Warring States Call

Chapter 1702 He Can't Fight

Chapter 1702 He Can't Fight

"Little man! Beg for death!" Luo Shixin yelled fiercely, the iron spear in his hand turned into a giant python, and shot straight at Chun Yuliang's chest.

"Ding, Luo Shixin's powerful attribute is activated, and his infinite strength is combined with the iron gun. The force value is increased by 5, the basic force value is 107, the force value of the iron overlord gun is increased by 1, and the force value of the black dragon horse is increased by 1. The current force value of Luo Shixin is 114!"

"Boom!" With a muffled snort, Chunyu Liang spat out a mouthful of old blood as if he had been hit hard. The scales and armor on his body flew all over the sky, and Chunyu Liang fell to the ground with his whole body twitching. It is impossible to survive.

When Wu Yuanqing and Wu Yuanshuang saw it, their faces were calm, and they lost all confidence in their hearts. After all, in the face of absolute strength, they had no room to resist, and all they could do was run away.

Luo Shixin looked at the two of them fiercely, and said with a cold snort, "I want to leave even though I'm here! Die to me!"

Luo Shixin killed two people with one shot, and then the three thousand Qin Zhiying behind rushed straight to Han Yi's big tent.

"Zong Ze is here! Who dares to commit crimes! Formation!" A general got off his horse, held a spear and shield in one hand, and personally commanded the tens of thousands of troops and horses behind him to form a formation. This person was Zong Ze. Zong Ze suddenly roared: "Soldiers! Behind us is the hinterland of our army! Your Majesty is watching us here! Don't lose the prestige of my eight-character army!"

"Serve the country with all your heart! Swear to kill Qin Gou!"

"Serve the country with all your heart! Swear to kill Qin Gou!"

"Serve the country with all your heart! Swear to kill Qin Gou!"

"General Zong, don't worry, Shi Kefa is here to help you!" Hearing a loud shout, a young general, holding a mountain-opening axe, said arrogantly.

"General Zong! Yang Sheng, under the order of General Wu Qi, came to help General Zong!" Another warrior rushed out, and saw him holding a spear in his hand, with a red face, mustache under his nose, and said solemnly.

"Looking for death!" Before Luo Shixin came out, Ruan Wengzhong couldn't wait to wave the bronze man in his hand, and rushed towards Yang Sheng head-on.

Yang Sheng watched it, and immediately shouted: "Shoot the arrow!"

"Swish, whoosh!" The cold arrows all over the sky went straight to Ruan Wengzhong's face and shot Ruan Wengzhong to block the cold arrows in front of him. Looking at the menacing Yang Sheng, Ruan Wengzhong thought of his younger brothers who died tragically, and couldn't help feeling sad. From this, he looked at Yang Sheng with red eyes and said, "Death!"

"Shieldman!" Yang Sheng looked calm, and immediately greeted the shield soldiers on both sides, but behind Yang Sheng, three big men with shields in their hands sprang out and quickly gathered in front of Yang Sheng. Yang Sheng probably knew that Ruan Wengzhong was very serious. He immediately turned his horse's head and buried him in the crowd. The poor three remaining strong men who faced Ruan Weng Trong alone with their shields were smashed by a bronze man with flesh and blood flying across the battlefield. superior.

Ruan Wengzhong missed his hand and spit out involuntarily: "It's a bitch! It's a loach! You can't even catch it!"

Wang Yanzhang looked at Ruan Wengzhong and said, "If you're not in a daze, kill him! Kill Han Yi! We'll win this war!"

"Fight to the death and never retreat! Soldiers follow me to kill them!" Shi Kefa is brave and good at fighting, and he despises Yang Sheng's behavior of retreating. He immediately urged his horse to kill him, and the ghost-headed sword in his hand slashed at Ruan Wengzhong's throat .

Ruan Wengzhong held his own bronze figure in both hands, his heart full of anger, looked at Shi Kefa who was rushing towards him and said coldly: "I will pay for my brothers who died for me first!"

"Boom!... Dingling... Kacha!" With one move, Shi Kefa's long knife was blasted into fragments all over the sky, and Shi Kefa was knocked off his horse, spitting blood, and stayed in the air for five minutes. The second heavy landing shows how much strength the bronze man Ruan Wengzhong used. Shi Kefa vomited blood, his eyes were full of tranquility, and the soldiers around him all showed fear.

Just when people thought Shi Kefa was dead, at this moment Shi Kefa raised his hand with difficulty under the support of two soldiers, blood dripped down Shi Kefa's fingertips, Shi Kefa tremblingly said: "Chi...Chi ...Chixin...report...repay the country! Kill...kill!""

"Pa-ta!" Shi Kefa finished, but could no longer open his eyes, and left this world.

"General!...General!" Many soldiers watched the fearless Shi Kefa die in battle, their eyes were red, and they looked at the Qin army approaching every step of the way, and suddenly shouted: "Fuck! Fight them! Kill! Hack these bastards to death! Kill!"

Tens of thousands of people burst out with shocking killing intent, and at this moment, Yang Sheng saw that the morale of the army was available, and immediately waved his gun and said: "Soldiers! Fight them!"


"Whoosh!" Yang Sheng just urged his horse to kill a few meters, but he was hit by an arrow in the throat immediately, and the archer saw him wearing a Confucian crown, with a yellow complexion and eagle eyes. Who, Hou Junji's arrow skills are outstanding, shooting and killing a Yang Sheng is nothing but easy.

The arrival of Hou Junji represented the arrival of the most elite soldiers and horses of the Qin State, Tie Ying Rui Shi. Hou Junji threw the longbow in his hand to the side general, and suddenly roared: "Iron Ying Rui Shi welcomes you!" General's order! Come and clear the way for Qin Zhiying!"

"Okay! Well done!" Wang Yanzhang laughed loudly, pointed the spear in his hand and shouted suddenly: "Charge!"

"Kill!" Thousands of Qin's morale was high, and they went straight to Zongze to kill.

Zong Ze wiped the sweat off his face and looked at the two elites of Qin. Zong Ze suddenly spit and shouted, "For the country! Soldiers! Charge!"

"Report! Your Majesty! Qin's army is already heading here!" Meng said with an embarrassed look on his horse.

"What! Your Majesty, please move quickly! Hurry up!" Pang Wanchun was ashamed when he heard this, and immediately came to Han Yi with an embarrassed look on his face.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! Qin Jun will never be able to kill him! Don't panic!" Han Yi suddenly turned his head, took out a handful of dried dates from his arms, picked one up and put it in his mouth.

"My lord! General Zongze is about to lose it! Your lord, leave quickly!" Seeing Han Yi's calm look, Mengyan couldn't help but feel ashamed. If this continues, it will be a dead end.

"Pfft!" Han Yi spat out a mouthful of jujube stones, and then said, "They can't beat them! Don't panic!"

"Father! My son, please fight!" Han Ning waved the folding fan in his hand and looked at Han Yi with a serious expression.

"My son, Han Feng, please fight!" Han Feng held the bronze sword in his arms and looked at Han Yi resolutely. The only ones who did not move were Han Chen and Han Ming, who seemed to be waiting for Han Yi's order.

Han Yi smiled indifferently and said: "Yes! Dian Wei! Come on! Protect these two bastards!"

"According to the order!"

(End of this chapter)

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