Chapter 1718

Zu Ti is holding a bronze ghost knife and riding a white horse!The armor on his body was rattling in the cold wind, and the three hundred elite soldiers behind them all showed solemn killing intent.

Yang Yanzhao pushed away the hedgehog-like corpse, panting heavily, and glanced at the broken arrow on his calf. Yang Yanzhao took a deep breath, stretched out his hand, and broke the arrow directly. Relying on the spear in his hand, he stood grinning. up.

Huang Zhong's condition was better than Yang Yanzhao's. The arrow on his shoulder was not deep, but it was painful to move. Huang Zhong grabbed the arrow, gritted his teeth and pulled it out. The blood flowed down Huang Zhong's armor. But when he came out, Huang Zhong didn't care. He glanced at Yang Yanzhao who was at the side. Huang Zhong exhaled heavily and said, "Little General Yang! How can you stand it!"

Yang Yanzhao took a deep breath, and watched Zu Ti leading people to charge towards him, and the slanted hair on his forehead naturally fell off. Yang Yanzhao said indifferently, "It's okay! Old General Huang! How are you doing!"

"Small problem! Watch me kill him back and forth!" After Huang Zhong finished speaking, he swung his sword at the enemy and killed him. Yang Yanzhao was also helpless, his calf was injured, and his foot fighting skills were useless!Yang Yanzhao blew a whistle immediately!The war horse under his crotch seemed to be spiritually connected. The flying horse came to Yang Yanzhao's side, and Yang Yanzhao immediately got on the horse and stabbed away with a spear.

Xian Zhen watched Zu Ti lead the soldiers to kill, and with Zu Ti's ability, there must be no problem. Zhen squeezed his own neck, looked at the deputy behind him and said, "Let's shoot the arrow!"

The deputy looked at Xian Zhen's cold and heartless expression!With a stern look, he said: "General! How can there be hundreds of our brothers! General Xu Yue is still below?"

"The useless idiot is useful to the enemy! It is useless to me! Shoot and kill!" Xian Zhen looked indifferent, stretched out his index finger to caress the mustache, and there was no emotion in his eyes, as if he was born for killing.

"Promise!" The deputy general received the general order, looked at the archer who was ready to shoot behind him, and the deputy general waved his hand suddenly: "Let the arrow!"

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!"

The rain of arrows shot down all over the sky, like locusts crossing the border, it was extremely scary, and the Zhao soldiers who were fighting fiercely were all shot and killed by the sudden cold arrows.


"Touch!" A meteor-like arrow shot straight at Han Ming's left chest, while Xu Yue, who had just been beaten unconscious, woke up, but was shot into the arrows, spat out a mouthful of old blood, and his eyes were dissatisfied Bloodshot, looked back at the city wall, then fell to the ground, unable to get up again.

"Protect the Fourth Highness!" Dozens of brave Ming soldiers raised their shields and came to Han Ming immediately.

Deng Yu was riding a war horse at the moment, looking at Yang Yanzhao and Huang Zhong who were buried by the crowd, and Zhao Jun who freed his hands to close the city gate, Deng Yu said anxiously: "Hurry up! The city gate is about to be closed! Hurry up!" Go stop it!"

"It can't be closed!" Luo Ren roared suddenly, and smashed out the silver lion hammer in his hand like a shooting star, aiming directly at the two city gates.

"Boom...boom!" Liangji snorted, and the soldiers who pushed the door behind him came out in a shock.

Deng Yu didn't have time to think about it!Immediately leading hundreds of people to kill straight to the gate of the city, despite the rain of arrows overhead, Deng Yu didn't care at all, this was their last chance.

"Let the arrows go! Hurry up! What are you doing in a daze!" Seeing that Deng Yu had brought people close to the city gate, the lieutenant felt like he was stuck in his throat!How ugly this expression is.

Xian Zhen watched the battle situation indifferently!He said indifferently: "The city gate can no longer be guarded! Prepare the crossbow cart!"

"General! This...!" The deputy general looked surprised, but the deputy general was about to continue speaking, but his throat was blocked by an arrow!Immediately, thousands of arrows rained straight at the city wall, blocking thousands of people intermittently.

Xian Zhen looked at the cold arrows all over the sky, and immediately turned around and hid behind the city pillars, so he survived. Looking at the arrow tails shot on the door panel in front of him, Xian Zhen frowned, and said softly: "Bai Yu dry body! Swallow arrows !"

At this moment, Xianzhen's brain was spinning rapidly, and Xianzhen said in his heart: "Isn't Yan Guo and Qin! Zhao alliance? Why did it suddenly......... Could it be...too bad!"

Xian Zhen frowned, and immediately shouted: "Archers! Let the arrows go! Rolling stones and thunder woods are ready! Don't delay! Make sure that the Yan army cannot enter the city! Prepare your crossbows! Hurry up!"

Following Xian Zhen's operation!The Zhao soldiers under his command all reacted quickly and organized troops to defend.

Wei Qing was riding a war horse, with a hint of coldness in his eyes and said: "I underestimated this Xianzhen! I never thought that this person would have such abilities! Make a decisive decision! He is cruel and merciless! He is a character!"

"General Wei Qing! This is not the time to be emotional! Is it the kingly way to quickly capture the city?" Pang Tong's face was serious, he did not expect this Xian Zhen to be so powerful.

Wei Qing looked to the left and right and said half aloud: "General Li Xiaogong led [-] soldiers to attack the front and meet the Fourth Highness!"

"The general obeys orders!" Li Xiaogong cupped his hands to Wei Qing, turned over and rode on his horse, beckoning to the surrounding soldiers and rushed over!

Wei Qing mopped up the surrounding soldiers, and the next step will be a field battle!There is no need to attack hard, just need to send a few brave generals to guard the exit of the city gate to prevent the news from leaking out
Xian Zhen looked at the battle situation around him!His face was serious, he knew that because of Xu Yue, the idiot, the whole battle line collapsed!If Jiangcheng had no support, it would be a matter of time before Jiangcheng fell. Xian Zhen, who had no other choice, immediately said: "Send someone to tell General Li! Please send troops to support him quickly! More than half of the soldiers in the army must gather at the city gate! No matter what, we must Guard the city gate! The rest of the people climbed the city wall! Shoot and kill the enemy with arrows!"

Wei Qing looked at Zhao Jun who was constantly shooting arrows on the city wall to block the attack, Wei Qing immediately shouted: "The archers suppress the soldiers on the city wall! The whole army charges!"

(End of this chapter)

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