Warring States Call

Chapter 1710 Chapter 1713: Observation

Chapter 1710 The first thousand and 710 three: Observation
"But father...you!" Wang Yantong looked at Wang Jian's pale cheek, and his whole body became a little more worried. Looking at the blood stained on Wang Jian's beard, Wang Yantong's palm on Wang Jian's arm felt heavy again. A three-pointer is a worry!Unwilling!regret!Anger, all negative emotions flooded Wang Yantong's cheeks.

"Thousands of sons of the Great Qin Dynasty died for the country! Why can't my Wang Jian's son! This is his glory and destiny! It is also the glory and destiny of my royal family!" Standing up with Wang Yantong's arm strength, Wang Jian forced himself to hold his breath, looked at the generals around him, and the soldiers surging on the battlefield, Wang Jian turned his head and glanced at Luo Shidao who was beside him: "General Bai Qi! Hurry up!"

"Report to General! General Bai Qi is still ten miles away!" Luo Shixin wiped the sweat from his face. On the way back, Luo Shixin received the information from the scouts ahead.

Wang Jian clutched his chest!The palm like withered bark suddenly slapped Luo Shixin on the shoulder, and immediately shouted: "The Qin Dynasty will never perish! Hold on to me! Wait for General Bai Qi to join the battle!"

"Promise!" When the generals heard this, they suddenly regained their spirits. They waved their weapons one after another and went up to Han Jun, but no one wanted to retreat.

Now Qin!Zhao Lianjun and Han Yi had a close fight, and Ruuo Baiqi, the fierce tiger, pinched him up!Han Yi can only become a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, and they still have to decide.

Han Yi pinched his beard, his face was a little dignified, the noise on the battlefield had already disturbed Han Yi's mind, such a huge battlefield, even Han Yi, who had experienced many battles, had no confidence in his heart. All the family fortunes that have been won are on this war. If this war is defeated, Han Yi will really lose, and more than ten years of hard work will be turned into ashes!Ambitious people everywhere will spring up like mushrooms.

Of course, if Han Yi wins, the unification of the world will be unstoppable, Han Yi will become the monarch of the world, and those stinky fish and rotten shrimps that go south, Han Yi can wipe them all out by virtue of the autumn wind sweeping away the fallen leaves.

On the battlefield, the situation was surging, and soldiers from the two places fought each other, howling!pain!kill!One picture after another is intertwined here, and no one is to be outdone. Here, life will become eternal, and it will also become instant. Blood blooms from the chests of these soldiers, like a blooming flower from the other side, under this flower , but it was dripping with blood.

On the other side of the battlefield of the Yan Army, Wei Qing looked at the battlefield in front of him with a solemn expression, and his heart was suddenly very anxious, and even a little tangled, but on the surface it was unmoved!But Li Xiaogong beside him is calmer than Wei Qing, after all Li Xiaogong is older and has experienced more things than Wei Qing, maybe his achievements in the future will not be as good as Wei Qing, but right now he can still be calmer.

But Wei Qing was a bit wiser, rubbing his eyebrows, keeping his sobriety in his eyes, he can't be messed up!Don't panic either!Once he is distracted, it will affect Wei Qing's judgment. At Wei Qing's early twenties, it is very rare to have such a calm and steady attitude.

These two people can hold their breath, but it doesn't mean that the people under him can hold their breath. Huang Zhong caressed his gray beard, and the dangling silver Fengming knife in his hand gave off a creepy cold light under the sunlight. Huang Zhong Zhong immediately looked at Wei Qing and Li Xiaogong and said: "General! If you send troops at this moment, you will definitely kill Qin! Zhao Lianjun was caught off guard and asked his brothers to make contributions. Why waste time here!"

"General Huang Zhong, don't panic! This time the king came here in person, of course he has his intentions! I just follow it!" Li Xiaogong said calmly.

"That's true! But the general's military order is not acceptable!" Before Huang Zhong could answer, a man sprang out from behind, holding a silver gun, with a hint of arrogance in his eyes. This man's name was Master Shang, obviously It's because they don't agree with Wei Qing and others sitting here waiting to die.

Wei Qing glanced at Master Shang and his disciples, clasped his hands in front of his chest, and immediately snorted coldly: "Indeed! You will suffer outside! But don't forget! King Han is on the battlefield? Have you forgotten what the prime minister said?" Is it something about it? Or do you want to disobey the king's order!"

"This...!" Master Shang looked a little embarrassed, but he could only maintain the indifference he should have, and cursed in his heart: You prime ministers and dogs!I don't know that the king is serving, but I am boasting here!After the king takes power, he will definitely smash you into thousands of pieces! "

Wei Qing and Li Xiaogong looked at each other, both of them had their own calculations in their hearts, after all, there were too many generals in Yan State who would not obey Xu Shu, and this Master Shang and his disciples were the backbone of them, among them, they would lead the way. Find this scumbag Yanfeng.

Master Shang and his disciples are also the only forces that Yan Feng has in the army in the country of Yan. Xu Shu naturally knows how powerful they are, and what Xu Shu needs is to clear these people from the battlefield. Without them, the country of Yan will be more stable .

Seeing that Master Shang and his disciples were silent, Wei Qing focused his attention on the battlefield, his eyes swept, but he couldn't see the flag he was expecting. If the flag didn't appear, the battlefield would not be over.

Binh Duong South
The black army surged crazily here, tens of thousands of people gathered here, and then saw an old man riding his horse with one hand, but the other arm was empty, and his sharp eyes It's creepy.

Bai Qi took the horse rope, breathed out and said: "Is Pingyang ahead?"

"Indeed!" A general behind Bai Qi held the sword in his arms with his left hand, and a big knife in his right hand. He had a scruffy beard, but the ferocity in his eyes was extraordinary, and he was Zhou Dewei.

"This Han Yi is really tough! Li Mu! Lian Po! Wang Jian and the three of them have failed to take him down until now! It looks like the old man is not going to go! Today's battle is about to end!" Bai Qi With a strong snort, his face was a little dignified, he glanced at the empty arm with the corner of his eye, and said through gritted teeth: "Han Yi! You must pay for everything you have done!"

"General! Attack?" Zhou Dewei looked at Bai Qi and asked.

Bai Qi glanced at Han Yi's king flag, and immediately responded: "Where must be the place where Han Yi's army is located, General Zhou, you lead the army to rush there! The target is aimed directly at Han Yi, and he will definitely be caught off guard. !"

"The last general has an order!" Zhou Dewei shouted loudly, raised his weapon and began to organize the army.

(End of this chapter)

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