Chapter 1699

Di Shucong immediately got on his horse, held the bronze spear in his hand, looked at the more than 50 confidants gathered under his command, and immediately shouted: "Brothers! Whether we can gain a firm foothold here depends on today, don't be afraid! I'm dead!" It's gone! You go away! If I don't die, you continue to charge! If unfortunately you die in battle! Parents and children, I will take care of you!"

"Kill! Kill!" Kill! "The soldiers under Di Shucong's command burst out with huge killing intent, followed behind Di Shucong, went to the front of the formation to take over the occupation, and with the military order and general flag given by Han Qinhu, Di Shucong could be said to be in the lead, unimpeded Run to the front of the enemy army.

Han Qinhu squinted his tiger eyes, wondering what he was thinking, and there was a general beside Han Qinhu, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, he was upright, holding a double dragon stick in his hand, not a pan Who could the dragon be?

Zhou Panlong looked at the direction where Di Shucong was going away, and there was a trace of worry in his eyes: "Just let him go! Will there be any accidents!"

Han Qinhu scratched his temples and said, "Now I really don't have any generals to use. Before he surrendered, he fought bloody battles. He must have some skills! Besides, his family members are all sent to Chang'an! Not too big a problem!"

"I hope so!" Zhou Panlong nodded, then looked into the depths of the battlefield and said, "Now that Gao Chong has killed seven generals of the Zhao army, the morale of the Zhao army has been frustrated, but Hu Fu's riding and shooting mobility is too strong. Although there is General Zhao Yun supporting us! But there is still Xiliu Camp in the Zhao army!"

"What do you want!" Han Qinhu stroked his beard, and fell into deep thought, as if the surrounding shouts of killing had been cut off by him.

"If you want me to say that while the trapped camp is blocking the Xiliu camp, our army can send an elite infantry to inflict heavy damage on the Xiliu camp first! Saying that he broke Zhao Jun's arm!" A trace of coldness flashed in Zhou Panlong's eyes.

However, Han Qinhu showed a distressed expression: "There are only a few brave troops in the army. The Xuanwu soldiers and the raid battalion are all under the command of the king. The Beiwei army is waiting for General Yue Fei to dispatch in Wangye! The white robe army and the tiger ben army Although they are on the battlefield, Chen Qingzhi and Huang Feihu are dealing with the Qin army, and it is difficult to mobilize! The Chiyan army can be used, but the attack power is too strong! It is easy to accidentally injure!
"There is still an army! You can help me!" Zhou Panlong's eyes were a little strange, and Han Qinhu looked at Zhou Panlong and said, "Who!"

"White-eared army!" Zhou Panlong rubbed his wrist, and immediately said: "This is Liu Bei's personal guard! The combat power is not low! It is just right here! And Jiang Song has also been dispatched from the king's command! This man's marksmanship is superb! With him opening the way! The army will definitely win the battle!"

"Good strategy!" Han Qinhu stroked his beard and shouted loudly: "Send the order! Dispatch the white-eared army to help trap the camp and destroy the enemy's Xiliu camp! Even if you bite, you have to bite off a piece of meat! In case of any eventuality, appoint
Yuwen straight!Gongsunying and Gongsunying each lead three thousand soldiers!Once Li Mu sent troops to rescue!The second general quickly obstructed it!Make no mistake! "

"Obey!" The two generals got the order, and then each followed with 3000 men under his command on both sides of the white-eared soldiers!It seems that they intend to clear the way for the white-eared soldiers.

Zhou Panlong was somewhat puzzled by Han Qinhu's intentions, and immediately asked: "These two are average in commanding troops! They are not good at martial arts. Isn't this the same as sending them to death?"

Han Qinhu shook his head slightly and said: "This war is doomed to death! If there are no soldiers and horses to hold back the enemy's reinforcements, the Xiliu camp may not be able to swallow it! It is a war that must be sacrificed! Besides ! They don't necessarily die!"

Han Qinhu looked at the flags of the three troops going away, Han Qinhu stroked his beard, and said indifferently: "A hundred battles wear golden armor! The general will inevitably die before the battle! This Xiliu camp! I will eat it!"

Di Shucong was holding a bronze spear in his hand at this moment, and he picked and killed dozens of generals of the Zhao army in a row, and immediately shouted: "I am the general sent by the general, so is Di Shucong! There is a military order to prove that everyone is waiting for my general's order." ! Offenders will be killed without mercy!"

After Di Shucong finished speaking, he suddenly pulled out the bronze sword in his arms, and immediately shouted: "The archers shoot the arrows! The shield bearers are in the front row!"


Thousands of archers shot arrows one after another, the rain fell like rain, killing hundreds of people in a row, and Zhao Jun was busy hiding from the rain of arrows, but this gap also gave Di Shucong an opportunity. Hands in front!The pikemen behind him were also very murderous.

Pang Nuan slashed an incoming cold arrow, and suddenly looked back, only to see that the Han army was really in the formation, Pang Nuan immediately looked shocked: "Quick! Charge! Before the enemy's formation! Break through their formation! Quick! "

"Continue to shoot arrows! Block the enemy army! Quick!" After Di Shucong finished speaking, the soldiers under his command made a decisive decision and kept shooting arrows to block the enemy army in front, even if Zhao Jun touched the weak spot.

When Di Shucong saw it, he immediately spit, wiped the blood on his face, got off the horse, and charged for a while, and then quickly stabilized the situation, making it difficult for Pang Nuan to advance.

Pang Nuan wiped the sweat off his face, looked at Di Shucong, who was not afraid of death, his face was slightly startled, and was about to continue to charge, but he had to give up his current plan when he saw the army that had formed a defensive formation!This is really impossible to rush forward, right now the fight is bloody.

Pang Nuan spit, and immediately shouted: "Soldiers! For the sake of Zhao! Kill!"


The two armies are facing each other, the horses neighing, shouting to kill the sky, no one is far behind, everyone is fighting to the death.

However, Gao Shun's camp led by Zhou Yafu and the Xiliu camp led by Zhou Yafu had reached a fierce stage. Gao Shun personally participated in the battle, holding a steel knife in his left hand and a shield in his right hand. Before Gao Shun could rest for a while, the soldiers of the Liuying camp stabbed three cold spears at Gao Shun's face. The shield is dialed left and right, and this is the moment of the blow.

Taking advantage of this, Gao Shun almost backed away quickly, his face a little embarrassed: "This Xiliu camp is really difficult! It is not inferior to Qin's iron eagle warriors!"

"General! Go on here! Our brothers are going to fight them off! I can't take it anymore!" The lieutenant behind was covering his wound, his face was pale, his hair was messy, and he looked at the brothers who were teasing all around him. In front of him, his complexion turned pale again and again, really helpless.

Gao Shun looked ahead, with a serious expression on his face, he said: "If we can't bear it, we will carry it! We retreat! Who else can stop this Xiliu camp! Besides, being trapped in the camp has never failed, even if you fight to the last person, you must fight!" Swallow the enemy!"

(End of this chapter)

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