Chapter 1713

There is an endless stream of fighting on the battlefield, howling!The screams were endless, and every battlefield was filled with the bloody smell of gunpowder smoke, white!Li Mu!Lian Po!The four of Wang Jian looked at the corpses all over the ground. Even though they were used to fighting on the battlefield, they couldn't help feeling distressed. This is Qin!Zhao's accumulated battle results over the years may not have the slightest advantage when used on this battlefield.

Li Muqiang stabilized his mind, and said with embarrassment on his face: "What is the Yan army waiting for! Right now, the Han army has been restrained! Yan country only needs to send troops! Han Yi will definitely be defeated! Our army has a great chance of winning!"

"I don't know! Could it be that Yan Guo wants to take advantage of this juncture!" Bai Qi stroked his beard, narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was a hint of worry in his eyes, now is the time of crisis!If you are not careful, you will lose the whole game, and the country of Yan is a crucial link.

"It's possible! The land of Yan is barren! I have been coveting the land of Zhongshan for a long time, and the alliance between Yan and Han has lasted for several years! It can't be changed overnight! If you don't give a lot of courtesy, I'm afraid it will be difficult to achieve!" Wang Jian also published his own opinion View.

"What do you mean by these two generals! Are you asking me, Zhao State, to send half of the city of Zhongshan to Yan State? Then this battle! I, Zhao State, pay for it! Send out people! Give out effort! But I still have to pay for this Yan State out of my own pocket." Hungry wolf! Can’t you justify it?” When Lian Po heard that Bai Qi and Wang Jian’s voices were wrong, Lian Po felt vigilant, and immediately asked: “What do the two generals mean! Why don’t you just say it! It’s Zhao Guo who let me go out here alone. Power! It’s still you and our two countries... Han! Zhao has been cultivating for many years! If our Zhao country is defeated this time, we can still fight the previous relationship. The big thing is to pay some land and money! But Qin people hate Han, and Han people hate Qin ! Your two families will never die, you two must think clearly!"

In vain!Wang Jian and Wang Jian looked at each other, and then saw the eyes of Li Mu and Lian Po. The four of them understood in their hearts that they were all foxes for thousands of years, and they had nothing to say. As for the land, Qin State can allocate half of it from the Qin-Zhao border to make up for the loss of Zhao State! I don’t know what the two generals are talking about!”

"It's just right! This strategy is still useful!" Lian Po snorted a few words, then waved his hands and shouted loudly: "Sima Shang! You should send someone to negotiate!"

"Promise!" Upon hearing this, Sima Shang behind Li Mu clasped his hands into fists, saluted, got on his horse, and rushed over with his talisman.

And the cold sweat on Han Yi's forehead fell like beads, which made Han Yi a little nervous. Put it on top of Yan Jun.

Han Yi wiped the sweat off his face, and immediately shouted: "Chuan Han Xin! Wu Qi! Sun Wu! Gongsun Yan! Han Qinhu! Five people come here!"

"Obey!" The five scouts under his command charged forward on horseback. Taking advantage of this time, Han Yi greeted Pang Wanchun and said, "Spread out the map! Look for the directions of the armies!"

"According to the order!"

And Deng Ai and Zhong Hui, who helped Pang Wanchun, helped Pang Wanchun together. Zhong Hui was able to speak well, and after a quick analysis of the military newspaper, he loudly rumored and told Deng Ai.

Deng Ai is very sensitive to the terrain, as long as Zhong Hui reports a position, Deng Ai will know, the handle is placed very accurately, and the arms are marked on it, which shows how excellent the two teenagers cooperated.

Within half a minute, Han Xin, Wu Qi and others all handed over the orders under their command to the lieutenant generals in the army. They rushed over one after another and were about to salute Han Yi, but Han Yi waved his hands and said: "Okay! Soldiers are precious and fast, Don't waste time on these vain gifts! Come and see! What should we do with the current battle situation!"

Han Xin was accustomed to looking at the masterpieces of the two apprentices, while Wu Qi, Sun Wu and the others carefully looked at the gadgets in front of them, and could hear the battle reports from the front line from time to time.

For example, the current clock will take over the current battle report, quickly glance at it, and then simplify it!Immediately shouted: "Meng Tian led [-] Mengjia troops to attack General Zongze! The left and right wings are Zhang Han's criminal army and Wang Ben's Qin Zhiying! There are still three hundred steps away from General Zongze. distance!"

When Deng Ai heard this, he immediately took out three puppets and wrote on them respectively!Mongolian!chapter!king!The surnames of the three people were then inserted three spaces away from Zongze!

Han Yi glanced roughly at the battle map in front of him, and asked, "Where is the battlefield of the Yan army!"

"From the scout battle report! In the northwest direction of our army! Two miles away," Zhong Hui immediately responded in a deep voice.

Upon hearing this, Deng Ai took another bamboo stick and planted a small flag in the northwest direction of the formation.

"Well!" Han Yi agreed, and then looked at the five people and said: "Generals! The Yan army has not moved yet! King Gu is no longer hiding from you! Yan Guo has quietly reached an agreement with Gu! Willing to help our army! Right now our army is fighting in Jiaozuo! What do you think! Where did Yan Guo send his troops! He can defeat Qin and Zhao!"

"Your Majesty is truly a man of God. He has one hundred thousand soldiers from the Kingdom of Yan! This battle will definitely be victorious!" Han Qinhu couldn't help laughing when he heard this, his eyes lit up, as if he wanted to vent the anger in his chest depressed.

"From my point of view! Yan Guo pretends to cooperate with the Qin-Zhao coalition army! Our army pretends to be defeated first! Wait for Qin Zhao to lead into a trap! Then kill him." Gongsun Yan caressed his gray beard, and there was a hint of coldness in his eyes.

"Although this plan is good! But it will cause heavy losses to our army! I have a plan! One battle will determine the world! But it can only severely damage Qin! One of the kingdoms of Zhao!" Han Xin said proudly while pressing the bronze sword in his arms.

"No matter how small a fly is, it's still meat! The two countries, Qin and Zhao, depend on each other for good and bad! Without one of these countries, there will be no one around. Come on quickly!" Han Yi suddenly regained his spirits, with a serious look on his face.

"Qin! The Zhao coalition army has 50 people! The food and grass for the daily population is tens of millions! Right now, the Qin and Zhao countries can't get away! If the Yan army cuts off Qin! Zhao's food and grass! The coalition forces of the two countries will not fight Self-defeating!" Han Xin pointed to the back of Zhao Guo, with a serious expression on his face.

"This strategy is good! But it can only hurt the foundation of a country. As for destroying Qin! It is hard to say whether to destroy Zhao!" Sun Wu also squinted his eyes. Although he agreed with Han Xin's strategy, the choice revealed by this strategy fell to Han Xin again. In front of Yi.

"Qin has Hangu Pass! In the past few years, under Yingzheng's administration, Hangu Pass has been built three times. It can be said that the city is so high and thick that it is difficult to break through! There is no food and grass! They can retreat quickly, and it is difficult to damage the root. But Zhao Guo is different, Zhao Guoyi has no food and grass! That is the fish on the chopping board!" Wu Qi grinned.

(End of this chapter)

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