Warring States Call

Chapter 1705 Happy New Year

Chapter 1705 Happy New Year
"Boom!" With a muffled snort, Meng Zhan took Wang Yanzhang's spear forcefully, but how could Wang Yanzhang's enormous strength be easily unloaded? At the critical moment, Meng Zhan quickly turned his hand and lowered the gun body, Wang Yanzhang's iron spear immediately Passing along the body of Meng Zhan's gun, Meng Zhan's eyes were fixed, and the long spear in his left hand suddenly charged out to assassinate, with a serious expression: "Die!"

"Little man! You really think that this old man is capable! You underestimate this old man! Get out of here!" Wang Yanzhang roared suddenly, and stabbed Meng Zhan's abdomen with his iron spear.

"Ding, Wang Yanzhang's iron gun is activated! Add 7 to the force value, and the current value is 122"

"Boom! The huge force pierced Meng Zhan's lower abdomen like a long rainbow.

After seeing it, Meng Zhan gritted his teeth suddenly, with a hint of hatred in his eyes, and said angrily: "Let's die together!"

The two spears in Meng Zhan's hands converged at this moment, piercing Wang Yanzhang's heart and lungs.

"Ding, Meng Zhan's Lucun attribute is activated for the second time, and the force value is increased by 5, and the current value is 113!"

"Ding! At present, Meng Zhan is activating Shuangjue. After the system detection, Meng Zhan has used it three times, so it cannot be activated. This skill will automatically become invalid!"

"Oops!" Han Yi, who was complacent, suddenly stood up. He even forgot to consider this level of factors. He was in danger. Han Yi looked at Han Ming who was beside him and said, "Ming...!"

Just when Han Yi was about to issue orders, the Meng Zhan Dao prompt sounded in his mind.

"Ding, Meng Zhan's skill evolution! Put it to death and come back to life! The death battle attribute is activated! This is all the skills of Meng Zhan! After falling into a deadly battle, fight for your life! Add 8 to your personal force value, and the current force value of Meng Zhan is 122 points!"

"Bastard!" Wang Yanzhang saw his pupils constricted, and his expression looked calm, and he immediately swung his gun to block it!Sweeping away the silver guns on both sides of Meng Zhan, his face became cold and he said: "Little bastard! You are courting death!"

"Ding! Wang Yanzhang's fighting attribute is activated, force 5, and the current force value is 127 points!"

"Kill!" With a loud shout, Wang Yanzhang squinted his eyes and stabbed Meng Zhan's throat with each move. This move was extremely vicious.

Seeing Meng Zhan, his complexion gradually turned cold!With two guns in both hands, he blocked Wang Yanzhang's sudden shot with a turbulent move. The scarlet blood on their arms was competing, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that Meng Zhan was at a disadvantage, and the veins on his arms were violent. Since then, the two guns in his hands have been suppressed by Wang Yanzhang, which can be described as extremely difficult.

Wang Yanzhang gritted his teeth with a ferocious expression on his face!Immediately said coldly: "Little brat! This old man will send you to reunite with your brother today! Die!"

"Ding! Wang Yanzhang's veteran attribute activates. When facing someone who is two years younger than him, his force value will be increased by 1! Wang Yanzhang is 58 years old and Meng Zhan is 32 years old. There is a difference of 26 years. Wang Yanzhang's force value will be increased by 13 points, and his current force value is 140!"

"Little man! Save your life! Let me take your dog's life!" At this moment, Wang Yanzhangzhou's exuberant blood condensed into black, like a black gun, which made people tremble with fear.

Li Cunxiao behind was startled, his expression changed drastically, and he suddenly shouted: "Wang Yanzhang, dare you! Drive!"

"Yang Zaixing is here!"

"Luo Cheng is here!"

"I Cheng Yaojin is here! Hahahaha!"

"The greedy wolf summons the tiger here! The thief dares to hurt our lieutenant general!"

"Di Qing is ordered by the king! Come and kill Qin Gou!"

"All the soldiers refuse to charge!" Only a sound of uprightness was heard, the leader was wearing a white coat and holding a command flag, who could it be if it wasn't Wen Tianxiang.

"Kill the Qin thief! Give me back the heaven and earth! No one in life has died since ancient times! Keep the loyal heart to reflect the history!" Wen Tianxiang held the battle flag, kissed the arrow stone, and stared at Wang Yanzhang in front of him, his eyes were full of indomitable spirit Meaning, as if venting the anger squeezed in his heart.

"Ding, Wen Tianxiang's Danqing attribute is activated, improving the morale of one's own side! The force value of soldiers is forced to increase by 3!"

"Ding, Wen Tianxiang's Wenqu attribute is activated, and the blessing of the heavenly official! Reduce the probability of soldier death! There is a 50.00% chance to avoid the enemy's assassination!"

"Pfft!" Meng Zhan suddenly spat out a mouthful of old blood, and took Wang Yanzhang's spear forcefully. Seeing that the spear was getting closer and closer to him, Meng Zhan recalled himself, but the picture in his eyes was always Meng Yuan being shot. Meng Zhan couldn't bear the scene of thousands of arrows being shot through, and he couldn't bear it, but he couldn't resist, he didn't have the strength to resist.

Seeing the inevitable shot, he could only hear: "Woo!"

The tiger hunting horse under Meng Zhan's crotch suddenly stumbled, which caused Wang Yanzhang's shocking shot to miss, and only lifted Meng Zhan's helmet.

"Ding, Meng Zhan's revenge attribute is activated. Before you avenge your brother, you have five chances to avoid a fatal blow, and your basic force value will always increase by 1. Once you pass five times, the skill will be invalid!"

"Ding, special reminder, if Meng Zhan kills one of Bai Qi or Wang Yanzhang, the revenge attribute will be converted. The current Meng Zhan has used up once, and there are 2 times left. The basic force value will be increased by 1, and the current Meng Zhan's force value will be changed. It is 102, Meng Zhan's current force value is 123, and he is currently avoiding Wang Yanzhang's fatal blow!"

"Little man! Life is really hard! Now it's up to you how to hide!" Wang Yanzhang was angry, and continued to shoot, wanting to kill Meng Zhan before Li Cunxiao arrived.

"Ding, Meng Zhan's revenge attribute is activated. The current Meng Zhan has used up once, and there is 1 time left. The base force value is increased by 1. The current Meng Zhan's force value is 103, and the current Meng Zhan's force value is 124. Currently, he is dodging Wang Yanzhang's fatal blow!"

"This brat! Die!" Wang Yanzhang was really depressed. This kid's luck is not so good, he is too cunning.

"Ding, the seven-star attribute is activated! Every additional seven-star general on the battlefield will reduce the enemy's force value by 1 point, and the current seven people are present! Reduce the enemy's force value by 7 points. The special system is only effective for force values ​​​​below 135! Above 135 effects Half off!"

"Ding, the current setting is Wang Yanzhang, because Wang Yanzhang's force value reaches 140, the effect is halved, reducing Wang Yanzhang's force value by 4 points, and the current Wang Yanzhang's force value is 136!"

"Ding, the first attribute of the seven stars is activated, and the seven are integrated. The first activation can increase the basic force value of one person by 7 points, and it will disappear afterwards! And there will be no negative influence! The current designated general will be Meng Zhan, Meng Zhan's force Value plus 7, the current force value is 130!"

"Ding, the second attribute of the seven stars is activated, and the attribute of Lieutenant Cheng Yaojin can be switched back and forth among the seven at will! Whenever life is in danger, there is an [-]% chance of dodging!"

"Ding, the third attribute of the seven stars is activated, the seven-star formation, the warrior will not die! The army soul will not die! Wen Tianxiang will not die, and be loyal to his home country!"

During the battle, flames blazed everywhere, Meng Zhanhu stared at Wang Yanzhang, his eyes turned cold, and then turned his horse's head, as if planning to run away! "

"Little man! Where are you going! Save your life!" Wang Yanzhang looked cold and handsome, as if he didn't intend to let Meng Zhan go.

"Ding, Meng Zhan inherits Jia Fu's Dark Hammer, which is currently converted into its own attributes. Shocking Hammer, the personal force value is increased by 5, and the enemy's force value is reduced by 1 to 5 points. The current Mongolian war force value is 130, and the force value is increased by 5. , Meng Zhan's force value is 135!"

"Ding, Wang Yanzhang is affected by the attribute of the Zhan Jing Hammer, and his force value is reduced by 5 points. Currently, Wang Yanzhang's force value is 131!"

"Whoosh!" Meng Zhan took out a fist-sized meteor hammer from his bosom, shook it a few times in his hand, and suddenly smashed it towards the back of Wang Yanzhang's head.

Happy New Year, I hope Xiao Hei's partners will be full of bullishness in the new year.

(End of this chapter)

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