Chapter 1689
Han Chen was transferred back to Chang'an, and everyone knew that the crown prince was lifted, and all of this was due to his son: Han Huang

Huang Tonghuang, it can be seen that Han Yi's expectations for this grandson, and Han Huang was born with double pupils, if he taught him in the future, he would definitely be a wise master, and Han Yi's expectations for him were extremely high.

Jiuding moved, Han Yi stayed in Luoyang for a few days, then took back the two king swords that had stayed in Luoyang, and rushed towards Pingyang.

The situation in the world also changed drastically at this moment, Qin!Zhao!The alliance of the three kingdoms of Yan wanted to break through Pingyang, but Han Yi stationed hundreds of thousands of troops in Pingyang to prevent the Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms from going south, and the biggest battle in the world was nothing like this.

In the south, after Han Yi's instigation, the battle situation gradually stabilized, but the transfer of personnel also turned the south into a loophole that could be exploited. Feng Yi just took over Wancheng, and repaired the city here as soon as possible. Having experienced Xiang Yu's power, Feng Yi had to pay more attention to avoid Xiang Yu's comeback, but there are still some small countries in the south, Feng Yi had to be wary, in order to ensure absolute safety, Feng Yi directly called Su Dingfang in Shangyong With a helping hand, this dusty orb is finally about to emit the light it should have.

And in the war between Xiang Yu and the Sui Kingdom!With the help of Cao Cao, the Sui Kingdom, which was originally showing weakness, gradually stabilized the situation and even began to put pressure on Xiang Yu. It was only five months before and after, which made Xiang Yu, who was originally hopeful, not withdraw completely. Of course, Xiang Yu was not at a loss. This time he won most of the territory of the Sui Kingdom, and at the same time recruited the elite soldiers of the Ju Kingdom. That is, the five thousand soldiers under Zhu Zhen's command.

After this war, many outstanding people emerged in Xiangguo, such as General Zhaoyang. The ranks of famous generals.

The most eye-catching thing in the world, or beyond Han Yi's expectations, is Zhu Yuanzhang's Wu State. When Ju State surrendered, Han Yi wanted to take advantage of the situation to destroy Wu State. He ordered Han Xin to be a general and raised 20 troops. Due to the variables, Han Yi can only divide the land of Wu. The son of Fuchai, the king of Wu, who was originally regarded as a puppet by Han Yi, has now played a huge role in dividing the land of Wu. The initiative to represent the south was in the hands of Han Yi, and Zhu Yuanzhang was forced to focus on Sun Liang's Sun Yue.

After the war between Gou Jian and Sun Ce, both countries hurt each other, but with Zhu Yuanzhang's refusal, the situation in the world began to change again, but Han Yi couldn't just watch Zhu Yuanzhang grow up, and Han Shizhong who stayed in the south China's sea routes have matured, and it is time for this nail to play its due role.

Binh Duong
When Han Yi arrived in Pingyang, Guan Yu had already rushed to Pingyang with Han Xin's [-] soldiers, and Wu Qi's [-] soldiers had been accompanying them, so they naturally arrived with Han Yi's arrival.

Han Yi entered Pingyang, stroked his beard, and said with a vague smile in his eyes: "In the past, the three families attacked Qin, but today they would attack and defend aliens, and Gu would become the party beaten by the group!"

"The power of the family and the country has grown in recent years! The princes will definitely not watch us grow. The war of the Seven Kingdoms in the past is vivid in my memory. If one of the countries is not defeated, our country will repeat the war of the Seven Kingdoms! And the current Pingyang War Disaster!" Beside Han Yi, a six-foot-long Pang Tong with a fat head and big ears, with a face like a pumpkin, stroked his thin beard, and a pair of wise eyes showed a trace of solemnity.

"Pang Tong is right! If you don't stop, you will be subject to chaos! Qin State has the natural danger of Hangu Pass, once defeated, it will hide in Hangu Pass. In the past few years, Zhao Yong kept a low profile, and his national power is not the same. In the past, he even became the overlord of the world! As for the Yan Kingdom, it was the weakest of the Three Kingdoms, but after the battle of the Song Dynasty, the Yan Kingdom eliminated Liu Song and annexed They have acquired a large amount of land in Zhongshan, and their strength cannot be compared with that of the past, and destroying Yan will be harmful but not profitable! It is difficult for the three countries to choose!" Liu Bowen stepped forward at this moment, also reviewing Pang Tong's plan, and at the same time expressed his own View.

Gao Chong on the side was confused, looked at Liu Bowen and said, "Sir! Why is destroying Yan a hundred harms but no benefit! As the saying goes, pick the softest persimmons! Yan is obviously the weakest, and destroying them is just a piece of cake , and why is there no benefit at all?"

"No!" Liu Bowen pinched his beard and said, "Yan State! Backed by the grassland! There is Li Shimin, a tiger, staring at the west! Once Yan State was severely damaged by our army! Not only Li Shimin would take advantage of the situation, but even Zhao Zhang This white-eyed wolf will go up to divide the meat, and we won't be able to get the land, but we will have a lot of financial and material resources to guard it! It's not worth the loss!"

Han Yi picked up the wine bottle on the side, took a big gulp, stared at Liu Bowen and said, "What do you think sir!"

"Destroy the country of Zhao! Divide Zhao among the three families!" Liu Bowen stroked his beard, and the coldness in his eyes became more and more obvious.

"Why!" Han Yi scratched his temples, dragged his chin with his hands, and seemed to be telling Liu Bowen: "You show! You continue to show!"

Liu Bowen stroked his beard and said in a low voice, "Although it is true that Zhao is a big country! Its national strength is strong! This is true! But without Zhao Xianglin and Xiangru, Zhao is like a giant without a brain, but with a burly torso But they have no brains! Zhao Zhang’s seat is not too stable, their younger brother is very jealous of Zhao Zhang’s seat, how can they let it go! From here, they can make a big fuss! In addition, they are in the United Yan Kingdom! The insight is amazing! As long as the hungry wolf of Yan Kingdom is fed, the demise of Zhao Kingdom will happen sooner or later!"

"Good..." Han Yi nodded secretly, this Liu Bowen is worthy of the title of Liu Bowen who dominates the world!There is nothing wrong with this title. If Xu Shu hadn't been arranged to enter the country of Yan, Han Yi might really have adopted Liu Bowen's opinion, but now, it is completely unnecessary. The country of Yan has become a dog raised by Han Yi, as long as Han Yi says Under the order, Yanhui will become his most loyal support and guardian.

"Report! Your Majesty! The enemy general outside the city gate is calling for battle outside the city!" The soldiers rushed over in a hurry, like a vanguard.

"Which country is the battle!" Han Yi planned to confirm in advance, it would be fine if the country of Yan fought, but Qin!Zhao Ke is different.

(End of this chapter)

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