Chapter 1701
Qin State lost two generals in a row. Although it was not a big loss for Qin State, it was a good breakthrough for Wu Qi's soldiers. Ran Min held two guns, which can be described as a big show Kamui, gods block and kill gods!The devil blocks and kills the devil, and only the people in the Qin army who are killed turn their backs on their backs.

"Soldiers! Come on! Break through their defenses!" a tiger general shouted, holding a tiger-headed golden knife, and a black brown-red war horse under his crotch, looking at the enemy's formation, his eyes were red, suddenly Shouted: "Kill!"

"The thief general An dare to be rampant! Yang Xiong is here! I'm here to cut off your dog's head!" With a roar of a tiger, a young man with a big arm and a round waist and two bronze hammers in his hand urged his horse to kill him, swinging the two hammers airtight.

Jiao Zan's expression was indifferent, he looked at Yang Xiong with a sweeping move, and then he slashed over. Yang Xiong had profound knowledge, and he fought Jiao Zan like a fish in water with one move. The two fought for more than a dozen rounds. Although Jiao Zan had He was sure to win Yang Xiong, but it still took thirty rounds to go. It would be a waste of time to continue fighting. Immediately, Jiao Zan sold an opening and pulled his horse away.

When Yang Xiong saw it, he immediately laughed and said, "Don't leave, everyone! Save your life!"

"Slash back!" After running a few steps, Jiao Zan turned around and slashed down suddenly. Yang Xiong was about to swing his hammer to block it, but it was too late. Jiao Zan chopped off his head, and the blood spilled all over the sky.

Slashing Yang Xiong off his horse with a single blow, Jiao Zan's morale soared. Looking at the fearful Qin army, Jiao Zan immediately shouted: "The whole army charges! Kill the Qin dog!"


"The thief dares to be rampant! Fuji is here! Eat a...!" Before Fuji finished speaking, he was beheaded by Jiao Zan after a face-to-face meeting. This battle has killed Jiao Zan's reputation .

Jiao Zan led the army in a frontal attack, beheading more than 300 people from the Qin State in a row, and went straight to Wang Jian's army platform to kill, which can be described as menacing.

Wang Jian looked at Jiao Zan, who was not afraid of death, and immediately shouted: "Where is Luo Yi!"

"The last general is here!" Luo Yi roared suddenly, urging his horse, holding a jade lion silver gun in his hand, and a pair of unruly eyes showed a cruel look.

Wang Jian glanced at Luo Yi, waved his hand abruptly, pointed at Jiao Zan who was rushing towards him and said, "Take your Yanyun Eighteen Cavalry to destroy the enemy general!

"Yan Yan! Ma Saifei and the two of you lead troops to defend against Ran Min! Stop the defense and make sure that Ran Min cannot break through the line of defense! Zheng Anping! Uncle Jian and the two of you assist Luo Yi to kill Jiao Zan! Clear the way for the army! Dispatch Wang Yanzhang! Luo Shixin! Ruan Wengzhong! Xia Luqi! Wang Yantong! Wang Buchao, Yanxi, Zhongxing, Zhenhu, Sun Yang, Shijiao, Gongsun Jia and the generals led the Qin army with three thousand elites to attack Han Yi Qiang Li, Tu Sui, Ren Xiao, Zhao Tuo! Feng Quji, Feng Jie, Gongsun Zhi, Wang Bao, Ling Jing! Zhang Qing and Wei Yan each lead their own troops to clear the way for the army! The whole army listens to me! General order! Kill!" Wang Jian's eyes were red, and he dispatched the Qin State to pursue the elite soldiers and horses in one breath. His purpose was very simple. He wanted to use this sharp sword to pierce South Korea's heart.

"After you kill Jiao Zan, Luo Yi, Yang Xiong's army will be handed over to Zheng Ping'an, and then he will support Wang Yanzhang!" Wang Jian breathed out, this time he was going all out, all the elites of Qin State, let Wang Jian bet here The battle is on.

At this moment, Han Yi was riding Xiaobai, stroking his beard, his eyes were full of indifference and sternness, and his brain was buzzing at this moment, all kinds of generals' skills and news of death were in Han Yi's mind The news kept breaking out, and the helpless Han Yi immediately blocked some of the scumbag news, and only kept the main position, otherwise, his brain would explode if he continued.

"I'll take orders!" After hearing this, everyone waved and shouted, looking serious.

Luo Yi held his Jade Lion Silver Spear and shouted suddenly: "Yanyun Eighteen Riders follow me!"


On the battlefield, Luo Yi took the lead, followed by eighteen cavalrymen, each of whom was a dark horse with black armor and black guns!There is a scimitar at the waist, and a black iron mask is worn on the face, only a pair of eyes are exposed, overlooking the vast land, holding a big knife in both hands, and the cloak on the back is automatic, Qin Jun on both sides sees When they saw this army, they scattered one after another, as if fleeing from the plague.

"Han Gou is going to be rampant! Luo Yi is here! Hurry up and get killed!" Luo Yi roared suddenly, his eyes flashed coldly, but the gun shot straight at Jiao Zan.

"Where did Aza come from, look at the knife!" Jiao Zan didn't believe this evil, and looked straight at Luo Yi's head with the tiger's head golden knife in his hand.

"Looking for death!" Luo Yi snorted coldly, swiping the silver spear in his hand up and down, brushing out three spear flowers in front of Jiao Zan's eyes in succession, Luo Yi said ferociously: "Five tiger soul-breaking guns! Three people become tigers! Drink!" !"

"Ding, Luo Yi's Yanyun attribute is activated. For each of Yanyun's eighteen riders, the force value will increase by 1. There are currently 14 people, and the force value will be increased by 14. The basic force value is 99. The current Luo Yi's force value is 113!"

"Ding, special note! Luo Yi only has this skill, and every time someone dies, it is irreplaceable! Because Yue Yun killed four people, Luo Yi can only add 14 points."

"Ding dong! Whoosh!" Jiao Zan swept away Luo Yi's silver spear, thinking that was all he needed to do, but Luo Yi immediately unleashed two spear flowers, which pierced Jiao Zan's throat, heart and lungs, two vital points. They were all shot, and Jiao Zan spat out a mouthful of old blood. The blood in his throat, heart and lungs had already stained his clothes, and the long knife in his hand fell to the ground with a bang, along with Jiao Zan's body.

One shot killed Jiao Zan, Luo Yi retracted the gun and turned back, looked at Zheng Pingan behind him and said, "I'll leave it to you! Yanyun Eighteen Riders followed me to kill Han Yi's children's tent! Establish this immortal achievement! "

"I'll obey!" The fourteen soldiers were like Shura's murderous weapons, without even the slightest hesitation, Luo Yi gave an order, and they dispersed, their murderous aura rising.

"Daqin Luo Shixin is here! Anyone who doesn't want to die, get out of the way!" Luo Shixin shouted, holding the iron overlord gun in both hands, and the scarlet blood on his body was like a thick python, sweeping away all enemies around him.

"The thief dares to be rampant! I'll meet you!" Hearing a loud shout, a young general with a three-pointed double-edged knife in his hand urged his horse to kill Luo Shixin head-on!This person was a general who had exploded, named Chun Yuliang, looking at Luo Shixin's massacre, he was furious in his heart, and immediately urged his horse to kill him.

"General Chun, don't panic! Our two brothers are here to help you, Wu Yuanqing and Wu Yuanshuang immediately urged the horses to come to help Chunyuliang.

"Native chickens and dogs, dare to be rampant! Die!" Luo Shixin killed Chun Yuliang head-on, the weapon in his hand turned into a scarlet python, and headed toward Chun Yuliang's throat.
"Go away!"

(End of this chapter)

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