Warring States Call

Chapter 1721 Gongsun Sheng

Chapter 1721 Gongsun Sheng

Northern Territory of Zhao State
New city
This city is close to the grassland, and when you leave the city, you will find the deserted grassland, where Li Mu has earned a great reputation!But the war to go south has begun, Li Mu!Lian Po and the two left together, leaving the defensive position in the north empty. An Lushan and Shi Siming are veterans in the battlefield, and they are the older generation under Zhao Yong's subordinates. Naturally, it was their turn.

Now that the political situation of Zhao State has undergone earth-shaking changes, the departure of Lin Xiangru has caused the entire Zhao State to lack high-level political talents!At the same time, it also made Zhao Yong and his group of veterans realize that the era that belonged to them has passed, and the old veteran civil servants began to retire and resign, which made Zhao's middle class lack a large number of talents.

As for men like An Lushan and Shi Siming, who are in their prime of life and have ambitious plans, they have only two choices when faced with the pressure from the court, or die!Either transfer to the frontier!They can return to the temple only when Zhao Zhang truly controls the power of the country. This is their sorrow, and it is also a shortcut for the balanced development of a country.

"Brother! Right now, the king is in Handan! I'm afraid you and my brother will have to confess their good years here!" Shi Siming seemed to understand Zhao's political situation very well, and felt depressed. Their lives might have to be confessed here.

An Lushan put down the scimitar in his hand, looked at the flickering lights in the room, the lamp oil made a sizzling sound under the burning fire, An Lushan sighed and said: "You and I just do our own thing! In the future, the king will definitely need you and my brother's place!"

"Li Mu! Lian Po and Lian Po are veterans in the battlefield, and they are the four veterans left by Zhao Yong before his death! Now Zhao Zhang needs to use them to fight! And Zhao Sheng is the Suzerain Master! Zhao Zhang needs his support In the end, Lin Xiangru, who had the least need, was sent back to his hometown by Guo Kai, and now he is still wandering in the clouds and wild cranes?" Shi Siming was stunned, his meaning was obvious, even Lin Xiangru was expelled, and we can only eat dry food here.

An Lushan's originally calm mind seemed even more impetuous at this moment!A pair of black tiger eyes are covered with blood!There was a hint of coldness in the eyes, like a dormant tiger, it seemed to go crazy, but it held it back, and a needle could be heard in the large study.

Shi Siming also seemed to feel that what he said was too much, and An Lushan's aura was a bit scary, so he waved his hand immediately and said, "Brother, I'm hungry! Go get a leg of lamb! Do you want it!"

Only then did An Lushan come back to his senses, and he spit out the suppressed anger in his heart, and it vanished into thin air. He waved his hand and said, "Go! Get more!"

"Understood!" Shi Siming just went out to open the door, but saw two soldiers pressing a crazy Taoist approaching: "General Shi! I don't know where this lunatic came from! He said he knew you! I'm going to expel you immediately." ! But he took out the king’s seal and the bamboo slips! I can’t make up my mind! That’s why I sent them here!”

Shi Siming looked at the king's seal in front of him, and saw a fierce tiger engraved on the upper circle and lower part of the seal. This tiger bared its teeth and danced its claws!Lifelike!The most important thing is that this seal is made of red jade!Shi Siming took it, and a sense of gentleness passed into his hands!Shi Siming turned Wang Yin to the bottom, only to see Liang Wang Haoming written on it! "

"King Liang!" Shi Siming frowned, looked at the jade seal in front of him, and looked at the Taoist with tiger eyes, only to see that he was wearing a blue Taoist robe, with a sky-high crown on his head, his ears were covered by the hair on both sides, and his face was embarrassed , Both arms were held by soldiers!Difficult to move, Shi Siming looked at the clothes of the Taoist and muttered to himself: "Taoism!"

The Taoist who caught the movement slowly raised his head and said, "Gongsun Sheng has seen the King of Liang!"

"King of Liang!" Gongsun Sheng's voice was too loud, making the surrounding soldiers suspicious, and An Lushan, who was sitting on the chopping board, also came back to his senses, and looked at Gongsun Sheng carefully up and down, and looked at the left and right sides for a long time. The confidant said in a solemn voice: "You two go out! Look at the door! No one is allowed to come in without my order!"

"Obey!" As soon as the two heard this, they immediately let go of their hands and closed the door tightly. Only Gongsun Sheng was in the room!Anlu Mountain!Shi Siming and three people.

An Lushan picked up the scimitar on the table, pulled it out, and measured the sound of the dangling knife inside. The tip of the knife went straight to the cheek of the envoy Gongsun Sheng, put it in his throat, and threatened in a low voice: "Who sent you here! If you don't want to die! Just tell the truth!"

Gongsun Sheng looked at the scimitar shining in his throat!With a look of fear on his face, he immediately glanced at An Lushan's eyes!Gongsun Sheng, who is proficient in the art of watching, saw ambition in An Lushan's eyes.

Gongsun Sheng laughed loudly and said: "This time I brought the general! It's not this little king's seal! There's also this world! And the armor, money and rations of the [-] troops!"

When An Lushan heard Gongsun Sheng's words, he showed a ferocious expression and said, "Old man! Do you want to die?"

"Everyone is mortal! It may be lighter than a feather! Or it may be heavier than Mount Tai! Princes and generals are so kind! Does the king hope to be a general under the shadow of King Zhao for the rest of his life? General! Don't forget! The world was snatched from the hands of the Yin merchants! The original Jiang Qi has become Gao Qi! Right now, the country of Zhao is empty! As long as the general is willing! Uprising! You can become a king and hegemony! "Gongsun Sheng looked at An Lushan with a smile, and his whole body was more confident.

"Monster! You continue to talk nonsense here! The old man will kill you!" An Lushan shouted pretendingly, raising the long knife in his hand, trying to scare Gongsun Sheng.

But Gongsun Sheng laughed and said: "General! The old man has calculated that you will have a catastrophe! It is also a chance to be reborn from Nirvana! The general will be dismissed and investigated! His head will not be guaranteed! If you don't go the wrong way! You will surely die!"

"You...you are looking for death!" Shi Siming was furious, and immediately waved his hands furiously, and was about to draw his sword at each other.

"General! The envoy is here! Xu Youzhen is also here!" Xiao Bing quickly came to the house to report.

An Lushan was about to deal with Gongsun Sheng, but when he heard the summons from outside, his expression froze, he was looking at Gongsun Sheng, his eyes moved slightly, he glanced at Shi Siming behind him and said: "Look at him! I'll go and see !"

"Understood! Brother!" Shi Siming immediately came to Gongsun Yan when he heard this.

As soon as An Lushan left, Gongsun Sheng looked at Shi Siming with a smile, and began to use his three-inch tongue to instill chicken soup for his soul into Shi Siming.

In the black hall, Xu Youzhen stood with his hands behind his back, looking around with disgust on his face, as if he hated the current environment very much, but he had to stay, looking at An Lushan who came late, Xu Youzhen said coldly: " General An is really a big shelf!"

(End of this chapter)

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