Warring States Call

Chapter 1703 The Outbreak of Yuwen Chengdu

Chapter 1703 The Outbreak of Yuwen Chengdu

The people on the battlefield turned their backs on their backs, and the Qin army went straight to Han Yi's military tent to kill. However, the surrounding Han army remained in formation and charged forward. .

"Don't be arrogant, the enemy general! I, Lu Shuang, are here to fight you!" Han Ning was wearing armor at the moment, and Lu Guang was following behind him!The two generals came to protect the whole body, while Lu Shuang behind him urged his horse up, but the gun shot straight at Wang Yanzhang.

"The mantis is like a cart! I don't know how to live or die!" Wang Yanzhang yelled suddenly, and hit the iron spear straight into Lu Shuang's throat with his flipped hand. Just one face-to-face was enough to kill Lu Shuang instantly. After killing Lu Shuang, Wang Yanzhang wiped off his face When I looked closely, I found Han Ning's figure. The tiger's body shook and shouted: "Petty baby! I will kill you first! I am beheading Han Yi's dog's head!"

"Not good!" After all, Elai is a seasoned general, immediately took out his giant axe, and shouted: "Lu Guang quickly lead His Highness to retreat! Hurry up!"

"Bastard!" Han Ning didn't expect Lu Shuang to be so brave at ordinary times, but he was killed by Wang Yanzhang just by meeting him.Back and can not back!It's a dilemma.

"The thieves are going to be rampant! Let's take a trick from a certain family!" A muffled groan flashed in the surrounding noises, and suddenly Qingtian smashed his ax towards the top of Wang Yanzhang's head.

Wang Yanzhang quickly regained consciousness, looked at the sharp axe, and immediately raised his iron spear with both hands.

"Boom...!" With one blow, Wang Yanzhang flew upside down, and a deep mark appeared on the iron spear. Wang Yanzhang rolled on the ground three or four times before stopping and covering himself. A mouthful of old blood spat out of his chest.

"Who is the general..." Wang Yanzhang said with a bit of embarrassment while clutching his chest.

"Hehe... Long time no see! Wang Yanzhang!" The strong man withdrew his giant axe, showing his teeth, and there was a hint of ridicule in his eyes.

"It's you!" Xia Luqi and Wang Buchao, who followed Wang Yanzhang to kill, had shocked expressions on their faces, whoever it was if it wasn't Xing Tian.

"Today! You don't want to leave!" There was another burst of horse yelling, and Li Cunxiao held two guns in his hands, and urged the horses under the horse's crotch to charge forward, with a murderous aura on his body.

"Don't go, Wang Yanzhang, you bastard!" Meng Zhan rushed forward in blood armor, with several cold arrows pierced upside down, and the two guns in his hands were still dripping with blood, staring at Wang Yanzhang with a ferocious face.

"You little bastard...!" Wang Yanzhang looked serious, clutching his chest, looking at the soldiers constantly appearing around him, Wang Yanzhang's heart sank, he was a little lost.

"Since you are here! Don't leave! Soldiers who died for their country! Pay for your life! General Tianbao! Yuwencheng is here! Qin Goufu!" Yuwencheng shouted suddenly, holding his golden phoenix wings in both hands Tang, with a cold light in his eyes, looking at this posture today, he would bite off a piece of meat no matter what he said.

"It's not certain who will pay for whose life? Yanyun Eighteen Cavalry followed me to kill this shit general!" Luo Yi's eyes flashed coldly, and he suddenly urged his horse to go up. The Fourteen War Cavalry followed behind Luo Yi, only In order to take the life of Yu Wencheng.

"Looking for death!" Yu Wencheng urged his horse up, and swept away the golden gilt phoenix wings in his hand.

"Ding, Luo Yi's Yanyun attribute is activated. For each of Yanyun's eighteen riders, the force value will increase by 1. There are currently 14 people, and the force value will be increased by 18. The basic force value is 99. The current Luo Yi's force value is 113!"

Yu Wencheng stared at the Yanyun Shibaqi who was behind Luo Yi, and suddenly shouted: "It's just in time!"

"Ding, Yuwen Chengdu's habitual bravery attribute activates, strength increases by 8, and the current strength value is 103. The weapon Phoenix Wing Gold Plated increases by 1, and the current strength value is 112"

"Ding, Yuwen Chengdu's group-selection attribute activates, and each additional person adds 4 to the basic force value. The current 15 people, excluding Luo Yi, will add 4 to the force value of the general! The other 14 are special soldiers, so each additional person increases the force value by 2! Currently it is 14 people, the total force value of Yuwen Chengdu has been increased by 32 points! The current force value is 144"

"Die to me!" The scarlet blood on Yuwen Chengdu's arms was hovering like a giant python, which was extremely scary to watch, and the soldiers who had killed Yanyun around were almost beaten into blood by Yuwen Chengdu. In an instant, Yuwen Chengdu even beheaded 11 people in Yanyun. He could only hear the blood foaming, and the people who saw it were terrified. Luo Yi felt as if a lump was stuck in his throat, and his complexion turned pale. He immediately turned his horse's head and shouted: "Hurry up!"

"Go and help!" Wang Yanzhang looked embarrassed, and immediately waved his hands and shouted, for fear that Yu Wencheng would kill Luo Yi. After all, Luo Yi was considered a brave general in Qin, and his death was their loss.

"I want to go! It's too late!" Yu Wencheng pressed a stick on Luo Yi's lower abdomen, and Luo Yi was thrown into the air. Yu Wencheng looked at Luo Yi in the sky, and the long stick in his hand suddenly stabbed out. Yu, and the remaining Yanyun soldiers, although brave and fearless of death, are not the enemy of Yuwen Chengdu alone.

Luo Yi's body was ruthlessly thrown in front of Wang Yanzhang by Yu Wencheng, Wang Yanzhang suddenly felt bad.

"Ding, kill everyone in seconds, Yuwen Chengdu force value will be reduced by 32 points, and the current Yuwen Chengdu force value will be restored to 112 points!"

It can be said that Luo Yi's head was sent to the idea, and it inspired Yuwen Chengdu's crit in one breath, and Yuwen Chengdu's group selection attributes were almost specially prepared for Yanyun Eighteen Riders. Of course, after this, Yuwen Chengdu wanted to Today's level is breaking out!I'm afraid it's gone.

Yuwen Chengdu turned his hand and beheaded Yanyun's eighteen riders plus Luo Yi, which shocked everyone!Both Li Cunxiao and Xing Tian were a little shocked by the fighting power that Yuwen Chengdu had just exploded.

Today is really a wonderful day,

"Qin Zhiying listens to the order! The round defense formation!" At the critical moment, Feng Quji made a decisive decision, calling on the surrounding Qin Zhiying soldiers to gather quickly to avoid a frontal charge with the enemy.

"It's not that simple to want to leave!" Xing Tian roared suddenly, and went straight to Wang Yanzhang. As the saying goes, hit a snake to hit seven inches, and Wang Yanzhang is the snake's seven inches.

"Don't be arrogant, general! I'll fight you!" I saw a middle-aged general, holding a bronze sword, coming straight to Xingtian. This person was Sun Yang, who was known as General Bole in Qin State.

"I'll meet you too!" The young general Shi Jiao urged his horse up, wanting to join forces with Sun Yang to resist Xing Tian!
"The light of the fire and candle dares to compete with the bright moon!" Xing Tian's eyes were full of disdain, and he turned his hand and killed him with an axe.

"Crack!" The weapon in Sun Yang's hand instantly turned into fragments all over the sky, and Xing Tian's battle ax also brought Sun Yang to another world.

(End of this chapter)

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