Warring States Call

Chapter 1700 Battle

Chapter 1700 Battle

Gao Shun shouted suddenly, with a hint of coldness in his eyes, he said: "The rear army throws their guns! The front army has three talents! Matched with the Zhuge Liannu array!"

"Drink!" Thousands of people shouted loudly, hearing the general's order, they retreated one after another. The front army consisted of thousands of people, 30 people in a group, and there were hundreds of gaps in the middle. Seeing the gap, Xiliu Camp immediately stepped forward forward collision.

Gao Shun looked at the fearless Xiliuying, his eyes were full of coldness, he just screamed? "Shoot!"

"Hoohoo!" Three long spears suddenly pierced through the clouds, and hundreds of Xiliu camp soldiers died in this three-talented formation, and the Xiliu camp soldiers who charged behind turned pale as soon as they saw it, and they all disappeared. Gao Shun took a closer look, picked up his apricot-yellow flag, swung it suddenly, and shouted: "Let it go!"

"Swish, swish, swish!" Thousands of arrows from the Zhuge Liannu were fired at once, and the fighting power was extremely powerful. Those soldiers who had just retreated were all destroyed by these arrows, and thousands of people were killed or injured. Gao Shun's two hands alone , that is, the entire Xiliu camp was tossed to death with 2000 people.

Zhou Yafu, who was commanding the soldiers in the Xiliu camp, pressed the sword in his arms and looked at the Zhuge Liannu that kept shooting out. His tiger eyes were a little angry, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Damn it! Zhuge Liannu!"

The Zhuge Liannu is the most famous killing weapon in the Korean army. There are tens of thousands of soldiers who died under this Zhuge Liannu. It is also the weapon most feared by all countries. The reason is very simple. But someone forcibly disassembled it, and the core device inside was automatically destroyed. This led to the fact that even though some Zhuge Liannus were seized, they were still unusable. Moreover, the arrows equipped with Zhuge Liannu were extremely difficult to make, and it could be said that they could not make ends meet. There is no way for him.

Of course they couldn't make it, but it didn't mean they gave up. Many generals who were good at forming formations also used the characteristics of Zhuge Liannu to carry out shield defense formations.

Zhou Yafu spit out a mouthful of saliva, and immediately shouted: "Use the mace! Break through the enemy's small formation! The shield hand is in the front! Block the enemy's Zhuge Liannu first! The swordsman is ready! In this free time, you have to catch me no matter what! Revenge depends on this trick!"

"No!" Thousands of people roared suddenly, obviously they didn't want to suffer from this piss.

Zhou Yafu and Gao Shun's trapped camp still needs some time to compare the results, but on the battlefield with Qin, the situation has undergone earth-shaking changes. Clinging to the place firmly, Wu Qi personally led one hundred thousand soldiers to forcefully attack the Qin army that was several times redundant. The two places fought continuously, and as time went by, they all showed signs of exhaustion.

"Call me, soldiers! Break through their formation! Reward them first before entering the enemy's formation!" A trace of coldness flashed in Che Ying's eyes, and she wiped off the blood on her face without hesitation!This is a fierce battle, and it depends on who can't stand it first.

"Defend! Block it for me!" One of the generals was also experienced in many battles, and he was stubbornly blocking the current formation, refusing to let the enemy break through.

"Hit!" Che Ying held an arrow in one hand, and shot one of the generals coldly. Suddenly, the thousands of troops were in chaos, and were bit by bit by Che Ying.

"The enemy army is going to be rampant!" Hearing a loud shout, a middle-aged general urged his horse out, holding a spear in his hand, looking at the extremely arrogant Che Ying, he immediately urged his horse out.

Originally, Xiwu was from the Kingdom of Wei, and he belonged to Han Chen after he surrendered. In the end, he saw that the prince lost his power, so he joined the army and left Han Chen. If he didn't make a name for himself now, he might be at the end of his life.

Che Yinghu looked at Xiwu, his eyes were full of sarcasm, and before he could move out, he saw a brave general rushing out behind him, holding a zhangba snake spear in his hand, with a hulking back!Hu Ruyinsi!Wearing a red cloak!His eyes were full of coldness, and he immediately yelled: "Every man wants to die!"

"Who is coming! Tell me your name!" Xi Wu was also cautious, knowing that there were also brave men in the state of Qin, so he immediately put on a pose and asked, if it was Wang Yanzhang and his like, run away.

"I am veteran Wang Buchao! Don't make noise! ​​Take your life!" Wang Buchao snorted coldly, and the Zhangba Snake Spear in his hand fluttered up and down, like a winding mountain python, directly killing Xiwu's throat.

"Hahahaha! Where did the old dog come from! Die!" Xiwu was overjoyed when he heard that he was someone who was unknown and unknown.

"Go!" Wang Buchao shouted suddenly.

"Ding, Wang Buchao's veteran attribute is activated. He is 53 years old this year. For generals who are younger than 5 years old, his force value will be increased by 2. Currently, Xiwu is 38 years old. Xiao Wang is under 15 years old, and Wang Buchao's force value will be increased by 6. Wang Buchao's basic force value is 100, the Zhangba Snake Spear's force value is increased by 1, and the black crow horse's force value is increased by 1, so Wang Buchao's current force value is 108!"

"Death!" Wang Buchao yelled suddenly, the Zhangba Snake Spear in his hand seemed to turn into a giant python, and directly swallowed Xiwu. The snake spear had pierced Xiwu's throat.

Xiwu's body fell to the ground powerlessly, but he was powerless to resist. Seeing this, Che Ying was overjoyed and said, "Charge!"

Wang Buchao single-handedly took Xiwu's head, mixed it with the Zhangba Snake Spear, and shouted: "I have money for the wine tonight! Drive!"

Che Yin behind Che Ying looked at Che Ying and said, "Brother, be careful! The lone army goes deep, be careful of being ambushed!"

"Don't be afraid! The hole was torn! This Han Jun is the meat on the chopping board! Hahahaha!" Che Ying laughed loudly, how could he let go of several people who have made meritorious deeds.

"Come here again, Ran Min! Stop the bandits!" Ran Min yelled suddenly, the two guns in his hands turned into stars all over the sky, and with a move of two dragons, they went out to sea, facing Che Ying's throat.

"Where... Boom!" Before Che Ying finished speaking, Ran Min became a gun and killed him.

Che Ying was directly poked in the opposite direction!He didn't even utter a scream, and just died here.

"Brother!" Che Yin looked startled, looked at Ran Min, and said with tears in his eyes, "You son of a bitch! I'll kill you!"

Ran Min turned his head suddenly, looked at Che Yin who was clamoring, and said with disdain: "You are worthy too! Die for me!"

The two soldiers in Ran Min's hands turned into chaotic sticks, and they turned up and down on Che Yin's body. His face turned red and his ears were flushed, and all the weapons in his hands were swept to the ground. Spitting out blood, he didn't understand Ran Min's horror until now.

Ran Min looked at Che Yin, and suddenly shouted: "Go to hell!"

"Whoo... Kacha!" Ran Min shot down, piercing Che Yin's throat, and wiped out all his vitality.

(End of this chapter)

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