurriedly followed Han Yi's pace, and Han Feng still looked calm, which reminded him of his wife involuntarily. As for Han Ning who had just come down from the high platform, Lu Guang and the others He quickly came to Han Ning's side, and said with concern, "My lord, are you okay?"

Han Ning shook off the dust on his body, with a hint of confusion in his eyes, he looked back at Cui Hao and said, "Is my mood really so bad?"

Han Yi's words just now seemed to be nailed to Han Ning's body. At this moment, Han Ning seemed to come back to his senses. A pair of star eyes stared at Cui Hao, as if waiting for his answer. Cui Hao stroked Looking at his beard, there was a hint of a smile in his eyes and said: "It seems! Young Master has grown a lot after this incident!"

Han Ning seemed to have got the answer, and said indifferently: "It seems that I am a frog at the bottom of the well...!"

At this moment, Han Ning seems to have grown up. He is more aware of his own shortcomings. A person is not afraid of knowing his own shortcomings, but he is afraid that he will not be able to face up to his mistakes.

The nine clouds in the sky seemed to form an arc and floated towards the Luoyang Palace. They stayed there for a long time, as if they were waiting for something.

Inside Luoyang Palace
Han Yi's hand could not help pressing the bronze sword in his arms, followed by his confidantes and son, his eyes intersected, Han Yi looked at Gao Lishi and said, "Have you ever seen any beast...!"

Han Yi was really asking a question, but he saw Xiaobai lying lazily on the corridor. What kind of laziness is the whole person? When Han Yi saw it, he immediately had the answer in his heart, and immediately stepped forward to pat Xiaobai on the forehead and said: "Old man! You Where did this come from!"

Xiaobai roared in a low voice, as if responding to Han Yi.

"Ah..." The heart-piercing cry resounded through the entire corridor, and it was even continuous. There were more birds in the sky than before, but Han Yi just walked outside the door and smelled With a scent, Zhen Ji came to Han Yi with the wrapped child in her arms, and immediately saluted.

Han Yi looked at the baby in front of him, and immediately stretched out his palm, expecting in his heart: "This is...!"

"This is the eldest princess!" Zhen Ji replied truthfully, and Han Yi was also slightly taken aback, playing with the baby's small face, but the smile could not be stopped at the moment, Han Yi teased for a while, and handed the baby to Han Yi morning!Then he glanced deeply at the palace and said, "How is the situation of the Crown Princess...!"

Han Chen looked at the daughter in his arms, and couldn't help but smile in his eyes. This was his first child, so how could people not like it?But the joy that had just arisen disappeared under Han Yi's question. Looking at Zhen Ji, there was a trace of worry in his eyes.

"The concubine is pregnant with twins! The situation has not yet been settled, and this servant dare not say anything!" Zhen Ji bowed her head and remained silent.

Han Yi was about to continue to question, but another loud cry came from the room, louder than the eldest princess just now.

"Wow... wow... wow... wow wow wow..." The crying sound continued, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. When the sound came out, it should be that the mother and child were safe.

The yellow light shines on the newly born baby through the screen window, it feels crystal clear, and the room is filled with a delicate fragrance!It was more intense than before, and the Jiulong cloud that had lingered in the sky for a long time completely dissipated at this moment, which seemed to confirm the birth of the baby, and their mission was completed.

"I gave birth... I gave birth! It's for Your Highness... Your Highness!" Wen Po laughed happily. For them, if the Wang clan got a man, then they are a great contribution, and money is indispensable yes.

Wen Po was holding a child in her arms, but the smile in her eyes couldn't be stopped. When Han Chen heard this, she was overjoyed immediately, but the smile in her eyes became more and more cheerful, as if sweeping away the haze of many years.

Han Yi stretched out his hand and glanced at the child in front of him. His whole body was like jade, which made people very happy. Han Yi was about to reach out and touch it, but at this moment the child opened his eyes.

The eyes are as clear as water, but there is another pair in the water. Under the eyes, it is like hitting the soul. Han Yi looked at these eyes, and immediately laughed: "Double pupils! It turned out to be double pupils!"

"Double pupils! Congratulations, Your Majesty! Congratulations to Your Majesty! Double pupils are the appearance of an emperor! I am about to become a saint!" Gao Lishi shouted quickly, and the generals and officials behind him immediately knelt down and bowed down.

Han Yi kept rubbing his hands together, and laughed heartily: "The Nine Cauldrons move! Double pupils come out! I will rule the world!"

"Long live my king, long live, long live!" Many civil servants shouted with encouragement in their eyes.

Han Chen immediately knelt down and said, "Please give me a name, Father!"

Han Yi suddenly laughed and said: "The eldest princess's name should be Han Wan! And this son is the blood of my Wang family! He also has double pupils, and the position is upright! It can ensure my dynasty to prosper for a hundred years! Bestow the phoenix word , named Han Huang, implying destiny!"

"My son, thank you, father!" Han Chen kowtowed immediately, and everyone kowtowed to thank him immediately, but Han Ning and Han Feng were slightly stunned. What does this mean? Did it directly wipe out their future competition for the position?

"The concubine has worked so hard and moved to Chang'an! Grandson Hanhuang, send him to the palace from now on! I will take care of you personally after the Gu war is over! The prince will return to the Prince's Mansion from now on! Help Gu deal with government affairs! The grandson came to the world, in order to accumulate virtue for the grandson, Amnesty to the world!" Han Yi waved his hand, and Han Ning was overjoyed when he heard that, Han Yi's side meaning was to tell Han Ning that his mother could be sent out of the cold palace.

Han Yi hugged the child in his arms, then handed the child to Zhen Ji who was beside him and said, "It's time to see! I will go to Pingyang in a short time! The prince sits in Chang'an!"

"Observe the order!" Han Chen saluted immediately with a stern expression.

"Yeah!" Han Yi nodded, strode away, followed by Dian Wei and Fei Lian, Han Yi glanced at the evil behind him, and immediately said: "Let the order tell Li Ru and Xin Qiji to send more people to the grandson." Protection! What happened to Taisun Ruruo! The two of them came to see each other!"

"Abiding by the decree!" After receiving the order, Elai strode towards the back, and the birth of this child was doomed to glory from the very beginning.

(End of this chapter)

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