Chapter 1690

"The coalition forces of Qin and the two countries have assembled outside the city!" The scout wiped off the bean-sized sweat on his face, looking very dignified.

"Oh!" Han Yi laughed, pressed the bronze sword in his arms, stood up suddenly and said: "All generals, follow me to meet the Qin-Zhao coalition army.


The smell of blood in the air is very strong. If it is not a war, this situation may last for a month to dissipate, but now it is a war, how can it dissipate? The towering city walls are full of blood. People watching It's creepy, and there are countless stumps and broken arms buried under the city walls, some from the enemy, and of course some from our own family. The losses of the war cannot be avoided.

Under the city of Pingyang, Wang Jian, a veteran of the Qin State, rode to the city alone, followed by Wang Yanzhang and Wang Yantong to protect the left and right. His sharp eyes were like eagle eyes, as if he wanted to see through Han Yi. Wang Jian cleared his throat and said, "Old man Wang Jian came to invite Han Yi." Wang Yizhan! If you have any questions, please let King Han know!"

Zhao Yun's handsome face on the city wall became unnatural, this Wang Jian is obviously a weasel who has no good intentions to pay a New Year greeting to a chicken, but this kind of battle is about Korea's face, it is not up to him to decide, Zhao Yun said: "General, please wait here for a while! "

Above the building, Han Yi looked indifferent, each general asked for a fight, but Han Yi stabilized his position, Han Yi was waiting, he was waiting for the other party to negotiate terms, and now Han Yi also has enough capital to negotiate terms with them.

"Your Majesty, let the last general kill him! With the silver halberd in the last general's hand, he will definitely kill that old man Wang Jian!" Jia Fu followed the situation with a clicking gesture, as if he wanted to express his evil intentions. .

Han Yi smiled and said: "Don't worry for now! I'm so lonely to see what's wrong with this Wang Jian

"Report to Your Majesty! The enemy general Wang Jian led his men out and wants to ask your Majesty some questions!" Zhao Yun walked into the tent and reported the information to Han Yi!But Han Yi seemed to know about this matter beforehand, and told the truth immediately.

In the early years, Han Yi liked to close his eyes and meditate, but these years he has lost his leisurely mood. He has been worn out by the corners of life. Han Yi rubbed his head: "Win even more! Where is Tai Shici!"

"The last general is here!" The two tiger generals suddenly stepped out of the battle, knelt down on one knee, as if they were going to call for a fight.

"The two of you will aim at Wang Jian's direction! If Ruogu talks to him, he will kill him on the spot!" Han Yi's words are unquestionable. No matter how messed up Jia Fu and others were, Han Yi is also sticking to his bottom line This time, the goal of killing Wang Jian is the most important thing.

"My servant obeys the order!" The two of them accepted the order immediately after hearing this.

Han Yi also broke his heart, in order to destroy Li Mu!The joint skills of the four Wang Jian, Han Yi can't use it to the extreme, after all, this is Han Yi's century-old foundation, if you play hooligans, you can be hooligans!Han Yi admitted.

After greeting the two, Han Yi lazily stretched his waist and said, "I haven't seen people from Qin who treat them like tigers and wolves in these years. Let's take a look today. What kind of medicine is in Wang Jian's coffin!"

Han Yi quietly stroked the emperor's hate on the table, without any expression on his face, his eyes were empty, as if they were just small ants in front of him, and then Han Yi went out with the ground hate, what did he want to see, What kind of medicine did Wang Jian buy in the gourd?

Wang Jian was wearing a black robe and a Qin army armor on the outside!He wears a sharp Qin arrow at his waist, and the gray and white hair on his forehead all show his age. His sideburns are like tigers, and his beard looks like a needle has just been inserted upside down on his chin. He looks very mighty and extraordinary. With a handsome black war horse, this horse has bright hair and a strong figure!At first glance, it looks like a war horse on the prairie. Since Qin State destroyed Yiqu, the fertile grassland there has become Qin State's horse ranch.

"Next time, Wang Jian has met the King of Han!" Wang Jian was still a general after all, and cupped his hands at Han Yi.

"Wang Jian! What do you want to ask Gu!" Han Yi looked at Wang Jian's direction with a smile, and the killing intent in his eyes became more serious. Thinking of this, Han Yi involuntarily looked in the direction of Geng Ying and Tai Shici.

"Excuse me, King Han! Can you defeat our Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms?"

"Not necessarily!" Han Yi replied directly to Wang Jian's words, his eyes were full of arrogance.

Wang Jian was slightly astonished, and then reacted, and suddenly shouted: "King Han! Don't seek death! Hand over Pingyang! And cede more than 30 cities under your jurisdiction to our Three Kingdoms! Otherwise, the forces of the Three Kingdoms are here! Hanwang, you yourself Weigh one or two!"

Han Yi turned his head suddenly, and Geng Ying and Tai Shici reacted suddenly, and immediately radiated the longbow in their hands from left to right.

"Ding, Taishi's Merciful God Shot attribute will add 2 to the force, and the base force value is 99! The current force value is 101"

"Father, be careful!" Tai Shici Wang Yanzhang, who was looking at the city wall, was shocked, and suddenly waved the spear in his hand, blocking Wang Jian's face, but the seriousness in his eyes seemed to shudder.

Seeing Tai Shici shooting into the air, Ying immediately loosened his longbow, only to hear: "!"

Geng Ying shot a cold arrow in his hand at a high speed, but Wang Yanzhang, who was beside him, shouted immediately: "It's too much to deceive! Give it to me!"

"Kang Dang!" With a sweep of the shot, the winning Leng Jian was completely missed.

"Wang Jian is going to die!" Tai Shici yelled, bending the bow, pulling the string, and releasing the arrow all in one go, like flowing clouds and flowing water, which makes people feel extraordinarily comfortable. The most important thing is that Tai Shici's reaction speed is fast!The timing is also just right.

"Ding, Taishi's Merciful God's shooting attribute increases the force by 2, and the current force value is 103!" It was another arrow, shot out like a shooting star, just like a naughty child, picking on the weak side to attack.

The more winning arrow has just been swept away by Wang Yanzhang. At this moment, Wang Yanzhang has just exerted his strength and it is difficult to return it.

Wang Jian was shocked, got off his horse and was about to retreat, only heard: "Slap him!"

The cold arrow hit the back of the heart, and the pain was so painful that Wang Jian's heart was piercing. Wang Yantong hurriedly came to Wang Jian's side and said, "Quick! Go back!"

"The two countries are at war! Don't kill the envoy! You wait for me!" After Wang Yanzhang finished speaking, he urged his horse to retreat.

Han Yi watched Wang Jian hit the arrow, and immediately shouted in his mind: "System! Check Wang Jian's ability for me.

"Ding, Wang Jian, the four famous generals of the Warring States Period: 92 in military strength, 102 in command, 95 in intelligence, and 95 in politics!"

"My dear! This Wang Jian turned out to be a man with both civil and military skills. It is really unbelievable. At the same time, Han Yi's heart sank. Such a terrifying person was let go like this. Han Yi suddenly felt that he had let a person go. what kind of existence.

Han Yi rubbed his palms, looked at the civil servants and military generals on the left and right, and shouted: "Get ready to fight! Defend!"

I am so sleepy, I will check the typos tomorrow, please forgive me
(End of this chapter)

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