Warring States Call

Chapter 1691 Han Xin's Pride

Chapter 1691 Han Xin's Pride

Han Yi gave an order, and the soldiers who had been ready for a long time began to carry things on the city wall, Lei Shi!The log!Arrow feathers were being transported up continuously, it was quite a busy scene.

Han Yi pressed the bronze sword in his arms, just looked at it like this, stroked his beard, and didn't know what he was thinking.

The exhausted Han Qinhu rested for a few days before continuing to participate in the battle, along with Sun Wu!Gongsun Yan!Han Xin!Wu Qi!Four people, Yue Fei is currently guarding Wang Ye, for fear of being attacked by the enemy.

Right now, wars are starting all over the place. Wang Jian was injured, but he still hasn't lost consciousness.

"My lord! Bai Qi's army hasn't arrived yet! Blindly defending will only expose the problems of our army. Moreover, the Qin-Zhao coalition army has not attacked Pingyang these days, and their morale must be low. If we launch an attack now, our army must have What you have gained!" Wu Qi looked at the current battle situation, and there was a trace of solemnity in his eyes.

Han Yi also nodded secretly, apparently agreeing with Wu Qi's point of view. If the fight continues like this, even if they win, it will be a situation where both sides will suffer. Although it is dangerous to go out, the benefits will definitely be maximized.

"If you go out and just blindly fight the enemy army head-on! Even if you win, you will kill the enemy one thousand and lose eight hundred! If you want to defeat Qin Zhao's coalition forces, you need to start from the root!" Han Xin watched Gao Lishi slowly spread out A pair of tiger eyes seemed to be looking for something, and Han Xin's gaze never left Zhao's rear supply line from the beginning to the end.

Sun Wu also raised his spirits. Days of hard fighting made Sun Wu exhausted, and the whole day's defense also exhausted Sun Wu's mind and body. Now that 20 reinforcements have arrived, maybe he can really fight the Three Kingdoms. And Han Yi He also fulfilled his promise to restore the state of Wu, and Sun Wu is worthy of Fucha.

"Qin! Zhao! The Three Kingdoms of Yan have a total of 60, and the daily loss is tens of thousands. Among them, the Yan Kingdom travels long distances and is the farthest. Their front is also the longest. At this moment, most of the soldiers and horses of Yan State can be cut off, followed by Zhao State. Pingyang is closer to Zhao State, and their reaction speed is extremely fast. The cavalry and archery battalion of Zhao State has a fast combat power! Fast! Lethal attack, the upper part can be used as cavalry, the lower part can be used as infantry, and the various places are intricate. Among them, the grain and grass hoarded by the State of Zhao are located along the river with Jinyang as the node. Transport the grain and grass to Beiping Daying, and there are two high cities in the river, named Pingcheng and Sanhu, if you want to attack Jinyang, you need to take these two cities first!" Sun Wu stretched out his index finger and pointed at Jinyang. Along the way, he pointed out the locations of Pingcheng and Sanhu, stroked his beard, and looked a little embarrassed.

Han Yi looked at Gongsun Yan behind him and said, "Who are the guards of these three cities!"

"The general of Pingcheng is Lou Sui, and the general of Sanhu is Pang Nuan! The famous general of Jinyang is Xian Zhen! I heard that this man is very good at the art of war, and his fighting power is extremely strong. He once followed Li Mu to the Saibei and was praised by Li Mu. You are worthy of a famous general!" After Gongsun Yan finished speaking, he gasped for breath, and his whole body coughed violently.

"Cough, cough, cough, cough, cough!"

Han Yi glanced at Gongsunyan in a blink of an eye. Today's Gongsunyan no longer retains the honor of the past. His temples are already gray, and the dark black hair is hard to see on his hair. The wrinkles on his face have increased a lot. Han Yi listened , the whole person couldn't bear it, looked at Gongsun Yan and said, "How old is the old general this year!"

"Haha!" Gongsun Yan said this haha, scratched his temples, and looked a little dignified like a child: "My lord! This old man is already sixty-one this year!"

"Oh!" Han Yi was slightly astonished, and then he suddenly realized that Gongsun Yan was really in his prime when he took refuge in him. At that time, he was already in his 30s. Also normal.

"Well! The old general has worked hard! After this battle is over! The old general will follow me back to Chang'an to serve, and live up to his old age! It can be regarded as a lonely wish!" Han Yi said with some unbearable heart.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your compassion!" Gongsun Yan didn't refuse either. He no longer had the heart to continue fighting. After half his life, Gongsun Yan had lived enough. He had already obtained what he wanted most during his trip to Zhongshan, and he was buried with the king after his death. Mausoleum, Yanyuan Pavilion also has his seat, Gongsun Yan is also in peace, and his life is worth it.

"Well!" Han Yi nodded, responding to Gongsun Yan, and immediately looked at the crowd and said, "The situation of Pingcheng and Sanhu is not known yet, and we need someone to detect it, and even if our army is defeated, we will not be able to defend it." Hold on! To face the enemy, it is a big taboo to divide the troops into two groups, generals! According to your method of conquest, how many soldiers and horses are needed to defeat Qin! Zhao Lianjun!"

"At present, our country only mobilizes 50 soldiers and horses, and wants to completely defeat Qin! Zhao Lianjun, having more soldiers and horses does not occupy too much advantage! On the contrary, it will greatly expose the weakness of our army! This is the worst policy!" Sun Wu He was the first to express his own opinion. In Sun Tzu's Art of War, Sun Tzu has clearly stated that soldiers should not be many but must be fine, and generals should not be brave but strategic, so at this moment Sun Wu also put forward his own views.

"Although there are many soldiers and horses, it is easy to expose flaws! But I don't think so! Your Majesty! If you want to defeat the two countries, you only need to give me 20 soldiers and horses! I can defeat them!" Han Xin seemed confident and content, of course Han Yi was not surprised, and immediately reminded: "The enemy army is in vain! Wang Jian! Li Mu! Lian Po four!"

Han Xin stroked his beard and said: "Bai Qi! Wang Jian is just a defeated general! Li Mu! Lian Po can only bully the Hulu! It's nothing, as long as the king gives me enough soldiers and horses! These people are not enough!"

"Hehe! General Han's tone is not normal!" Wu Qi glanced at Han Xin, expressing his dissatisfaction with his tone. Wu Qi also had his own pride, and he was not at a disadvantage in the face of Han Xin's arrogance.

Han Xin and Wu Qi are called the arms of the empire, and they met only three times in total. They also wanted to compare each other, and neither of them accepted the other. Today, it seems that the two want to distinguish themselves.

Han Xin stared at Wu Qi, then smiled and said: "This general is not talented! As long as you give me enough soldiers and horses, defeating them is only a matter of time!"

Han Xin also has enough capital to be proud of. As long as he has [-] soldiers and horses, his commander-in-chief change will be increased by one. In this way, even if Bai Qi and their weakening are stronger, as long as they give enough troops to Han Xin, Han Xin can win.

(End of this chapter)

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