Warring States Call

Chapter 1709 Bad news

Chapter 1709 Bad news

Amidst the chaos of the army, the white-eared army wearing white armor and silver knives passed through the crowd and came to the battlefield between Gao Shun and Zhou Yafu. Zhou Yafu, who was fighting Gao Shun, suddenly felt his heart sink. He really did not expect that there would be people participating in the Han army. The duel between the two.

Three thousand white-eared troops joined the war, and immediately launched a pack of wolves tactics, desperately biting Zhou Yafu's flaws. In this Xiliu camp, Kong Qing is the person with the highest official position besides Zhou Yafu. Kong Qing immediately waved the bronze sword in his hand, stared at Chen Dao, and said with a cold expression: "Soldiers! Kill!"

Chen Dao stared indifferently at Xiao Xiao in front of him, stuck the bronze sword in his hand upside down on the ground, took off the longbow behind his back, drew a cold arrow from the quiver, and stared at Kong Qing's direction indifferently, his complexion gradually Cold, as if looking at a live archery target.


The long arrow pierced the wind, like a shooting star at night, and the people who watched it trembled in fear. Kong Qing had just dealt with an insignificant soldier, but Chen Daofei shot out the cold arrow, which hit his throat, and the blood flowed down. As Kong Qing's throat flowed out, Kong Qing was killed with an arrow. Chen Dao didn't pay too much attention to it, and immediately pulled out the bronze sword in his arms, and led three thousand white-eared soldiers to kill the ten thousand army.

At this moment, Zhou Yafu was pinned down by Gao Shun and unable to move, while the Xiliu Camp lost its command and was immediately defeated. Wherever Chen Dao went, there was a scene of slaughter.

Zhou Yafu saw it in his eyes, and his heart was calm. Looking at Gao Shun who was fighting fiercely with him in front of him, he cursed angrily: "You are such a despicable villain! You bully the few with more!"

"Despicable villain! Bully the few with the more!" Gao Shun was fighting fiercely with Zhou Yafu!Behind him came a questioning and soft scolding, in between, this person was wearing white armor, holding a furnace silver gun in his hand, and cursed: "Zhao Zhang broke his promise! Tear up Han Zhao's contract of more than 20 years! This is not despicable!" Villain! Qin! Zhao! Yan used the power of the Three Kingdoms to defeat Han! One country against three countries! This is not to bully the few with the more! It seems that this group of people are so moral! People who talk about benevolence and righteousness! How dare you shout here, how shameless!"

"You...!" Zhou Yafu was stunned by this person, he couldn't help but have a sudden whim in his marksmanship!Gao Shun immediately seized the opportunity!A sword pierced Zhou Yafu's lower abdomen. Zhou Yafu, who was seriously injured, retreated a few steps. Looking at the imposing Gao Shun and the aggressive Chen Dao, Zhou Yafu knew that if he did not retreat, the Xiliu camp might be destroyed. here it is.

Zhou Yafu immediately retracted his gun and returned to the army formation, with a look of unwillingness on his face, and immediately shouted: "Shield defense! Quick!"

"General! Let's go on like this! The brothers in the Xiliu camp will be dead! How about we withdraw! If we don't withdraw, the whole army will be wiped out! A lieutenant general in the Xiliu camp, with black cheeks Blood is flowing! He said solemnly.

Zhou Yafu took out the medicine bottle in his arms, bit off the bottle cap casually, sprinkled a few white powders on his lower abdomen, and then tore off the cloth strip of the cloak behind him, Zhou Yafu immediately tied it to his lower abdomen and began to bandage it.

"Life can be thrown away! The morale of the army cannot be destroyed! Once our army retreats, our army's morale will collapse! We can't withdraw today! Hold on to me! Hold on firmly!" Zhou Yafu's forehead was full of cold sweat , but there was no way to avoid him, so he could only turn around and provoke the mainstay of the army.

Lian Po and Gao Chong fought fiercely!Only then did Han Qinhu's attack be blocked, both sides had a lot of damage, Li Mu, who was directing the soldiers to fight, frowned at this moment.

Li Mu pressed the bronze sword in his bosom, glanced at the middle-aged general beside him, and said, "How is the situation in Qin State! Why hasn't Bai Qi's [-] troops arrived yet! There is also the State of Yan! What happened to the State of Yan?" What! Why do you have the intention of sending troops now! Is Yan Guo just here to watch the show?"

"General! Qin is now fighting against Han Yi! But the two armies are evenly matched! If Bai Qi is joining the battlefield, it is only a matter of time! As for Yan! Our army has no news of Yan coming! According to the spies Report! Yan seems to be blocked by Han Yi's troops!" Standing behind Li Mu was a general in khaki generals who had participated in the grassland battle!His name is Sima Shang.

"All of Han Yi's soldiers and horses are here! He, Han Yi, doesn't have any extra soldiers and horses!" Li Mu frowned when he heard Sima Shang's words. What is this?Li Mu felt that he had been fooled.

At present, all the soldiers and horses of Zhao State have been thrown into this war. Qin State destroyed Shu State and got the rich land of Bashu, and Qin people are extremely good at fighting!There is another sky fall in Hangu Pass!The strength is even worse than that of the Qin State. The root cause of the disease caused by the Battle of the Three Jins has long since disappeared, and the current Qin State!It should belong to the list of powerful countries, and Zhao Guo has passed its peak, and now it is beginning to decline. If Zhao Weiyi is not reorganized now, Zhao Guo will be laughed at and generous.

On the battlefield of Qin State, Wang Jian was holding the bronze sword in his arms. For some reason, this time he felt uneasy, feeling that something bad was about to happen.

"General... General Wang... General! Qin Zhiying is back!" All kinds of shouts came to Wang Jian's ears, and Wang Jian's heart skipped a beat. After a while, Wang Jian pressed the weapon in his arms and said, "Oh! It still failed! Ask Wang Yanzhang to come and see me! I have something to ask!"

"Promise!" The soldier didn't dare to say anything, he saluted immediately, and quickly went to call Wang Yanzhang to answer.

But it was indeed only Wang Yantong who came over!And Luo Shixin two people!The rest of the Qin Zhiying soldiers all entered the rear of the army formation, took off their armor, and exposed their arms. The whole person was helpless, and the wailing of soldiers could be heard everywhere in the barracks.

Wang Yanzhang frowned and looked at the two of them, with a puzzled expression on his face, he said, "Wang Yanzhang! Why are you two here! Yantong! Where's your elder brother?"

"Father......Brother retreated to cover the brothers...already...already...already...already beheaded on the battlefield! The little man who was caught in the war! Take..."Wang Yantong burst into tears when he said this , sat down on the ground, tears streaming down his face.

"General...Major General!" Luo Shixin also knew that it was not good to say anything at this time, so he could only waver.

Wang Jian's gray beard was windless and automatic, and a pair of tiger eyes stared at the front. At the place where the battle had just been fought, Wang Jian suddenly spat out a mouthful of old blood.

"Father...Father...quick! Pass the doctor...!" Wang Yantong said calmly.

"Don't... say anything!" Wang Jian held Wang Yantong down and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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