Warring States Call

Chapter 1714 Yan Jun

Chapter 1714 Yan Jun
"Not bad!" Gongsun Yan pinched his beard, and a pair of tiger eyes swept back and forth on the map, and then said worriedly: "Zhao Guo's Hufu archery speed is extremely fast! The chief general Ma Yuan is even more brave and good at fighting. A fierce general! The prestige of the grassland battle has spread, and once Zhao Guo knows that we have moved their food and grass! He will definitely try his best to stop it! I'm afraid that when the time comes...he will suffer heavy losses!"

"That's a problem! But since Zhao Jun dared to stretch out his hand! Then cut off his arm!" Han Qinhu rubbed his beard, with a hint of coldness in his eyes.

"This is a problem! But right now all the elite soldiers in our army are dispatched! It is difficult to mobilize the Xuanwu army and the wolf shadow army! Just in case it doesn't change! This is troublesome!" Sun Wu scratched his head and looked at On the battlefield, Zhao who really confronted Hu Fu with cavalry and archery!Huo Liangjun, Sun Wu looked distressed, pointed his sword at the place where Zhao Yun and Huo Qubing were, and immediately said sternly: "Tiger Leopard Cavalry and Baima Yicong are difficult to mobilize, once the two armies retreat, our infantry will die Hu Fu rides and shoots, and you see!"

After Sun Wu finished speaking, he pulled the Hu Fu cavalry back, and two other infantry units spit out from behind!Then he said sternly: "As soon as Hu Fu's cavalry and shooting received the order, he immediately sent troops to set off. Although the two armies are not the opponents of General Zhao and General Huo! But blocking for half an hour is not a problem! This half an hour is enough for Hu Fu Riding and shooting changes the overall situation! So we can only free up one soldier and horse to buy enough time for the Yan army!"

"Don't worry! Before the king ascended the throne! The family and country had a strong crossbowman! These years, the family and country have produced a large number of soldiers who are good at fighting! But he has been forgotten! Maybe it can be used now! And in terms of arms, it can defeat the cavalry! "Han Qinhu moved his left hand under the beard to the bronze sword, and there was a hint of coldness in his eyes.

Han Yi looked at Han Qinhu thoughtfully, and said for a while: "You are talking about...Zhisha!"

"That's right!" Han Qinhu immediately picked up a tag, pointed to the tunnel and said, "The camp of the Zhao State is a high ground! It is easy to defend but difficult to attack. Just put this army on it! In a short time! It is difficult for the Zhao army to break through!

"Maybe!" Gongsun Yan stroked his beard. He vaguely remembered that the last time Shi Shu showed his edge was during the Battle of the Three Jins. Although he didn't make much contribution, he was better than ordinary soldiers.

"Who is the general who strikes the brake! Call!" Han Yi waved his hand suddenly, and said helplessly, there is no way!This army has been abandoned for many years, Han Yi is really not sure!Can this troop work?

"Obey!" Pang Wanchun responded, and immediately went to summon him.

"Although everything is ready now! But whether the general of the Yan army can do it! This is still a question! Zhao Guo has been governed by Zhao Yong for many years, and famous generals have emerged in large numbers! Yan Guo Leyi was squeezed out and voted under the king's family! Murong Ke is here The Northern Earthquake frightens Li Shimin! How can there be a famous general!" Wu Qi showed embarrassment.

Only then did Han Yi realize that he had overlooked a question, who is the main general of the Yan army?
Han Yi looked suspicious, and immediately looked at Zhonghui, who was beside him, and said, "Who is the general of Yan Jun!"

"It's Wei Qing!" Zhong Hui didn't even turn the pages. Relying on his own memory, he announced Wei Qing's name in one breath, his eyes full of pride.

"Oh!" When Han Yi heard Wei Qing's name, the authorities laughed and said, "Don't be afraid! Attack with confidence! Pang Tong!"

"The minister is here!" Pang Tong suddenly stepped forward, bowed his hands to Han Yi, bowed and saluted, and said with a serious expression.

"Bring a pen and paper! I'll write a handwritten letter! Pang Tong, you lead Ming'er's army! Go and deliver the letter immediately!" Han Yi pinched his beard and swallowed unconsciously. There was a cold light in his eyes, and he didn't know what he was thinking. something.

"No!" Pang Tong handed the pen and paper to Han Yi, Han Yi wrote a few hastily, and handed it over to Pang Tong, and Pang Tong connected with Han Ming, led five hundred soldiers, and went straight to the Yan army, which was extremely fierce .

And the general who happened to hit the brake also came over. I saw this man with a hulking back, wearing a black armor, blood all over his body, and a black gray beard. He looked at Han Yi and kowtowed: "Mr. Your Majesty!"

And this person still has some impressions, he is the general who abducted Zhang He, and his name is: Wolf Tan!
This guy is also brave, but he has been going around all these years, and he used to guard the four cities under Feng Yi's hands!But as Han Xin took over Feng Yi's army, Lang Tan was also mobilized everywhere. Exactly three years ago, the chief general who hit the brake died of illness!Lang Tan took over the brakes, so he didn't mobilize too much!

Han Yi rubbed his wrist, came to Lang Tan, supported him with both hands, and said, "On the way here! Wan Chun must have made it clear to you! How dare you take it!"

Wolf Tan immediately shouted: "Zhao Jun wants to get close to the camp! The only way is to step under the last general!"

"Very good!" Han Yi patted Lang Tan on the shoulder, and then shouted: "Come here! Give me strong wine!"

Soon!A soldier came to Han Yi with a plate in his hand, and the wine bottle was filled with the aroma of wine.

Han Yi held the wine bottle in both hands, put it in front of Wolf Tan, and said solemnly: "General! Please!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Lang Tan took the wine bottle and drank it down. Suddenly, he felt a burning pain in his lower abdomen. After a while, he raised his knife and said, "Don't worry, Your Majesty! I will kill him in the end and turn the world upside down!"

"Go! Come back alive!" Han Yi looked at the back of Lang Tan's departure, and there was a trace of expectation in his eyes, which was the expectation and worry for the brave.

"Everyone...Everyone...General...Zong...Zong...!" Deng Ai faltered to speak, but couldn't speak a whole sentence, and finally Zhong Hui looked a little anxious , immediately strode forward, and said solemnly: "Generals, don't talk too much! Meng Tian is already approaching Zongze's army! The situation is critical!"

"Oh! Don't panic! Let's see our formation..."

Yan Junzhong
Sima Shang rushed to the Yan army with a group of people. Looking at the orderly but motionless Yan army, Sima Shang immediately shouted: "Sima Shang of the capital of the Zhao State! I beg the general of the Yan State!"

(End of this chapter)

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