Chapter 1722

An Lushan's tiger eyes carefully sized Xu Youzhen up and down. This person was wearing Zhao Guo's court dress!Look contemptuously!It seems to have a vague killing intent!There are a few burly men following behind, it seems that this posture is from the palace.

An Lushan hesitated for a while, his eyes turned rapidly, as if he was thinking about something, he cupped his hands and said: "Master Xu came from a long way! What's the matter! But the king sent an order!"

"That's right! Your Majesty does have a royal order! Otherwise, who would want to come to your land of rotten sweet potatoes and stinky birds!" Xu Youzhen straightened her clothes, took out a bamboo slip from her pocket, and said indifferently: "General An! Involved in the smuggling of war horses! Your Majesty wants you to return to Handan with a seal!"

"Uh!" An Lushan raised his brows, looking at Xu Youzhen's unkind face, An Lushan realized that something was wrong, Xu Youzhen has a nickname!What does it mean to be called a good face?
Even when a catastrophe is imminent, he will be very disgusted, and he will care about the face of his colleagues when making small troubles, and talk kindly to you. Seeing Xu Youzhen's half-dead face now, An Lushan knows it!Go yourself!I'm afraid I won't be able to come back.

Xu Youzhen looked at An Lushan with a smile, stretched out her fat hand and said, "General An! Please hand over the seal in your hand!"

When An Lushan heard it, there was indeed an uproar in his heart. Pressing the scimitar in his arms unnaturally with his right hand, he came to Xu Youzhen, leaned against Xu Youzhen's ear, and said with a hint of ridicule: "Master Xu! What do you think I am?" Will you go?"

Xu Youzhen glanced at An Lushan out of the corner of her eye, completely unaware that the danger was coming, and asked An Lushan in an extremely unbeatable tone: "What's the matter! General An is going to rebel? Give you ten guts! You Dare?"

"Whoosh!" An Lushan was too lazy to talk nonsense to Xu Youzhen, and stabbed Xu Youzhen's lower abdomen with a knife. The tip of the machete protruded from Xu Youzhen's back. Anlu Mountain.

Zhang Ziliang, who had been standing silently behind An Lushan, pulled out the bronze sword in his arms, and said wildly, "Who dares to move!"

Say it!The dozens of generals who followed Xu Youzhen did not dare to speak, Zhang Ziliang pointed at the bronze sword they were holding, shook the bronze sword twice and said: "Put it down!"

"Bang Dang...! Bang Dang!" The fearful soldiers did not dare to speak, and put down their weapons one after another.

At this moment, Xu Youzhen's lips were trembling, and the blood on his lower abdomen had already wetted his official robe. Xu Youzhen's hands were bloody, and he tightly grasped An Lushan's hand holding the scimitar. His eyes were clear, but he couldn't utter a word.

An Lushan glanced at Xu Youzhen's terrified and regretful expression, and said calmly, "Guess if I dare!"

"You...!" Xu Youzhen was so angry that she couldn't speak, An Lushan directly stretched out her futon-sized palm!Pressing on Xu Youzhen's head and pushing it down, Xu Youzhen fell to the ground on the spot, dying with regret.

An Lushan glanced at the generals who came with Xu Youzhen, and said indifferently, "Kill him! I won't be convicted!"

"Obey!" Zhang Ziliang accepted An Lushan's general order and waved his hand abruptly. Dozens of capable soldiers hacked the unarmed generals to death.

An Lushan pulled out the scimitar on Xu Youzhen's body, took out a piece of cloth, wiped the blood on it, and casually threw it over Xu Youzhen's eyes that were dying.

How can there be such a coincidence in this world, Guo Jia first fell in love with Guo Kaida when he arrived in Handan!After sending hundreds of boxes of gold cakes, Guo Kai flattered Zhao Zhang and framed An Lushan!In addition, Anlu Mountain has ambitions!It's just a catalyst.

An Lushan returned to the hut, looked at Gongsun Sheng who had been untied from the rope and had a casual conversation with Shi Siming, and asked with a serious face, "Your Excellency! Should you give me an explanation!"

Gongsun Sheng looked Anlu Mountain up and down, and saw that his whole body was steaming with blood, and the corners of his clothes were full of blood. He was overjoyed that a great event could be achieved, and he distinguished: "Now the elites of the Zhao Kingdom are confronting each other in Pingyang! There must be a lot of response! This Daliang King Seal can be sealed by Zhou Tianzi! This is justified! Now the general has killed the Zhao envoy! It should be an alliance with Han! Use this to contain the Zhao country! Such a great event can be achieved!"

"Who the hell are you! Could it be a spy sent by South Korea!" An Lushan touched the scimitar at his waist unconsciously when he said this, as if he was considering whether to kill Gongsun Sheng.

Gongsun Sheng looked at An Lushan with a smile, and stared at An Lushan with a pair of black pupils: "Your Majesty! You are reluctant to kill me! I still have [-] troops of ordnance that have not been delivered to the King?"

"Brother! Zhao Guo is unrighteous to us! Why do we have to sacrifice our lives for them! Turn it back!" Shi Siming looked angry, looked at An Lushan's cautious eyes and said: "Our army has 38 soldiers and horses! There are still people in the city Thirty thousand strong men! We are the only ones who can take Jinyang and the [-] surrounding cities! Our country is settled! Then we will recruit troops with great fanfare! I’m afraid that Zhao Zhang’s son will fail! Big brother, don’t hesitate! I’m willing to help big brother become King of Liang!”

An Lushan glanced at Gongsun Sheng!The moment he killed Xu Youzhen, An Lushan had already made a decision. He was not an indecisive person. From the moment Gongsun Sheng came, An Lushan knew that Gongsun Sheng was sent by Han Yi, but the situation was like this !An Lushan didn't want to be so unknown all his life!It's better to follow the trend of the times.

"Since God has bestowed a great beam! How can I be excused!" An Lushan has already said that he is lonely at this moment, and he glanced at Shi Siming beside him, and said immediately: "Don't be idle! I will make you a general! Lead Xi Hong, Liu Yin, Jufu, Meng Huaiyu, Yao Gang, Zhang Ziliang, Li Shixiong, Guo Mo, Liu Zhengchen and other generals! The soldiers are pointing straight at Jinyang! Also tell An Qingxu! Go to the surrounding area to recruit troops! Expand your strength!"

"Your Majesty is wise! I'll do it now!" Shi Siming was also a cunning general, otherwise he wouldn't be able to achieve his position today, so he went down to do it right away.

"Gongsun Sheng! You should be the Chinese division of our army! By the way, you can come up with advice for Gu! Connect with the King of Han! An alliance between the two countries! Is it possible!" An Lushan looked at Gongsun Sheng with tiger eyes, as if he wanted to see through this old fox.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Gongsun Sheng said with a slight smile, his expression indifferent.

Handan three days later

On the street, a scout hurriedly shouted: "The big thing is bad! An Lushan! Shi Siming rebelled! It's named Daliang!"

As soon as this remark came out, people were in danger. Guo Jia, who was drinking tea in the tavern, stroked his beard with a smile, looked at the panic-stricken Handan, threw away the wine bottle in his hand, and said with a smile: "The wine in Handan is not good. Drink! Go! Go back to Pingyang and drink!"

(End of this chapter)

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