Chapter 1697
Shu Lianghe frowned secretly, looking at Gao Chong rushing towards him, the pressure in Shu Lianghe's heart was extremely great.

"Down!" Gao Chong wielded the gun with both hands!Suddenly facing Shulianghe's killing, Lu Ge came out to spy out, and pointed the way with a single shot, directly killing Shulianghe's throat.

Shu Lianghe frowned in shock, his scalp felt numb all of a sudden, his complexion gradually became solemn, holding his own dragon horn sword in both hands, his eyes were more relieved, and he suddenly shouted: "Come to fight! Ha!"

"Ding, Shulianghe's strength attribute is activated, and the force value is increased by 5. In the face of the severity of the enemy's weapon, personal ability is increased. The force value of twenty catties is increased by 1, the force value of forty catties is increased by 2, and the force value of sixty catties is increased by 4... ..."

"Ding, the basic strength of Shulianghe is 98, the current strength is increased by 5, Gao Chong's chiseled golden tiger head gun weighs 190 five catties, the strength of Shulianghe is increased by 9, the strength of Longjiao is increased by 1, and the strength of the black and brown horse is increased 1. The current force value is 114"

The black Dragon Horn Ge, like a black python, went straight towards Gao Chong's weapon. Gao Chong's expression froze, he immediately tightened the horse rope, holding his own silver gun in both hands, and shouted suddenly: "Deal!"

"Bang!" The two weapons fought!Countless sparks were sparked, and Shulianghe's Longjiao Ge was firmly suppressed by Gao Chong's chiseled golden tiger head gun. This was a battle between dragon and tiger, but Lian Po from a distance could see that this battle , As the dragon's side!Shulianghe had already been pressed down by Gao Chong, the fierce tiger, and began to rub against the ground.

Lian Po looked embarrassed and said: "Support Shu Lianghe quickly! Shen Tianzi is quick!"

Lian Po said with a loud voice, only to see a general come out!Holding a silver gun!Urging the horse, he rushed away. Looking at Gao Chong and the danger, Shen Tianzi was also anxious for a while. After all, Liu Song was destroyed, and these generals who surrendered would naturally gather together, and Shu Lianghe was the backbone of this group of big men. If he Dead, this small gang that has not yet formed is completely cold.

Gao Chong swept away the treasure gun in his hand, hummed softly and exclaimed: "Good skill! But it's not enough right now!"

"Swoosh!" Gunshots sounded like arrows!Sweep left and right, like two dragons sailing to sea!After swiping Shu Lianghe's blow away, Gao Chong pressed on him suddenly, with his eyes widened, he said: "No one can save you today!"

"Ding, the second attribute of the high-favored gun is activated. Shulianghe activates the skill once. Every time the force value is activated, the high-favor force value increases by 1! The high-favor force value increases by 2! The current high-favor force value is 2"

"Ding, the super pet giant power attribute is activated, the force value is instantly increased by 10, and the current force value is 125"

"Die to me!" Gao Chong looked at his eyes, and the spear in his hand suddenly shot out, pointing directly at Shu Lianghe's throat.

"Not good!" Shu Lianghe looked at the ever-expanding cold light in front of him, his brows were frowning in shock, the veins on his arms were bulging while holding the long dagger in both hands, and he suddenly shouted: "Hugh is crazy!"

"Ding, Shuliang Hehu activates the attribute, increases the personal force value by 5, and the current personal force value is 119!"

"Ding, Uncle Lianghe's three tiger attributes are activated. In history, he and Di Yumi are together! Qin Jin's father is collectively known as the three tiger generals. At present, the two of them died in battle, absorbed the attributes of the two, and merged into the three tigers. The force value of each person was increased by 10. Liang He's force value is 129!"

"Bastard!" Gao Chong frowned secretly, looking at Shu Lianghe's long dart like the wind, Gao Chong quickly retracted his gun to defend, only to hear: "Crack!"

As the spears and spears intersected, Gao Chong suppressed Shu Lianghe's long spear, and shouted coldly, "You're courting death!"

Ding, the second attribute of the high-favored gun is activated, and Shulianghe activates the skill twice at present, and the force value is increased by 2 every time the force value is activated!High pet force value plus 4!The current high pet force value is 4"

"You're looking for death!" Gao Chong was completely angry about this matter, his eyes turned sideways, the spear in his hand suddenly turned, and the tiger's eyes were bloody and said: "Break the formation!"

"Ding, the high-level pet block attribute is activated. This skill is activated with the giant force attribute. It can be used against powerful generals. There is a 50.00% possibility of blocking a skill attribute of the enemy. If the enemy has advanced skills, the block is invalid! If the block is successful, the high Add 5 to your pet's force value! And after this skill is activated, it will take one month before you can continue to use it!"

"Not good!" Shu Lianghe looked at Gao Chong's blood that was constantly steaming, and there was a trace of peace in his eyes. He knew that if he didn't leave now!I'm afraid I really can't go! "

"Get up!" Shu Lianghe hastily bought an opening, immediately turned his horse's head, looked back at Gao Chong who was rushing, and immediately shouted: "drive!"

"Ding, Gao Chong blocks Shulianghe's three tiger attributes, Shulianghe's force value is reduced by 10, and the current Shulianghe's force value is 119! Gao Chong's force value is increased by 5, and the current force value is 134!"

"Piercing the Clouds!" The spear in Gao Chong's hand seemed to be a poisonous snake with wisdom, and he threw it out of his hand, stabbing straight at Shulianghe's back.

"Shu Lianghe, be careful! The enemy will die!" Shen Tianzi looked pale when he saw this, and immediately waved the long spear in his hand to support.

"Go!" Gao Chong suddenly threw the assassin's long spear, and then pulled out the sword in his arms, only to hear: "Wow! Whoosh! Kacha!"

With one move, with a difference of ten points in strength, how could Shu Lianghe be Gao Chong's opponent, and he was stabbed directly to the point of chills!
"Pfft!" Just as Shen Tianzi took out his spear, he was slashed with a sword on his lower abdomen, and all the vitality in his body seemed to be swallowed up by this spear, without a trace.

"Crack! Plop!" The sound of two corpses falling woke up the soldiers fighting around.

Gao Chong spat and was about to rub his sore arm, but years of fighting made Gao Chong develop a sensitive sense of war, and immediately subconsciously waved the sword in his hand.

"Ding Dong... Ka!" Gao Chong turned around with a sword, knocking over a cold arrow that fell, and was about to find the direction of the cold arrow, but an arrow was hit on the shoulder blade. Gao Chong grinned his teeth in pain, almost Falling off the horse, the tiger's eyes scanned the surroundings, and said angrily: "Who is putting a cold arrow here!"

"His vigilance is really high! He couldn't even be shot to death!" Only a sharp voice was heard, and then a middle-aged man wearing light armor and holding a bow and arrow was hidden in the crowd, and his face was ordinary. He is ordinary, but he doesn't look like a hero at all, but his eyes are a bit scary, and these eyes can clearly catch Gao Chong's movements.

"This person killed dozens of generals in our Zhao army! If you don't kill him today, he will definitely become a confidant of Zhao in the future!" Another deep voice came. Sharp, the only difference is that this guy's arms are longer than the average person's arms.

These two are really Ji Chang and Fei Wei!He was going to shoot Gao Chong with a hidden arrow, but unfortunately Gao Chong's vigilance was too strong, and the two of them had no chance until now, so they could only stare blankly.

"General Gao, you have fought several times in a row, rest for now!"

(End of this chapter)

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