Chapter 1693

"Old dog! Take your life! Yay!" Meng Zhan became more and more courageous as he fought, holding two guns in his hands, and using airtight guns, like rough sea waves, each wave is more powerful than a wave of guns!One shot stabbed at Wang Yanzhang's throat, and the other shot was always staring at Wang Yanzhang, in case he had any killer moves.

"Little man, I can't keep your life today! Take your life!" Wang Yanzhang didn't intend to let Meng Zhan go. The last time he let him go so easily, he left a big trouble for himself. This time, he wants to keep his hands, not just letting the tiger go back to the mountain. To put it simply, it is completely a problem of raising tigers. After all, letting them go and raising them are not the same thing.

"Ding, Wang Yanzhang's Iron Spear is launched! The force value increases by 7, the basic force value is 105, the force value of the iron long spear increases by 1, the force value of the black dragon horn increases by 1, and the current value is 114"

The iron spear in Wang Yanzhang's hand was as fast as a black wind, and it swept a thousand troops with one move, and it shot towards Meng Zhan's chest.

"Break!" Meng Zhan made a move of two dragons to go out to sea, two spears like dragons, and the speed of lighting up the stars and cold light was abnormally fast, the illusory energy on his arms burst out, and a vague murderous aura condensed around his body , as the battle situation continued to change, scarlet blood finally condensed around Meng Zhan's body.

"Ding, Meng Zhan Lucun's attributes are activated, those who owe must be repaid, and those who are killed must be tasted. The attribute force value will be increased by 3, and it can be activated twice. Faced with a force value above 2, the attribute force value will be increased by 100, and the force value will be 1. Add 110 to the force value of your own, add 2 to the attribute force value with a force value of 120, and add an additional 3 to the attribute force value with a force value of 130"

"Ding, Wang Yanzhang's current force value is 114, add 5 to Meng Zhan's force value, and the basic force value of Meng Zhan is 101! The current force value is 106!"

"Looking for death!" The long spear in Wang Yanzhang's hand changed direction slightly, and he deflected Meng Zhan's two spears with ease, and hit Meng Zhan's shoulder with another heavy spear with his backhand.

"Boom!" Meng Zhan's heart sank, and he crossed his arms to block the iron spear above Wang Yanzhang.

After a loud noise, Wang Yanzhang's left arm condensed fist suddenly blasted out, and hit Meng Zhan's lower abdomen. The huge force caused Meng Zhan to suffer a lot, and all the strength in his body was useless. The condensed breath was all interrupted by Wang Yanzhang, and it was almost broken by Wang Yanzhang.

"Death to the old man!" Wang Yanzhang rolled his eyes, and the iron spear suddenly shot towards Meng Zhan's head.

"Give it to me!" Meng Zhan lowered his arms slightly, held the spear between his hands, and charged at Wang Yanzhang's iron spear.

"Ding, Meng Zhan's Lucun attribute is activated for the second time, and the force value is increased by 5, and the current value is 110!"


With two simple moves, Meng Zhan was already at a disadvantage, and there was a dull pain in his lower abdomen. Anyone with a discerning eye behind could see that Wang Yanzhang hadn't used his full strength, and Meng Zhan was already overwhelmed. If there was no turning point, Meng Zhan's life might be in danger. I have to explain here, the current battle between the two is firmly controlled by Wang Yanzhang.

Han Yi rode Xiaobai, watched the two battle for several rounds, and listened to the echo from the system just now, Han Yi frowned secretly: "Isn't there any useful weapons and horses in Mengzhan up to now? These days are right. He ignored it a little bit! The system consumes [-] summoning points for me to summon weapons and horses suitable for Mongolian warfare!"

"Ding, currently the host has 1602 summoning points, after removing 200 summoning points, there are still 1402, which is currently called by the host!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the weapon Jade Tripod Double Spears. The current implantation location is the Pingyang warehouse! The host can pick it up by himself!"

"Ding, the host consumes 100 summoning points to summon the war horse. Congratulations to the host for getting the tiger hunting horse. The current implantation identity is the armored war horse sent by Peng Yue!"

Han Yi looked at Meng Zhan, who was at a disadvantage, rubbed his eyebrows, and immediately looked at the people behind him and said, "To prevent Meng Zhan from losing! Li Cunxiao, go fight for him!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" After Li Cunxiao heard this, he immediately turned over and mounted his horse, picked up his soldiers and urged the horse to go up. The evil spirit on Zhou's body made people shudder, and his heart trembled when he looked at the Qin-Zhao coalition army behind him.

Li Mu stroked his beard, and said with a stern expression: "If only the Qin State contributes, it would seem that our army is a bit stingy. Looking at the general behind him, he immediately shouted: "Who please fight! "

"General! The last general, Niu Jian, invites you to fight!" Niu Jian rode a brown war horse, holding a long halberd and urging the horse out, his eyes were full of coldness.

"The last general, Su She, please fight!" Su She was also not to be outdone, and the two came behind Li Mu, one on the left and the other on the right.

Li Mu glanced back at the two of them, pinched his beard and said, "Alright! The two of you go together, be more confident, go!"

"The last general has an order!" As soon as the two heard this, they immediately turned over and mounted their horses, holding weapons in their hands, looked in Li Cunxiao's direction, and shouted suddenly: "The enemy should not bully the few with more, I will meet you later !"

Han Yi glanced at the two of them, and thought to himself: "The system scans the four dimensions of the two of them for me!"

"Ding! Niu Jian: Force 89, commander 94, intelligence 90, politics 61!"

"Ding, Su She: Force 88, commander 75, intelligence 67, politics 75!"

"This Niu Jian is not bad, but from the perspective of the luxurious camp behind Han Yi, these two people are completely rotten sweet potatoes and rotten bird eggs. Han Yi didn't even bother to talk to him, and immediately waved: "Who will meet him! "

"I'm coming!" Gao Chong urged the horse under his crotch, and the silver gun in his hand exuded a terrifying cold light. Looking at the two of them, he suddenly shouted: "The enemy is going to be rampant! Gao Chong is coming!"

"Gao Chong!" Su She felt baffled. He had never heard of this name before. He was overjoyed, and looked at Niu Jian who was beside him and said, "This person is unknown. You and I will work together to take him down. Wouldn't it be great to have the first skill!"

"Be so!" Upon hearing this, Niu Jian also felt that what Su She said was reasonable, and immediately shouted: "The enemy should not be rampant! Save your life!"

It's no wonder that Su She and the two felt this way. Gao Chong's only record was beheading Gao Changgong, and then killing two unknown soldiers in Ju State. Now the battlefield with tens of thousands of people is the time when Gao Chong is famous.

"Looking for death!" Gao Chong looked at the two of them!Picking up the long spear in his hand, he stabbed three times in a row, and was dodged by Niu Jian who was in charge. Niu Jian was secretly shocked that this Gao Chong had such strength, and he would definitely be the enemy of our country Zhao in the future. This son cannot be left behind. , Thinking of this in his heart, Niu Jian had a cold light in his eyes, and the halberd of his finger suddenly swept forward.

It's a pity that Gao Chong's shot was not aimed at Niu Jian. Gao Chong picked it up with one hand, and Su She was stabbed in the throat. His pupils shrank sharply, and Su She held his throat with a look of horror. , pointing at Gao Chong, faltering and saying: "You... are... cheating!"

"Winner and loser, talk so much, both of you will die!"

(End of this chapter)

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