Chapter 1692
"Don't do these fearless quarrels! Go to war!" The discussion between Han Yi, Han Xin and others ended here. In Han Yi's view, the most important thing right now is to deal with Wang Jian under the city wall.

The sharp sunlight shone on the ground, as if a lightsaber fell on the ground, and the smell of blood in the air was disgusting
The two armies are facing each other, and the Qin and Zhao coalition forces are clearly divided into Wei and Jin!Wang Jian in the Qin army hastily bandaged his wound, wiped the cold sweat off his face, and the soldiers under his command stood up!They were all dressed in black and red-flammed gowns, and pitch-black bronze armor!The black-faced and red-edged flag on the back is automatic without wind, fluttering in the wind, like a group of forests, and the hearts of those who watch it tremble.

The Zhao soldiers headed by two were heroic. Lian Po was wearing a silver battle armor with a bronze sword on his waist, riding a yellow horse, wearing a black bearskin cloak on his back, and wearing a silver coat on his head. Eyes of white helmets and tiger eyes watching the changes in Han Yi's formation. The other person's outfit is very different from Lian Po's. He is wearing a black armor and his eyes are like shooting stars. There is no wind, and hundreds of military flags are standing behind them in the army. There are tens of thousands of people in an army formation, and it looks mighty and extraordinary.

Han Yi looked at the dark crowd, and roughly saw that there were 40 to [-] people, but Han Yi couldn't tell how many people there were. The pressure in his heart suddenly increased, and he looked at the familiar and unfamiliar faces behind him. , Han Yi rode Xiaobai, turned his horse's head, looked at everyone and shouted: "You have faces I am familiar with, and there are faces I am not familiar with. I may not be able to call your names, but I hope you are alive! I hope you are alive!" You are able to reunite with your family members. You may be wondering why the lonely and frequent wars are launched, but I will tell you today that I don’t want any more wars in this world! Only unification can eliminate wars, and only unification can your children be in the balance. Enjoy peace in the prosperous age of peace! Only unity, the people of the world will have no war! Some of you may not hear what Gu said today, but I just want to tell you! I want to sweep away this troubled world! Let the world be unified! Let the world be in harmony No war!"

"Long live my king!"

"Long live my king! Long live! Long live!"

I don't know who yelled, but all the soldiers under his command roared wildly. Some soldiers didn't know why they yelled like this, but they looked at Han Yi's generosity and shouted loudly for a while. A few days ago, there was another king in the world who shared weal and woe with them. Here, he marched in person. As the shouts became louder and louder, the soldiers underground all became more and more imposing.

Li Mu!Wang Jian and the others felt the high morale of the enemy army, everyone roared, their hearts sank, the high morale of the enemy army was not a good thing for them!

Right now the morale of the enemy army needs to be suppressed, Wang Jian narrowed his eyes and stared at the enemy army in front, a trace of coldness flashed in his eyes, he wanted to report the arrow, and suddenly shouted: "Who goes to fight!
"The last general invites you to fight!" Wang Jian's subordinates suddenly urged the horse to walk out of a general!I saw him eight feet long, riding a blue war horse under his crotch, holding a black long spear in his hand, the black in the spear was scarlet in color, the sun shone down, exuding a cold light, from a distance It's majestic to go.

Who else could this person be if he wasn't Wang Yanzhang? His father was injured, so how could he sit still, urging his horse out of the battle, the killing intent in his eyes became more and more obvious.

Wang Jian stroked his beard, his eyes filled with joy!After all, it is my eldest son who loves me!He nodded and said, "That's fine! Zhang'er! Go! Show off the majesty of our army and strengthen the majesty of Daqin."

"The general obeys orders!" Wang Yanzhang couldn't help being excited when he heard his father's promise. He urged his horse to mount, holding a wrought iron spear in his hand, and shouted loudly, "drive!"

"Wang Yanzhang is here! Han Jun listen! Who is going to die!" Wang Yanzhang was furious. His father was shot by an arrow, and his heart was full of anger. He had repeatedly defeated Han Jun in these years, and he also wanted to avenge this.

Han Yi stroked his beard!Looking straight ahead, he said calmly, "Who dares to fight!"

"I'm coming!" There was only a shout, and I saw a young general!Holding a weapon in each hand, riding a war horse, wearing heavy armor on his body, his body is much thinner, but his face has a restrained majesty. Seeing the enemy's self-declaration, his name is Wang Yanzhang, he is immediately annoyed, isn't it? Who could Meng Yuan's younger brother Meng Zhan be?

"Sure!" Han Yi waved his hand, his expression was a little dignified, his eyes were fixed on Meng Zhan, obviously he had high hopes for him.

As soon as Meng Zhan heard that Han Yi had issued the general order, he immediately urged his horse to mount, and suddenly roared: "Wang Yanzhang, leave! Give back my brother's life!"

With a loud shout, Wang Yanzhang squinted his eyes when he saw the person, and saw that the other person was riding a war horse, holding a pair of guns in his hands, wearing a yellow armor and white robe, and he was about 30 to [-] years old. He was in his prime of life, and with a burly body, he looked like a veteran general who had been on the battlefield all year round, shouting at Wang Yanzhang.

When Wang Yanzhang saw him, he was immediately furious. He remembered that he had met this boy several times during the Battle of Exterminating Shu. As the so-called enemy met, he was extremely jealous. Wang Yanzhang immediately shouted: "Little devil! Look at the old man who took your dog today!" Life!"

"Kill!" Meng Zhan made a move of two dragons going out to sea, and stabbed at Wang Yanzhang's throat and lower abdomen.

"Let me open!" The double spears in Wang Yanzhang's hands fluttered up and down, picking up two cars with one move. After Meng Zhan's double spears were thrown away one after another, the iron long spear in his hand suddenly stabbed out. To Meng Zhan's throat.

Seeing this, Meng Zhan made a turbulent move with two spears, and directly swept back Wang Yanzhang's sudden shot, and then shot straight at Wang Yanzhang's throat with a single gun. As the so-called horse made Lu Feikuai, the spear was like a thunderbolt. Everywhere is a murderous trick.

Wang Yanzhang's eyelids twitched suddenly. He underestimated this baby, and suddenly withdrew the iron spear in his hand, his eyes were full of horror, and immediately said coldly: "Little brat! I really regret not killing you at the beginning! You've grown to this point!"

During the battle, flames blazed everywhere, Meng Zhanhu stared at Wang Yanzhang, his eyes were cold, and then he said coldly: "My brother is looking at you in the sky? I want to take your head to pay homage to my brother! Take your life Bar!"

"Hmph! You are not worthy! You want to kill me! You have been training him for decades!" Wang Yanzhang snorted coldly, and then shot out like a dragon, stabbing out suddenly, mingling with Meng Zhan's two guns, far away Han Yi and the others at the place looked from afar, only to see flames radiating and silver lights flashing, and it was difficult for anyone to stand in the wind for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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