Chapter 1708

Ran Min grabbed Ma Saifei's throat with his futon-sized palm, and Ma Saifei immediately threw three throwing knives. Ran Min was shocked, but when he saw the soldiers behind him, if he retreated, the people behind The brother is about to suffer, Ran Min, who cannot avoid it, immediately rolled up his sleeves, turned around suddenly, and threw him back, and the three throwing knives flew around. Ran Min had no time to thank him, and immediately Grab Masai Fei's chest armor.

There is a touch of softness at the beginning, but Ran Min has no chance to think about it. For generals like them who crawled out of the dead, he can't feel softness or not. For Ran Min, capturing the enemy is the primary goal.

Ma Saifei was slightly stunned, looking at Ran Min with a look of astonishment, and was about to cut off the salty pig's hand in front of his chest, but Ran Min didn't give it a chance, and suddenly reached out and grabbed Ma Saifei directly. On the horse, Ran Min immediately tore off the cloak on his back and tied Ma Saifei tightly. Ran Min's great strength grabbed the cloak in his hand, making it difficult for Ma Saifei to break free. Recalling the scene just now, he was immediately angry and annoyed Said: " let me go!"

Ran Min immediately flipped Ma Saifei to the side general and said, "Catch it! Serve her with delicious food! I'll deal with her when I come back!"

"Okay! Leave it to me! General!" Pianjiang immediately took out the rope from his arms, and added it to Ma Saifei, just like making rice dumplings. Ran Min's cloak was used as palm leaves, and the rope was used as a binding rope. It's really live rice dumplings.

After solving the problem of Ma Saifei, Ran Min rubbed his arm, staring at the fleeing three thousand Qin Zhiying, and immediately roared: "Soldiers charge! Kill Qin dog!"

Qin Guo and Han Yi fought in full swing, and Zhao Guo was not idle either. Gao Shun's trapped camp and Zhou Yafu's Xiliu camp confronted each other. let go.

Zhou Yafu, who was fighting Gao Shun, was shot in the shoulder by an arrow. At this moment, Zhou Yafu suddenly pulled out the Zhuge crossbow arrow on his arm. Zhou Yafu immediately tore off the cloak on his back and bandaged it up. Zhou Yafu spat out the blood in his mouth and stretched out his hand Pulling out the bronze sword stuck on the ground, looking at the trapped camp he was fighting with, Zhou Yafu suddenly shouted: "Where's the mace? Continue to use the mace! Hit Gao Shun's trio!"

"General! The mace is almost used up! Before the soldiers approached the Sancai formation, they were blocked by Zhuge's crossbow! Our brothers suffered heavy casualties!" The lieutenant beside Zhou Yafu was covered in blood and sweat, his hair was disheveled, and he was extremely embarrassed. Apparently he survived the attack just now, the surrounding noises seemed to be mocking the general's embarrassment, and his name was Kong Qing, he was originally a civil servant, but after staying in Xiliuying for a long time, he became more brave , washed away his delicacy, and became a little more fierce.

Zhou Yafu looked around for a while, and said half aloud: "Damn it! This old guy Ma Yuan, riding and shooting with a Hu suit is not doing practical things! Everyone pays attention to me! We can't retreat! Once we retreat! Behind him My brother is dead! Hold on to me! Before the end of the road, the spear team! Follow me! Break the formation with long spears!"

"Understood!" The soldiers around shouted immediately, and five hundred spear soldiers followed behind Zhou Yafu, carefully checking the ferocity of these soldiers. The most important role of the selected elite soldiers is their individual combat ability. They are extremely powerful, so powerful that even Ma Yuan has to admit that these soldiers are all of the military level.

"Let's go!" Zhou Yafu randomly grabbed the shield of an ordinary soldier, held it in front of his chest, stared at the front with tiger eyes, and shouted suddenly: "Kill!"

"Kill!" The soldiers on both sides followed Zhou Yafu and rushed away. The general who was directing the soldiers in front of the formation fell into the camp, and Zhou Yafu immediately took his throat with a gun.

The more than 70 camp soldiers in the front row were immediately harvested by the spear team. Gao Shun, who had just rested his feet, looked a little embarrassed. Looking at Zhou Yafu who rushed to kill him, Gao Shun immediately spit and used his armpit After wiping the blood on the bronze sword, Gao Shun immediately shouted: "Brothers from the old camp come with me! Kill these bastards!"

"Here we come!" Hundreds of soldiers roared suddenly. These two elite teams gave up the elite soldiers around them, and chose these elite soldiers instead, just like two warriors fighting, taking off their surroundings. The armor, showing his powerful muscles, began to fight the enemy hand to hand.

"Go to hell!" Zhou Yafu stabbed out the spear in his hand and aimed it directly at Gao Shun's throat, but Gao Shun did not panic, turned his sword suddenly, and swept away Zhou Yafu's spear with a dangerous move. to open

Gao Shun snorted coldly immediately, and slashed at the waist with the horizontal sword in both hands. Zhou Yafu saw it, his face was pale, Zhou Yafu had no way to retreat, and immediately discarded the bronze sword in his hand!Pulling out the bronze sword in his arms, he slashed at Gao Shun's bronze sword, only to hear: "Ding Dong...!"

Sparks shot out, and the bronze swords in the hands of Gao Shun and Zhou Yafu sparked countless sparks. The spear teams on both sides and the soldiers from the old camp who were trapped in the camp also fought together at this moment.

The sound of shouting and killing emerged from the two soldiers, blood!soil!There are also pieces of meat on the body, all flying around here, a living hell, but none of the soldiers on both sides let go, biting the enemy tightly.

Holding the bronze sword in his hand, Zhou Yafu looked at Gao Shun and said, "It's really well-deserved to be trapped in the camp! I underestimate the troops that can fight against the Iron Eagles!"

Gao Shun stared at Zhou Yafu indifferently, and snorted coldly: "Your Excellency's Xiliu camp is also awe-inspiring! But this war! You are doomed to fail!"

"Not necessarily!" Zhou Yafu snorted coldly.

"Is it not sure? General Gao Shun! I will help you!" There was only a loud shout, and then a white-eared soldier in silver armor rushed out.

(End of this chapter)

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