Warring States Call

Chapter 1717 Happy Day

Chapter 1717 Happy Day
"Not yet! But there are more than a dozen remnants of soldiers outside the city! It is said that they are soldiers under General Sima Shang's command! They are holding talismans in their hands, and they are in ragged clothes! They say they have something important to report to the general!" The scenes that happened above explained one by one, his expression was a little worried, and he seemed to maintain suspicion of these soldiers.

Xian Zhen took a look at the battle situation around him!The military flag with the word Yan character in his hand was hard to put down for a long time, and he scanned the surroundings for a while, and finally put the bamboo stick next to the table, and then said: "Don't talk so much for now! I'll go and have a look! Yes You can tell if it's true!"


Under the city!Xu Yue held a spear in his hand, looked at the soldiers under his command, and urged his horses to kill outside the city!Meet Yang Yanzhao and wait.

"Charge!" Deng Yu couldn't help saying when he saw it, he raised the long knife in his hand and charged straight up. The five hundred pawns behind him, like a pack of hungry wolves, kept charging, as if they wanted to tear the enemy army to pieces.

Yang Yanzhao pretended to panic, saw the city gate opened, and immediately greeted the soldiers behind him: "Quick! Run! The Yan army is coming! Run!"

Xu Yue urged the horse to kill it!During the intercourse with Yang Yanzhao, Xu Yue took care of him several times: "Brother! Go in and have a rest! Let me kill him back and forth!"

Yang Yanzhao had mixed feelings for a moment, so he could only nod in response!He really didn't know what to say, so he just nodded blankly, and then ran towards the city gate with dozens of soldiers and horses under his command.

At this moment, Deng Yu urged his horse up, and Han Ming beside him was riding a war horse, looking at Xu Yue rushing to the place with his tiger eyes, and saw a total of three thousand light cavalry rushing to kill!Han Ming said indifferently: "Catch him alive!"

"Follow orders!" Although Deng Yu didn't understand Han Ming's intentions, he did not violate Han Ming's intentions, and immediately urged his horse to kill him. If ordinary people listened to what Han Ming and Deng Yu said, they would probably go crazy, just like you Isn't it crazy to challenge more than 500 people with more than 3000 people?
Deng Yu threw the long knife in one hand to the soldiers on the side, turned his hand to take the longbow, aimed at Xu Yue's horse, and shot an arrow at it.

"Swoosh!" The long sword pierced through the wind, and Xu Yue's war horse was hit by an arrow immediately, and he immediately fell on his back. Xu Yue immediately turned over and fell off his horse. The ghosts seemed to have been prepared a long time ago, and they took out the Zhuge Liannu in their arms one after another, only to hear: "Swish, swish, swish, swish!"

The cold arrows all over the sky shot straight at the three thousand Qingqi. It turned out that the side that was going to crush the enemy was crushed at this moment, and people fell off their horses and were injured. Shooting and killing the horse, when looking at it, most of the soldiers under his command have been killed or injured, and Zhao Jun is worthy of being a mighty army in the world. Even if the casualties are so heavy, Xu Yue is not afraid. He turns over and continues to charge. In Xu Yue's view, This time he lost his face, if he didn't destroy this army, would he still be able to stay in the army?

At this moment, Zhao Jun still has more than 500 people, which is several times more than dead soldiers, but when the two armies meet, most of the soldiers who died were soldiers of Zhao Jun. Xu Yue faced Deng Yu in less than [-] rounds. Luo Ren was punched in the face by the silly Luo Ren from behind, and fell to the ground, unconscious.

Wei Qing rode a war horse, looked at the battle situation in front of him, but couldn't help but smirked, and said with admiration: "Your Highness the Fourth Highness is so capable! There are such elite soldiers and horses!"

Pang Tong nodded, looked at Wei Qing and said, "General Wei knows which soldier this is!"

"I don't know if this is the case! This general has been in Yan State for many years! But I don't know what this soldier is! It's neither Xuanwu nor trapped!" Wei Qing shook his head, his eyes full of doubts.

"Did this army and horse be brought back from the grassland? In the past, His Royal Highness took 3000 people to the grassland! Most of them were killed or injured! Many disabled veterans were raised by His Royal Highness in the mansion! The size of the dead is due to the regulations of the family and the country. His Royal Highness can only keep 500 people, so there is only such a scale! But the combat power is better than Xuanwu! It is not bad to fall into the battle!" Pang Tong stroked his beard, and he was also full of praise for Han Ming.

"I never thought that His Royal Highness would have such a heart! It's rare!" Wei Qing looked at Han Ming's back, and when the two were talking, the battle was almost over, Wei Qing immediately waved his hands and shouted: "The time has come! The whole army charges !"

"Kill...!" Tens of thousands of people yelled loudly, and rushed straight to Jiangcheng to kill. At this moment, the Zhao soldiers who were blinded by the killing were confused, but Yang Yanzhao, who had already been ready to go at the gate of the city, immediately raised his gun and ran away. A set of Yang Family Pear Blossom Spear is majestic, Huang Zhong is not to be outdone, the Fengming Saber in his hand kills several people in a row!Blossoming knife flowers!Those who watched were dazzled.

The soldiers guarding the city gate did not react, dozens of people died in Huang Zhong and Yang Yanzhao's sneak attack, but at this moment Xian Zhen had already reacted, watching Huang Zhong and Yang Yanzhao's rebellion!Immediately shouted: "Shoot the arrow! Shoot the city gate!"

The soldiers on the left and right immediately bent their bows and set their arrows, only to hear: "Swish, swish, swish, swish! The city gate, which was shot directly by cold arrows all over the sky, became a hornet's nest.

However, Huang Zhong and Yang Yanzhao also had sharp eyesight and quick hands. They dragged the corpse on the ground and wrapped it around their bodies to protect their vital parts!But the arrow was also indispensable, Yang Yanzhao got an arrow in the calf!Straight through!Huang Zhong really got an arrow in his shoulder blade!The two grinned in pain!The soldiers under his command quickly escaped the catastrophe, and those who didn't react, all died here, and only a dozen survived in the end.

Xian Zhen looked at the city gate, but his eyes were full of coldness, he waved his hand immediately, Zu Ti immediately understood, and took the [-] knives and axes under his command to snatch back the city gate!
(End of this chapter)

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