Warring States Call

Chapter 1707 Ruan Wengzhong died

Chapter 1707 Ruan Wengzhong died
Li Cunxiao exploded all the strength in his body in one breath, the blue veins on his arms were wriggling like earthworms, the scarlet blood energy circled around Li Cunxiao, Li Cunxiao looked down on Ruan Wengzhong's figure with fierce eyes, and the two soldiers in his hands suddenly smashed down, He was furious and said: "Go!"

Ruan Wengzhong looked solemn, and suddenly took out his bronze iron man, and fought against the two soldiers that Li Cunxiao bombarded down.

"Boom... bang!" With one blow, the weapon in Ruan Wengzhong's hand was blown away and fell to the ground, splashing thick dust!Li Cunxiao looked at Ruan Wengzhong indifferently, and said with a ferocious expression: "For the souls who died under your hands, make atonement!"

"Swoosh! Kacha!" With a sudden swiping of the lance, flesh and blood flew everywhere, the breastplate on Ruan Wengzhong's chest turned into scales all over the sky, and the blood in front of his chest bloomed together with a blood-red Bana flower.

Ruan Wengzhong vomited blood, and his eyes were full of unwillingness. Several of his younger brothers died in the battle against the Korean army. He never thought that he would die in this battle today. Ruan Wengzhong was not reconciled, but with the growth of his life As time went by, he was at the end of his rope, he could only widen his copper bell-like eyes, with a bit of embarrassment on his face, pointing at Li Cunxiao, tremblingly said: "You...you...you...!"

Before Ruan Wengzhong finished speaking, he left this world full of regrets, staring at the blood-red sky, Ruan Wengzhong saw the figures of his younger brothers, and finally closed his eyes silently.

Wang Yanzhang and Ruan Wengzhong died in battle, which was a huge blow to Qin. At this moment, Luo Shixin blocked Yuwen Chengdu, and Xia Luqi intercepted Huang Feihu. Only then did they find a gap for the remaining two thousand Qin Zhiying. Breaking out, but at this moment sacrifice is inevitable, Luo Yi!Ruan Wengzhong!Wang Yanzhang!Sun Yang!Wait for a series of unnamed generals!They all freeze their blood and youth here.

"Let's go!" Luo Shixin saw that the generals around him had almost retreated, so he immediately turned his horse's head and said with embarrassment: "Let's go!"

"Bastard! Stop them! Kill so many of our brothers! We can't let these bastards go! Go! Kill them!" Cheng Yaojin shouted his own voice, brandished the long ax in his hand, and his eyes were full of killing intent .

Li Cunxiao!Yuwen Chengdu!Huang Feihu!Xing Tian!Four generals rushed out, chasing the remaining two thousand Qin Zhiying, which undoubtedly dealt a heavy blow to this capable Qin army.

Of course, they only expanded the results of the battle, and Wang Jian's army was outside to support them. The Qin army broke through quickly and neatly.

On the other side of the battlefield, Yan Yan commanded the army calmly and resisted Ran Min's attack, while Masai Fei was holding a throwing knife in his hand, which could be said to be deadly.

Ran Min danced with two spears in his hands, looking at Yan Yan who was showing his might, he was so angry that he immediately urged his horse up, covering the spear with both hands, and shouted suddenly: "Everyone bullies my army and no one calls! Look at the gun!"

Ran Min urged the horse to kill Yan Yan, the veins on his arms popped up, and he shouted suddenly: "Death!"

"Ah!" Although Yan Yan was experienced in many battles, he was not a beast like Ran Min to deal with, so he immediately pulled up his horse and left, but he was still half a beat behind Ran Min, and was killed by a single shot.

Blood was sprinkled on Ran Min's armor, Ran Min looked indifferent, and was about to continue to charge left and right, but a coldness flashed between his brows, and he quickly swung his gun to block, only to hear: "Ding Dang!"

A small willow-leaf flying knife passed in front of Ran Min, and was sent flying by Ran Min's spear.

Ran Min's expression turned cold, and he immediately shouted: "Who! Backstabbing! A man! How dare you do such a petty thing!"

"I'm not a man, Han will die!" I heard a delicate roar of a tiger. As the saying goes, a strong man will touch him a bit when facing a creature like a tigress.

Ran Min showed a suspicious look on his face, thinking, there are big men on this battlefield, how can there be such a little girl, or because he has been in the army for a few years, he can think of women even when he looks at a sow!

Ran Min took a closer look, and saw that it was a female general, riding a handsome war horse. She was dressed in silver armor to set off her bumpy figure, with a red robe behind her and a helmet on her head, covering her beautiful hair. Fa, holding two Xiuchun knives in his hand, and 24 flying knives around his waist. When necessary, the flying knives will be thrown out. With big watery eyes, he looks at Ran Min as if watching a pig being killed. A bit fierce.

"What a wild bitch! Don't stay at home to take care of your husband and teach your son, come to join in the fun on the battlefield. I don't kill women, so leave quickly!" Ran Min waved the weapon in his hand, showing impatience, obviously killing women would hurt him If you underestimate him like this, you will suffer a lot.

Ma Saifei looked at Ran Min's muscular figure, revealing a pair of watery and spiritual eyes, with a ferocious look, he suddenly pulled out the throwing knife in his arms, and said in a muffled voice, "Go!"

"I'll go!" Ran Min was sweating profusely, and immediately waved the two guns in his hands, swung left and right, and knocked over several flying knives in a row. His face became colder and he said, "Don't bother me! Otherwise, Ben will take you!"

"Hmph! You look like a rotten sweet potato! Look at what's not worth it! Look at the knife!" Ma Saifei glanced at Ran Min disdainfully, and then threw out several throwing knives.

"General! Quickly take down this bitch! This bitch has killed dozens of our brothers!"

"Yes! General, don't hold back!"


More and more soldiers showed embarrassment, obviously this little girl is too difficult, Ran Min immediately shouted: "Forget it! I will be a bully for a while! Drive!"

"Ding, the attribute of Ran Min's double guns is activated, the force value is increased by 4, the current force value is 110, the force value of the double-edged golden light spear is increased by 1, and the current force value is 111"

"Ding, when Ran Min's martial mourning attribute is activated, the negative attributes of the enemy's skills can be exempted, and the force value is increased by 10. Affected by the martial mourning, the current Ran Min's force value is 121!"

Scarlet blood flowed all over Ran Min's body. Ran Min shouted loudly, urged his horse up, and stretched out his hand, "Come here, little girl!"

(End of this chapter)

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