Warring States Call

Chapter 1698 Feiwei Jichang

Chapter 1698 Feiwei Jichang
Gao Chong swept around, but he didn't see a single person, which made people's hearts sink involuntarily. In addition, he had an injury on his shoulder blade, so he couldn't show his strength. Gao Chong had no choice but to shout immediately: "You can leave your name when you come!"

However, what Gao Chong responded to was countless shouts of killing. Gao Chong had no choice but to turn his horse's head and return to the main formation.

And it was Han Qinhu who organized the attack this time. Han Qinhu looked at Gao Chong who had returned to the formation, and immediately pulled out the bronze sword in his arms, and suddenly roared: "Charge!"

Ji Chang, who was hiding in Zhao's army, looked at Fei Wei and said, "Master! Why are you stopping me!"

Fei Wei looked at Gao Chong, who was in the distance, and said: "This man has the qualifications of a famous general! You and I are no match for him! Those who are good at shooting should hide in the dark and kill people invisible! How can you easily expose your position! And you are good at shooting Not good for close combat! This person's martial arts are too strong! Once he gets close to you and me! It's hard for us to survive!"

"This...!" Ji Chang listened to Fei Wei's words, and immediately said: "Master taught it! I'm impulsive!"

"En!" Fei Wei didn't answer, Tiger Eyes was looking for the prey around him.

"Charge for me!" Only two generals, Jin Bi and Hou Ying, were heard shouting. They personally commanded [-] soldiers and horses to launch a fierce attack on Zhao Jun, and the commander of Zhao Jun was Pang Nuan!This is a well-known general who is extremely good at defense. He stubbornly resisted the Qin army's attack in the Battle of Handan. Of course, he has another identity, and he is the last strategist in the Warring States Period.

At this moment, he was already in his sixties, facing the attack of the two generals Jin Bi and Hou Ying, he did not panic, and suddenly shouted: "Shield is the front! Block the enemy's attack for me, don't be afraid of death! Think about it!" Think of your wives and children, for them you must hold the line of defense in front of you!"

"Ha!" The morale of thousands of people was all because of Pang Nuan's words. At this moment, the morale was so high that Jin Bi suddenly felt the pressure. He immediately copied the weapon in his hand and shouted suddenly: "Attack! Who will break the enemy's attack?" The line of defense rewards a hundred gold!"

"Kill!" The soldiers on both sides collided, the soldiers in the Han army kept attacking, the weapons in their hands kept stabbing out, and the spears stabbed out, or Bai Daozi would enter!The red knife returns, or the shield emits countless sparks, tearing!The sound of tearing.

"Ahhh...!" Dozens of screams rang in Pang Nuan's ears non-stop. Gao Chong's combat power was too strong before, which made Zhao Jun's morale very low. Pet cause, morale is high!Coupled with the stimulation of the military merit system, one by one keeps charging forward!It can be said that it is unstoppable. With the passage of time, loopholes have appeared in the defense organized by Pang Nuan.

"Damn it...!" Pang Nuan cursed secretly, but she had no choice but to hold on.

Lian Po in the back naturally noticed the change in the battle situation, and immediately snorted coldly: "Tell Ji Chang! Fei Wei! Shoot the enemy's leader to death! Quick!"

"Design!" After hearing this, the Pianjun under his command immediately waved the military flag in their hands and joined the battlefield, as if they were looking for Fei Wei and Ji Chang.

In the blink of an eye, Fei Wei got the general order, his tiger eyes looked at the two generals Jin Bi and Hou Ying who were constantly commanding the attack with swords, he narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Ji Chang beside him, and said, "One for each! Shoot!"


"Ding, Feiwei master and apprentice are familiar with the mobilization. When shooting arrows with Ji Chang, the personal force value will be increased by 5. After locking the target, the personal force value will be increased by 3!"

"Ding, Feiwei's master-apprentice attribute is activated, Ji Chang is by his side, and the Feiwei's force value is increased by 5! The current Feiwei's basic force value is 98, and the force value of Yang Shouting Bow is increased by 1. The locked target is Jinbi, and the current force value is additionally increased." 3. The current flying guard force value is 107 points!"

"Ding, Ji Chang's master-apprentice attribute is activated, and Fei Wei is beside him, and his personal force value increases by 5. After locking the target, his personal force value increases by 3!"

"Ding, Ji Chang's master-apprentice attribute is activated, and Feiwei is by his side, and Ji Chang's force value is increased by 5! The current base force value of Ji Chang is 98, and the force value of Danyang Bow is increased by 1. The locked target is Hou Ying, and the current force value is additionally increased by 3. Ji Chang's strength is 107 points!"

"Whoosh...!" One member shot two pieces, and how did Jin Bi and Hou Ying, who were directing the soldiers to attack, notice their movements.

Jin and Bi are the generals of the former Wei Dynasty. They took refuge in Han Yi two years ago, and by the way, they participated in this battle. The two men are good at the method of arranging troops. As for charging into battle, it is not their turn. People, otherwise the two of them would have been buried in the dust long ago, how could they have survived until now.

"Swoosh!" Two cold arrows passed by, and two cold lights flashed in front of people's eyes. Seeing that Jin Bi and Hou Ying were about to break through Pang Nuan's defense line, they only felt a chill in their hearts. , Immediately shot an arrow in the throat.

Hou Ying didn't even have time to scream. He clutched his throat, only to see a cold arrow sticking upside down. He couldn't even make a sound, and fell off the horse directly. He couldn't die anymore.

Jin Bi's life was coming to an end at this moment, his tiger's eyes were watching all around, his eyelids were getting more and more narrowed, and he could only go downstairs full of regrets and sleep here forever.

When Pang Nuan saw that the enemy army had lost its general, he laughed heartily and said, "Attack! Give me a crazy attack! Kill!"

Pang Nuan led the army to charge, and personally charged into the battle. The soldiers who lost their backbone were immediately killed and retreated. Fortunately, there were still a few warriors in the army who charged bravely and resisted Pang Nuan's attack. It only played a mitigating role, but it also gave Han Qinhu time to deal with it.

"What's the matter with the former army, why is it stagnant!" Han Qinhu said with a serious expression.

"General! The two generals Jin Bi and Hou Ying of the former army were killed by back arrows, and now the former army has no leader! It is only by relying on a few generals to fight to the death that the situation can be stabilized. If no troops are sent to increase the number of troops, the frontline army formation will be afraid. It's about to collapse!" The scout wiped the sweat off his face, looking very nervous.

Han Qinhu didn't expect that the two generals Jin Bi and Hou Ying would be killed in battle. When his brows furrowed involuntarily, and the hole cards in his eyes couldn't be revealed, this was just the beginning!Take it out now, it will be hard to fight later.

"General, let me come! Just give me 60 people to listen to my general order, and I can quickly stabilize the situation!" Han Qinhu whispered behind him.

Han Qinhu looked back suddenly, and saw this person wearing dark yellow battle armor, holding the bronze sword in his arms, staring at Han Qinhu with a serious face, who else could he be if he wasn't Shi Shucong.

Han Qinhu looked at Shi Shucong thoughtfully, and immediately said: "Then I will leave it to the general!"


(End of this chapter)

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